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[hide]Race name (singular)[edit]
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Average Height: | |
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Speed: | squares |
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Ancestral Smite Aasimar Racial Power
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The woman's eyes seemed to be filled with a bright white light as she brought down her weapon in a powerful blow filled with the divine energies of her ancestors... | |
Encounter ✦ Divine | |
Standard Action | Ranged 5 |
Target: One Creature in range. | |
Attack: Charisma vs. Will, or Wisdom vs. Will. | |
Hit: 1d4 + Charisma Modifier Radiant Damage or 1d4 + Wisdom Modifier Radiant Damage. Increase to 2d4 damage at 11th level. Increase to 3d4 damage at 21st level. | |
Effect: The target takes 2 ongoing radiant damage (save ends). Increase to 5 ongoing damage at 11th level. Increase to 10 ongoing damage at 21st level. | |
Special: When you create your character, choose Charisma or Wisdom as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains throughout your characters life and does not change the power's other effects. |
Blood Drain Vampire Racial Power
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You sink your teeth into the neck of your foe-- weakening it and quenching your thirst for the rest of the fight. | |
Encounter ✦ Healing, Reliable | |
Standard | Melee Touch |
Prerequisite: You must either have combat advantage against or grabbing/ restraining the target | |
Requirement: The target must be of the natural, fey, or immortal origin | |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude | |
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is weakened. In addition, you can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points. | |
Increase damage to 2d10 + Constitution modifier damage at 11th level, and 3d10 + Constitution modifier damage at 21st level. Increase the number of hit points regained to +2d6 hit ponts at 11th level, +3d6 hit points at 21st level |
Change Shape Sorajin Racial Power
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You alter your form to look like another person. | |
At-Will ✦ Polymorph | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Effect: You alter your physical form to take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid. You retain your statistics in your new form, and your clothing, armor, and possessions do not change. The new form lasts until you change form again.
Darkfire Drow, Variant Racial Power
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A flickering halo of purple light surrounds your target, making it easier to hit. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane | |
Minor Action | Ranged 10 |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Reflex
Increase to +4 bonus at 11th level and +6 bonus at 21st level. | |
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, all attacks against the target have combat advantage, and the target cannot benefit from invisibility or concealment. | |
Special: This power is a Lolthtouched racial power. |
Cloud of Darkness Drow, Variant Racial Power
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A cloud of darkness obscures you, but your vision pierces it. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane | |
Minor Action | Close burst 1 |
Effect: This power creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of your next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight for all creatures except you. Any creature except you entirely within the cloud is blinded. | |
Special: This power is a Lolthtouched racial power. |
Demonic Accuracy Outcast Racial Power
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Your chaotic nature bends reality to ensure that your attack succeeds. | |
Encounter | |
Free Action | Personal |
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it’s lower. |
Dragon's Orb Dragonscarred Racial Power
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The power of your most hated enemy burns within you, and you unleash that energy in the form of a small ball that explodes in a flurry of your kin, pelting your enemies with raw, vicious energy. | |
Encounter ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison | |
Standard Action | Ranged 10 |
Primary Target: One target within range | |
Attack: Constitution +2 vs. Fortitude., Constitution +4 at 11th level; Constitution +6 at 21st level. | |
Hit: 1d8 + Constitution modifier Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison damage, and make a secondary attack against all enemies adjacent to the target. | |
Miss: Half damage, and no secondary attack | |
Secondary Target: All enemies adjacent to the target | |
Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution Modifier Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison damage | |
Increase damage to 2d8 + Constitution mdifier and 2d6 + Constitution modifier damage at 11th level; 3d8 + Constitution mdifier and 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage at 21st level | |
Special: When you create your character, choose Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Poison as the damage type for both primary and secondary damage rolls. This choice remains throughout your character's life and does not chance the power's other effects. |
Dragonbreath Dragonborn, Variant Racial Power
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You hold the power of Io and his children... | |
Encounter ✦ Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison | |
Minor Action | Special |
Target: All creature in area. | |
Attack: Strength +2 , Constitution +2 or, Dexterity +2 vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage. | |
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d6 + Constitution modifier damage at 11th level, and to +6 bonus and 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage. | |
Special: When you create your character, Choose Strength, Constitution or Dexterity as the ability score you when making attack rolls with this power. You can also choose the power’s damage type: acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison. In addition, choose one of the following ranges for this power: close blast 3 or Area ranged 10 burst 1. |
Duckify Duck Racial Power
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With the power of the ancient mallards of Duckworld, you touch an object distort its size and shape to become duck-worthy. | |
Encounter | |
Minor Action | Melee 1 |
Target: One object that is sized for a Medium or Small creature, is not inside a container, does not contain anything, and is not held, worn, or carried by anyone other than you. | |
Effect: The target shrinks to a size appropriate for a Tiny creature’s use. The new size ends at the end of your next extended rest unless the shrunken target is on your person. The size also ends if you or another pixie uses this power on the shrunken target. While shrunk, the target keeps its game statistics, such as damage dice and weight. A shrunken weapon, however, becomes an improvised one-handed weapon for a non-Tiny creature. |
Elven Accuracy Elf, Variant Racial Power
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Your eye for accuracy and your martial skill enables you to attack with deadly accuracy. | |
Encounter | |
Standard Action | Personal |
Effect: Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it is lower. |
Elven Beauty Eladrin or Elf Racial Power
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You turn your gaze on your foe, revealing your true beauty. You foe is unable to harm one so beautiful. | |
Encounter | |
Immediate Interrupt | Melee |
Trigger: You are targeted by a melee attack | |
Target: The attacking creature. | |
Attack: Charisma vs. Will | |
Hit: The target must select a different target for the attack or end its attack. |
Erudite Student Sun Elf Racial Power
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Years of study and contemplation grant you insight into your current situation. | |
Encounter | |
Free Action | Personal |
Effect: Add your Intelligence modifier to the next saving throw or skill check you make before the end of your next turn. |
Expansion Andugr Lineage Racial Power
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With a ferocious cry, your body rapidly grows and expands until you tower over your foes. | |
Daily ✦ Polymorph | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Effect: You become Large until the end of your turn, occupying 4 squares instead of 1, and you gain reach 2. Any creatures in the squares that you come to occupy are pushed 1 square. Any equipment you carry also grows in size, increasing the damage of your weapon by one step. | |
Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. If you don’t sustain it, you revert to your normal form, coming to stand in your choice of one of the squares occupied by your Large body. | |
Special: You must be bloodied to use this power. |
Expansion Andugr Racial Power
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With a ferocious cry, your body rapidly grows and expands until you tower over your foes. | |
Encounter ✦ Polymorph | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Effect: You become Large until the end of your turn, occupying 4 squares instead of 1, and you gain reach 2. Any creatures in the squares that you come to occupy are pushed 1 square. Any equipment you carry also grows in size, increasing the damage of your weapon by one step. | |
Sustain Minor: You can sustain this power until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. If you don’t sustain it, you revert to your normal form, coming to stand in your choice of one of the squares occupied by your Large body. | |
Special: You must be bloodied to use this power. |
Fan of Flames Genasi Firesoul Racial Power
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He swings his blade across the air, and a torrent of fire rushes out to meet his enemies, covering a small area with an arc of fire. | |
Encounter ✦ Fire | |
Standard Action | Close burst 3 (5 at 21st level) |
Prerequisite: You must be wielding a melee weapon | |
Target: All enemies within burst | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 Fire damage (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing fire damage | |
Increase damage to 2d10 + Constitution modifier Fire damage, plus ongoing 10 Fire damage at 21st level |
Feather-footed Genasi Airsoul Racial Power
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The slightest breeze carries her upwards, evading attacks from below with a swift brush of her hand. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can fly a number of squares equal to your speed, and you can also hover in midair. | |
Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the start of your next turn. | |
Special: If you remain in the air when this power expires, you gently float down to the ground without taking any falling damage. |
Fey Step Elf, Variant Racial Power
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You dart nimbly past you foe, faster than the eye can follow. | |
Encounter ✦ Teleportation | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares. |
Go Boom Eijilund Plushy Racial Power
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You gleefully unleash your inner flame, immolating yourself and your scissors. | |
Encounter ✦ Fire | |
Standard Action | Close burst 1 |
Target: Each creature in burst | |
Attack: Charisma or Dexterity +2 vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma or Dexterity modifier fire damage. | |
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d6 + Charisma or Dexterity modifier fire damage at 11th level, and to +6 bonus and 3d6 + Charisma or Dexterity modifier fire damage at 21st level. | |
Special: When you create your character, choose Charisma or Dexterity as the ability score you use when making attack rolls with this power. This choice remains throughout your character’s life and does not change the power’s other effects. |
Infernal Wrath Outcast Racial Power
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You call upon the wrath of Baator to improve your odds of harming your foe. | |
Encounter | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Effect: You can channel your fury to gain a +1 power bonus to your next attack roll against an enemy that hit you since your last turn. If your attack hits and deals damage, add your Intelligence or Charisma modifier as extra damage (whichever is higher). |
Light Essence Remnant Racial Power
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You raise your hand, and a searing light ray bursts out of your palm. | |
Encounter ✦ Radiant | |
Standard Action | Close blast 3 |
Target: Each creature in blast | |
Attack: Wisdom +2 vs. Will | |
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. | |
11th Level: +4 bonus, 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. 21st Level: +6 bonus, 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage. |
Lolth's Blight Draegloth Racial Power
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You unleash the power of the arachania that burns within you. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane, Necrotic, Implement | |
Standard Action | Close burst 1 |
Target: Each enemy in burst | |
Attack: Charisma +2 vs. Will | |
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. | |
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage at 11th level, and to +6 bonus and 3d6 + Charisma modifier damage at 21st level. | |
Special: This is a Lolthtouched racial power. |
Mind Slice Oupal Racial Power
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With a simple pulse of raw psionic energy, you cut through your foes' minds-- altering their sense of perception and orientation. | |
Encounter ✦ Psychic | |
Standard Action | Close Burst 3; Close Burst 5 at 21st level |
Target: Each creature in burst | |
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will | |
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier Psychic damage, and the target is dazed and takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn. | |
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the start of your next turn. | |
Increase damage to 2d8 + Intelligence modifier Psychic damage at 11th level, and 3d8 + Intelligence modifier Psychic damage at 21st level |
Open Rift Aspatia Racial Power
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You open a rift in space and step through. | |
At-Will ✦ Teleportation | |
Move Action | Personal |
Prerequisite: Mustn't be Bloodied or Dazed. | |
Effect: Teleport up to 3 squares. | |
Doesn't require Line of Sight. |
Roar of the Lion Heart Lion-Man Racial Power
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The heart of the lion beats within you, giving you the strength to bellow a mighty roar. | |
Encounter ✦ Fear | |
Minor Action | Close burst 1 |
Target: Each enemy in burst | |
Attack: Strength +2 or Charisma +2 vs. Will | |
Hit: You push the target 1 square, and the target is deafened until the end of your next turn. | |
Increase to +4 bonus and push 2 squares at 11th level, and +6 bonus and push 3 squares at 21st level. |
Root Rush Flowerchild Racial Power
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Roots erupt from the palms of your hands and rush into the earth towards your foes. | |
Daily ✦ Root | |
Standard | Close Burst 3 |
Target: Each enemy in burst | |
Attack: Nature vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier. Targets must make make a Acrobatics check vs a DC equal to your Nature, targets that fail the check fall prone. | |
Miss: Targets must make make a Acrobatics check vs a DC equal to your Nature, targets that fail the check fall prone. | |
2d8 at 11th level. 3d8 at 21st level. |
Scream of Madness Derro Racial Power
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You let loose a blast of mental energy born from your insane thoughts, assaulting the minds of your foes. | |
Encounter ✦ Psychic | |
Standard Action | Close burst 3 |
Target: Each creature in burst | |
Attack: Charisma vs. Will | |
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target is dazed until the beginning of your next turn. Increase to 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage at 11th level, and to 3d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage at 21st level. | |
Miss: Half damage, and the target is not dazed. |
Second Chance Halfling, Variant Racial Power
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Luck and small size combine to work in your favor as you dodge your enemy's attack. | |
Encounter | |
Immediate Interrupt | Personal |
Trigger: You are hit by an attack. | |
Effect: Force the attacker to roll the attack again. The attacker uses the second roll, even if it's lower. |
Shadow Blend Rat-Man Racial Power
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You hide in the shadows more effectively than most. | |
At-Will | |
No Action | Personal |
Trigger: You have concealment, total concealment, cover, or superior cover. | |
Effect: As long as you have cover or concealment, add 1 to the attack penalty (-3 for cover or concealment, -6 for superior cover or total concealment). | |
Special: Add 2 to the attack penalty at 21st level. |
Shadow Essence Remnant Racial Power
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A shadow rises around you, burning your foes. | |
Encounter ✦ Necrotic | |
Standard Action | Close burst 1 |
Target: Each enemy in burst | |
Attack: Intelligence +2 vs. Will | |
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. | |
11th Level: +4 bonus, 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. 21st Level: +6 bonus, 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. |
Solar Energize Flowerchild Racial Power
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You draw in energy from the surrounding light, healing yourself. | |
Encounter ✦ Healing, Reliable | |
Immediate Reaction | Personal |
Trigger: You become Bloodied. | |
Requirement: At least 1 Healing Surge. | |
Effect: You spend a Healing Surge and regain an additional 1d8 in bright light. | |
Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, regain either 1d4 hit points in dim light or 2d4 hit points in bright light (this power cannot be sustained in darkness). |
Spider Bite Ettercap Racial Power
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You sink your fangs deep into your foe. | |
At-Will ✦ Arachane, Poison, Weapon | |
Standard Action | Melee weapon |
Requirement: You must use your bite attack. | |
Primary Target: One creature | |
Attack: Strength vs. Armor Class | |
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier poison damage. Make a secondary attack. | |
Secondary Target: The primary target | |
Secondary Attack: Strength vs. Fortitude | |
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of your next turn. |
Stoneshield Genasi Earthsoul Racial Power
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He pounds on the earth below, and carries a handful of dirt and rocks, carefully carving it into a natural shield. | |
Daily | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Prerequisite: You must be bloodied to use this power | |
Effect: You gain a bonus to your AC defense equal to your Constitution modifier. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter. |
Swift Current Genasi Watersoul Racial Power
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With the water currents flowing through her, she trumps the battlefield with her swift movements to get to an advantageous position. | |
Encounter | |
Move Action | Personal |
Effect: You can shift 6 squares. During that movement, you can move through enemy-occupied squares, move across liquid, and ignore difficult terrain and hazardous terrain effects. You cannot end your movement on such squares. |
Tail Sweep Greenscale Racial Power
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The greenscale sweeps her mighty tail, punishing them for getting too close. | |
Encounter | |
Minor Action | Close Burst 1 |
Target: Reflex | |
Increase to +4 attack bonus and 2d6 + Strength modifier damage at 11th level, and to +6 attack bonus and 3d6 + Strength modifier damage at 21st level. |
Telekinesis Remnant Racial Power
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With a wave of your hand you move an object with the power of your mind. | |
At-Will ✦ Arcane | |
Minor Action | Ranged 5 |
Effect: You can pick up, move or manipulate an object weighing 20 pounds or less that is up to 5 squares away without touching the object. If you are holding the object you wish to manipulate, you can move the object into a pack, pouch, sheath, or similar and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body to you hand with your mind (so you do not need to physically move either object). As a move action, you can move an object carried in this way up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can drop an object you are holding in this way and end the effect. | |
Special: You can have only one telekinesis effect active at any one time, and a telekinesis effect can only influence one object. |
Thundering Jaunt Genasi Thundersoul Racial Power
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The moment he moves, a flash of lightning follows after him, blinding or wounding all in his path. | |
Encounter ✦ Lightning | |
Standard Action | Melee |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage, and the target is blinded (save ends). | |
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. | |
Effect: You get a bonus to your speed equal to your Dexterity modifier. During your movement, you can make an attack against any enemy you move past. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity. | |
Increase damage to 2d8 + Dexterity modifier Lightning damage at 21st level |
Venomous Hiss Drakkoth Racial Power
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You open your jaws wide and shower your enemy with deadly poison. | |
Encounter ✦ Martial, Poison | |
Minor Action | Close blast 2 |
Target: All creatures in area | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage | |
Increase to +4 bonus and 2d6 + Constitution modifier damage at 11th level, and to +6 bonus and 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage at 21st level. |
Warding Fire Azer Racial Power
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You let out a roar of anger the flames that form what would be your facial hair bursting into energy engulfing your body and burning your foes. | |
Encounter ✦ Divine | |
Minor Action | Personal |
Effect: You gain an aura of 2 squares until the end of your next turn. All enemies who are in the aura at the beginning of there turn take 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends) and are dazed (save ends). | |
Increase to 10 ongoing fire damage at 11th level. Increase to 15 ongoing fire damage at 21st level. |
Warding Flame Azer, Variant Racial Power
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As you are struck, you scorch nearby enemies with a sudden burst of fire from your body. | |
Encounter ✦ Fire | |
Immediate Interrupt | Close burst 2 |
Trigger: You take damage | |
Target: Each creature in burst | |
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex | |
Hit: 1d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage. | |
Increase to 2d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage at 11th level, and to 3d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage at 21st level. |
Web Tangle Ettercap Racial Power
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You spin a sheet of sticky webs around your foe. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane | |
Standard Action | Melee touch |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn. |
Web Chitine Racial Power
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You throw a net of sticky spider silk at your foe, pinning him to the ground. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane | |
Standard Action | Ranged 5 |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn. |
Web Drider Racial Power
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You throw a net of sticky spider silk at your foe, pinning him to the ground. | |
Encounter ✦ Arachane | |
Standard Action | Ranged 5 |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn. |
Web Spydric-One Racial Power
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You call a web of silk as strong as steel into being that traps your foe. | |
Encounter | |
Standard Action | Ranged 5 |
Target: One creature | |
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex | |
Hit: The target is restrained until the end of your next turn. |
Whispers of the Grave Graveborn Racial Power
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You are haunted by the whispers of the dead, but not without benefit. They occasionally reveal valuable truths. | |
Encounter | |
Free Action | Personal |
Trigger: You roll a skill check and dislike the result | |
Effect: Add your Charisma modifier as a power bonus to the skill check result. |
Wing Burst Anulo Ra'a, Sky Drow Variant Racial Power
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As you leap into the air, your wings propel you forward. | |
At-Will ✦ Martial | |
Immediate Reaction | Personal |
Trigger: You make an athletics check to make a vertical or horizontal jump. | |
Effect: Use your the higher of your charisma or dexterity modifier instead of strength modifier.You add 10 to the final roll of your athletics check. In addition, if making a horizontal jump, instead of jumping, you fly a number of squares equal to how many squares you would have jumped. You must land at the end of your turn or risk falling, or sustain Wing Burst with a new athletics roll. | |
Special: In non threatening combat situations, you can take 10 on your athletics check, and use Wing Burst as overland flight equal to the number of squares you normally would have jumped with that roll. |
Play a $RACE if you want…
- (blurb about race, see books)
- (blurb about race, see books)
- to be a member of a race that favors the X, Y, or Z class.
Physical Qualities[edit]
Playing a $RACE[edit]
$RACE Characteristics: a, b, c
Female Names: a, b, c
Male Names: a, b, c
$RACE Adventurers[edit]
Three $RACE safir adventurers are described below.
(Adventurer 1 here.)
(Adventurer 2 here.)
(Adventurer 3 here.)
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