Witch's Hex (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 25th November 2014
Status: Finished
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Witch's Hex [General] Prerequisites: Character level 4th, must have the hexblade's curse ability.Benefit: You can use your hexblade's curse into powerful hexes, the DCs of those hexes is equal to the DC of your normal hexblade curse. Using a witch's hex also use one of your hexblade curse use for the day. Witch's Hexes are supernatural abilities. Upon taking this feat choose two witch hex picked from the following list:

Cackle: Upon using this hex, once per round for 1 round per hexblade level you gain the ability to cackle as a move action. When you cackle choose one creature within 30 feet and line of sight, any effect inflicted by one of your spell, hex or hexblade curse is extended by 1 round. You cannot extend the dazed, nauseated or stunned condition nor can you can extend any condition that make the target helpless.

Clothes Animation: Upon using this hex a target creature within 20 feet is affected as per nealan's unbuckling with a saving throw as normal. If the creature fail the saving throw not only is it stripped, but it clothes turn into a animated object one size smaller than it under your control. The animated clothes only last for 3 rounds before returning to their inanimate state.

Evil Eye: Upon using this hex, you acquire a gaze attack that forces a creature to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your charisma modifier) or be dazed for one round. Wether or not it succeeded it save, a creature is immune to further use of this hex for 24 hours. This gaze has a range of 30 feet, targets a single creature, and is usable as a standard action. Additionally you are treated as an hag for the purpose of immunities against's hag abilities. This hex last for 24 hours. (Note: If you have the ability to use your hexblade's curse on a encounter basis instead of a daily basis using this spell still use up an hexblade's curse use for the day.)

Misfortune: Upon using this hex you force a creature within 30 feet to make a will save, if it fail it is struck by particularly bad luck. It roll any of it attack roll, saving throw, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls twice and take the worse result. This witch hex last for 1 round.

Pain: Upon using this hex you force a target creature within 30 feet of you start suffering intensely, taking a -2 penalty to attack roll, ability and skill checks or saving throws (chosen when the hex is used) for 1 round per hexblade level. A successful save reduce the duration to 1 round.

Pariah: Upon using this hex you force a creature within 30 feet to make a will save, if it fail it become a social pariah as per mark of the outcastSpC except that it only last for 1 day per hexblade level.

Slumber: Upon using this hex you force a target creature within 30 feet to make a will save or fall asleep. A creature who succeed it save against this ability is immune to this hex for 24 hours.

Transformation: Upon using this hex you force a target creature within 30 feet to make a will save or transform into miserable creature as per baleful polymorph except it last only 1 round. Wether or not it succeeded it save, a creature is immune to further use of this hex for 24 hours. Special: As a added bonus you gain an additional daily use of your hexblade's curse. You may pick this feat multiple time, gaining two additional witch's hex and one additional daily use of your hexblade's curse each time.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4502 Articles)
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCharacter level 4th + and must have the hexblade's curse ability. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou can turn your hexblade curse into something actually useful. +
TitleWitch's Hex +
TypeGeneral +