Information for "Plane of Life (3.5e Sourcebook)/The Stuff"

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Display titlePlane of Life (3.5e Sourcebook)/The Stuff
Default sort keyPlane of Life (3.5e Sourcebook)/The Stuff
Page length (in bytes)3,312
Page ID39018
Page content languageen - English
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Indexing by robotsAllowed
Number of redirects to this page0
Number of subpages of this page0 (0 redirects; 0 non-redirects)

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Edit history

Page creatorQwertyu63 (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation15:41, 16 November 2013
Latest editorQwertyu63 (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit13:31, 9 June 2015
Total number of edits16
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
Recent number of distinct authors0

Page properties

Transcluded templates (22)

Templates used on this page:

Body SlotRing +, -- +, Held +, Hands + and Feet +
Cost2500 gp +, 5000 gp +, 10000 gp +, 100000 gp +, 10000 +, 40000 +, 8,000 gp (+2), 32,000 gp (+4), 72,000 gp (+6) +, 1,280,000 gp (+8), 2,000,000 gp (+10), 2,880,000 gp (+12) +, 12000 gp +, 11000 +, 500 gp + and 3,000 gp (double speed), 6,000 gp (quadruple speed), 12,000 gp (octuple speed) +
DC21 +
Damage1d3 Con; special +
Incubation1 day +
SummaryAllows you to survive on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a field where creatures can survive on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a field where plants can grow on the plane of positive energy. +, Creates a large field where creatures can survive on the plane of positive energy. +, A staff for menders to store their life force in. +, A better Staff of Life Force. +, Provides a bonus to Wis and Cha, and extra lifeforce points. +, Crystal, repels undead +, Scepter that allows control of positive energy +, Stone that brings you back if you die with it. +, Allows you to control subjective gravity easier. +, Allows you to fall faster and avoid fall damage. +, Counters any healing you get with negative energy damage. +, An overgrowth of healing resulting in a Malignant Growth. +, Sword that heals as it harms +, A small bead that heals you if eaten; boost the power of CW spells +, This special material is mainly used to ma
This special material is mainly used to make crystal magic items to protect from the plane of positive energy. In fact, energy surges on the plane of positive energy cause the creation of these crystals (some can also cause the creation of these crystals on their own).
creation of these crystals on their own). + and This is special wood grown on positive-dominant planes. +
TypeMajor + and Minor +