Vampire Slayer [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Religion) 4 RanksBenefit: You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against vampire spawn and creatures with the vampire template, and on saving throws against charm & compulsion effects. You become immune to the energy drain inflicted by the attacks of a vampire spawn or by a creature with the vampire’s template.
Additionally you gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (Religion) checks when made against a vampire or to learn information about vampires, and Knowledge (Religion) is always a class skill for you. Finally if you use a good-aligned magic weapon, holy water or a spell with the [light] or [good] descriptor to reduce a vampire spawn at 0 hit points or lower, it is destroyed.
Special: A pathfinder character with this feat gain access to the vampire hunter weapon group, The which includes the following weapons: battle aspergillum, battleaxe, chain whip, crossbow (light & heavy), dagger, flail (light & heavy), hand crossbow, greataxe, longsword, morningstar, paired knives, rapier, repeating crossbow (light and heavy), shortsword, shield (light and heavy), throwing axe, spear, star flail, whip, wooden stakes and the wurfkreuz. She may select the vampire hunter weapon groups whenever she could select a weapon group.
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