Stitchmeat Golem (3.5e Monster)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 10-30-18
Status: Construct Tuesday
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Stitchmeat Golem
Size/Type: Large Construct
Hit Dice: 9d10+54 (109 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft
Armor Class: 23 (+14 natural, -1 size), touch 9, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+21
Attack: Unarmed Strike +13 melee (1d4+7, 20/x2) or Needle +12 touch (8 plus threading, 20/x2)
Full Attack: Unarmed Strike +13/+8 melee (1d4+7, 20/x2) and Needle +12 touch (8 plus threading, 20/x2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
Special Attacks: Flesh Rip, Needle and Thread, Stunning Fist, Warp Flesh
Special Qualities: Construct Traits, Darkvision 60 ft, DR 10/slashing, False Life, Immunity to Magic, Low-Light Vision, Regeneration 3, Stability, Stitched Body
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +4
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 10, Con 22, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 7
Skills: Sense Motive +13
Feats: Improved GrappleB, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Power Attack, Grab and Throw, Stand Still, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always True Neutral; see text
Advancement: 10-18 HD (Large), 19-27 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment:

The giant of a man turned, its body composed of twitching struggling meat and bone stitched together with black wire and fetid brown slime. Its hand was half rotten away, but yours will do fine.

Tangentally related to the same process that creates flesh golems, the stitchmeat golem too is a construct composed of the bodies of the dead. However it actively seeks to do just this as its construction is frail and easy to destroy, yet easy to rebuild from spare parts. Thus the initial creation of the golem can result in a completely different looking golem years later as bits of its body become damaged or destroyed with wear and tear.

The true form of the golem is in fact the one organ which never decays, its heart which beats eternally without blood. Black wires and iron needles are embedded and threaded within and without, making it appear as if it is a pincushion of flesh. With its prehensile threads it scurries on the ground like a spider until it finds new meat to warp and meld into its body forming a torso, arms, legs, and head. Every part of its body is threaded and stitched, and a vicious brown pus which seems to drip from the thread adheres it all together with glue.

Unlike most golems, the stitchmeat golem is intelligent. However it has no free will and never acts beyond its instructions. However in some care circumstances it is said some have developed some manner of personality or even the ability to speak, and some rumor that free willed variants exist.

Stitchmeat golems are often 9 ft tall, larger than normal due to being made of many bodies, and weigh 800 lbs. They do not (usually) speak but can understand complex commands according to their intellect.


Stitchmeat golems are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor, and may be equipped with weapons but typically just favor their fists. They stun and grapple, and against creatures weaker than them they rip the limbs off and add it to their own. Unlike most golems they are capable of tactics, but never disobey their instructions. They count as a monk of their HD for the purpose of pre-requisites.

False Life (Ex): Though a construct, a stitchmeat golem is slightly more living than most. It is capable of receiving healing through positive energy, but at a reduced rate. It heals 1/2 of the result from any positive energy healing spells. In addition, it may be raised and resurrected as if it were a living creature. In addition it retains a Constitution score, and dies at -10 instead of being destroyed at 0 hp.

Flesh Rip (Ex): Being grappled by a stitchmeat golem is very dangerous. When pinning a creature it can make a special attack. On a successful opposed check it deals its unarmed damage and the creature must make a Fortitude save DC 21 or have one limb (arms, legs, wings, or tail) of its choice become crippled. A loss of an arm means the arm cannot be used in combat and a -2 on checks that require the hands. A crippled leg or wing reduces their walking or fly speed in half and prevents them from being able to run or charge. A crippled tail gives a -10 penalty to Balance checks and prevents any attacks with said tail. Losing enough arms or legs can render you unable to use your arms or unable to move, only crawl prone at 5 ft a round. Use of the limb continues to be crippled until they are brought back to full hp, or as a DC 25 Heal check over 1 minute.

More insidious if it is performed successfully on a helpless creature or a creature whose limb is already crippled, a failed grapple check removes the limb entirely. This deals 1d4 Constitution damage in addition to the unarmed strike damage, and the limb will need to be regenerated. The limb is usually immediately consumed as per Stitched Body.

Immunity to Magic (Ex): A stitchmeat golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals negative energy damage slows a stitchmeat golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points. For example, a stitchmeat golem hit by a lightning bolt heals 3 points of damage if the attack would have dealt 11 points of damage. A stitchmeat golem gets no saving throw against attacks that deal electricity damage.

They are affected by positive energy normally.

Needle and Thread (Ex): The stitchmeat golem can eject prehensile needles connected by black thread out to 15 ft range with a melee touch attack. This is a standard action that deals 1 point of damage plus Strength with a 20/x2 critical. Those struck by the needle must make a DC 21 Fortitude save as the needle enters their body and begins threading away, tightening muscles and melding flesh as it goes. The target takes 1 point of cumilative Dexterity penalty a round until the needle is removed with a DC 15 Heal check as a standard action, or dug out by dealing at least 5 points of piercing or slashing damage to yourself to reveal and pull it out as a move action. Once the needle is removed, the Dexterity penalty is lifted.

If used on a corpse, or if a creature dies while a needle is inside them, they begin to be devoured by Stitched Body 1 round later. The needle does not threaten.

Regeneration (Ex): A stitchmeat golem's regeneration is bypassed by acid, fire, negative energy, and slashing damage.

Stitched Body: The stitchmeat golem's construction is one that, while immune to the damage of critical hits and sneak attacks, is one still vulnerable to them. Whenever they take damage from what would be a critical hit or sneak attack they must make a DC 15 Fortitude save or have a random limb (1d4 for left and right leg, left and right arm) be crippled as per Flesh Rip. A second strike in the same area removes it entirely as per Flesh Rip. With this a stitchmeat golem can be dismembered before it is even slain, with the head only able to be removed by a coup de grace. After the head is removed the stitchmeat golem's heart often chooses to abandon its body bursting out violently, or if the chest cavity is opened (typically a full round action) it will try to escape. The heart is Tiny (AC of 27) with the same statistics, a climb score of 20 ft, a Strength of 10, half its hit points, and its only attack being its Needle and Thread ability. It will usually not choose to stay and fight but will flee at once and seek new meat to build a new body. If the heart is destroyed, the golem is destroyed for good.

A stitchmeat golem can repair crippled limbs with its warp flesh ability, but is unable to work with dismembered parts of its body. If it is missing a body part it must seek out fresh meat of equal or greater size than the limb (usually living, or anything which has died within 8 hours) and it stitches it to itself automatically over the course of 1 round. It can only absorb one body part each round but it takes no action on its part other than holding the object. Absorbing a new limb heals it 1 hp per HD.

Absorbed flesh resembles its original appearance no matter how warped and disfigured, but with time it slowly adopts a more smooth, uniform, and gray texture and hue.

Stunning Fist (Ex): A stitchmeat golem can use Stunning Fist as a monk of its level.

Warp Flesh (Su): At will with a range of touch, a stitchmeat golem can warp and distort meat into all manner of shapes. This acts as warp wood and wood shape but only works on non-living flesh and bone. It is also this power which distorts and augments flesh into its body so any body part can be adapted into the required meat. While it does not normally work on living attended flesh this power can also stabilize creatures on a touch, or cause a stabilized creature to continue dying.

Because of its powers if a stitchmeat golem is assisting or performing the installation of a graft, the user is treated as having any required pre-requisites to perform said grafting and any negative penalties incurred by installing the graft are minimized.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5640 Articles)
AlignmentAlways True Neutral; see text +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Challenge Rating9 +
EnvironmentAny +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeLarge +
TitleStitchmeat Golem +
TypeConstruct +