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Saintclair of the Manifold Curses (3.5e Vestige)

9 bytes added, 21:15, 5 April 2019
The Ghosts That Haunt Me: Clarification
====The Ghosts That Haunt Me====
If you are mind controlled for a long period of time duration longer than 1 round (through suggestion, geas, domination, mind rape or even under the effect of magic jar) Saintclair's desire for freedom kicks in, you fall under the effect of [[Hostile Schism (3.5e Power)|''hostile schism'']] for the duration of the mind control. Unlike a normal [[Hostile Schism (3.5e Power)|''hostile schism'']] you are in full control of the alternate personality (free of the effect of the possession) allowing you to hinder your mind controlled body and whoever is controlling you.

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