Talk:Wrappings of the Ages (3.5e Feat)

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RatedFavor.png Surgo favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Great, flavorful feat. I don't really have the same problem Eiji does -- if you take multiple feats, I feel like you should be rewarded for the investment.

As far as Leadership problems go, if it's a problem for your game it's a problem shared by all 3.5 Leadership feats and should be fixed with a Leadership overhaul, not on a feat-by-feat basis.

RatedDislike.png Eiji-kun dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
(Typed up a long in depth... and lost it, dangit.)

Ahem, to paraphrase my lost discussion, I like the idea. The idea of necromancy being feats over spells is both cool (they are, in a way, like "item creation") and allows mundane Frankenstiens to exist. I should like this, but I can't. The problem is two-fold. One is how Tome handles undead itself, and the other is how it handles the undead limit. It's as your Cha mod, and per feat, which has the problems as spoken of below. I rather like the old pool of undead, it's both simplier and more fitting IMO. The CR limit helps prevent abuse anyway. Because of that, it's down to dislike, which is a shame because using old pools of undead for all of your necromancy would bring this to a neutral or even a like.

RatedOppose.png Foxwarrior opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
A number of cohorts equal to your Charisma modifier should not be called Very High balance: it should be called a really idiotic idea.

This is pretty much the only way to actually do necromancy, though. Also a flat improvement on the core necromancy rules, where you'd get even more powerful cohorts. Surgo 19:31, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Why not a total encounter level equal to your CR-2 instead, or something? Eight creatures of your CR -2 is supposed to be four times stronger than yourself, and scaling with Charisma kind of precludes Wizard or Cleric necromancers. --Foxwarrior 19:38, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
At that point, I worry that the necromancer can't even show up with an actual army of undead -- which is kind of what is desired. I don't think there's any way to actually do necromancy and not avoid leadership issues...I think if you want actual PCs doing necromancy in the game, there has to be some sort of agreement with the DM :/
That said, your idea does not seem bad at all, and could work well. The Charisma scaling hardly precludes Clerics at all (which often have high Charisma score). Surgo 19:42, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
For a version made to bother PCs a bit more than NPCs, it could simply say that you only get to automatically control 1 (or 0), because it doesn't prevent you from making as many uncontrolled ones as you can find bodies for. Not that it specifies a time for that or anything. --Foxwarrior 19:45, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Something to keep in mind about this that seriously reins in its power level -- unlike core Leadership (actually, all Tome leadership feats share this quality), no equipment is provided for any cohorts created by this feat. This greatly reduces the available power. Surgo 20:11, 6 August 2012 (UTC)
Tome is the one where people aren't supposed to hate wealth loops with a passion, though, and monsters usually get BS bonuses to stats such that they don't really need stat items to begin with. --Foxwarrior 23:38, 6 August 2012 (UTC)