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Date Created: April 15, 2010
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A magically-inclined trapsmith setting a trap for some unsuspecting brute.


What makes me a good demoman? If I were a bad demoman I wouldn't be sitting here, discussing it with you, now would I?!
—Demoman, Human Trapsmith

The hiss of a fuse. The sparkle of gases mixing. The sight of an explosion in a mushroom cloud darkening the battlefield. All these are things that trapsmiths deal with on a daily basis. The masters of their craft, trapsmiths use their traps to impede their enemies, dazzling them in countless ways and causing them to continue wondering where they are all the while forcing them to be ripped apart by the sheer power of the traps laid to cause them harm. It is a hard life as a trapsmith--at any moment, you might light a fuse at the wrong time, fumble a lethal trap, or forget where you laid a trap half-a-minute ago. However, the adrenaline and mental challenge that awaits the trapsmith is a lure that some find irresistible.


Many with a penchant for destruction and mayhem may become petty trapmakers, but only those most devoted to the creation of the intricate mechanical work needed to bring the traps to life become trapsmiths. Often enough rogues, factotums, rangers, and similar classes become trapsmiths, though in theory any class can become one with the proper training. Trapsmiths excel the most when they have high mental scores, though this isn't a hard requirement.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +3
Skills: Craft (Trapmaking) 8, Disable Device 4, Open Lock 4, Search 4
Feats: Skill Focus (Trapmaking)
Special: Must have successfully disabled at least three traps in the past singlehandedly

Table: The Trapsmith

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Craft Trap, Trap Points, Trapfinding
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Evasion, Look Out! I, Poison Immunity
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Mettle, Void Being
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Improved Evasion, Look Out! II
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Improved Mettle, Look Out! III

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the trapsmith.

Trap Points: Already a master amongst trapmakers, trapsmiths have an innate pool of inspiration for traps, and instinct which compels them to fiddle with the things all day long. The the beginning of each encounter, a trapsmith begins with a number of Trap Points equal to one-half his Wisdom modifier plus one-half his ranks in Craft (Trapmaking). These are used when creating traps, fueling movements that have become almost instinctive with the many times that the trapsmith has armed his creations. By taking a swift action followed by a standard action, the trapsmith may refill his trap points to the number he began the encounter with.

Craft Trap (Ex): With his knowledge of traps, a trapsmith may create a trap from the barest materials. Even in a desert wasteland, somehow he seems to find the bits and pieces needed to make traps, at times appearing to pull materials out of nowhere. With almost god-like intuition on the crafting of traps, the trapsmith knows the schematics for a number of traps. Each trap has a required class level; at each level, the trapsmith chooses a single trap of the highest level he qualifies for (see the level below) to add to his repertoire, and another of each level below that. For example, a fourth level trapsmith would know four first-level traps, three second-level traps, two third-level traps, and a single fourth-level trap. In order to use a trap, the trapsmith must expend a number of Trap Points equal to the trap's level requirement.

If triggered, traps usually have some effect that the person who triggered it suffers, each effect lasting one round. Furthermore, unless specifically stated, traps deal an amount of damage equal to 2d6 per trap point spent (maximum number of trap points equal to one's class level), and another 1d6 for every two character levels the character possesses, though they allow a Reflex save for half damage. Traps that are untriggered remain viable for three rounds before becoming inert and useless. The DC of a trap for both the save against damage and the secondary effect is equal to 10 + class level + one-fourth character level + Intelligence modifier.

Traps can be thrown or laid down as a standard action, and have a range increment of 15'. A trapsmith may target a specific square an enemy is within with a trap, but to do this he must make a ranged attack roll; should he miss, the enemy gains a +2 to his save against the trap, and should the attack roll total be less than 10, the trap doesn't even reach its intended square (roll as per a grenade-like weapon). Traps that are already layed into which an enemy walks force the enemy to take a -2 penalty to their saves against the trap.

Craft Trap Class Feature
Name Effect
1 Catching Trap Reflex save or speed is reduced to 10'
1 Dizzying Trap Will save or all DCs take a -2 penalty
1 Flash Trap Will save or Dazzled
1 Gas Trap Fortitude save or Sickened
1 Howling Trap Will save or Shaken
1 Intense Trap The size of the dice this damage deals increases to d8 (instead of d6)
2 Bear Trap Reflex save or Target can't move from its current space
2 Explosive Creatures in adjacent squares make a Ref save or take equal damage to that of the original square
2 Screaming Trap Fortitude save or Deafened
2 Startling Will save or Flat-Footed
2 Vine Trap Reflex save or Entangled
2 Wind Trap Reflex save or Knocked Down
3 Acid Trap Damage is Acid, and creature takes half damage again next round
3 Burning Trap Damage is Fire, and creature takes half damage again next round
3 Disorienting Trap Fortitude save or Staggered
3 Frost Trap Damage is Cold, and creature takes half damage again next round
3 Lightning Trap Damage is Lightning, and creature takes half damage again next round
4 Blinding Trap Will save or Blinded
4 Confusing Trap Will save or Confused
4 Frightening Trap Will save or Frightened
4 Nauseating Trap Fortitude save or Nauseated
4 Tiring Trap Fortitude save or Exhausted
5 Dazing Trap Will save or Dazed
5 Stunning Trap Fortitude save or Stunned
5 Terrorizing Trap Will save or Panicked

Trapfinding: Trapsmiths can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.

Evasion (Ex): A trapsmith has learned much of evading the threats of fireballs and boulders launched his way by traps, and gains the ability to take no damage or detrimental effects whatsoever on a successful Reflex save against an ability or effect.

At fourth level this ability improves, and if a trapsmith would normally incur a lesser effect on a successful save normally from a damaging ability, he instead takes this lesser effect on a failed Reflex save against an effect.

Look Out! (Ex): The trapsmith is experienced in the movement of both friends and foes, calling out at just the right moment for a friend to avoid the primed trap that was about to go off, or shouting an enemy into confusion through both bluffs and truths to get them to step into a set trap. At 2nd level, a trapsmith may use an Immediate action to cause a creature within 100' to move 5' in any direction if they fail a Will save (DC 10 + Class level + one-fourth character level + Charisma modifier) at a cost of one Trap Point for every 5' of movement. This counts as a Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting effect, and movement caused by this ability provokes no Attack of Opportunity.

At 4th level, the trapsmith's powers grow, and he is able to pierce the language barriers between himself and targets through empathic gesturing and loud noises. At this level, Look Out! is no longer Language-Dependent, and the Trapsmith may move a creature up to 10'.

At 5th level, the trapsmith's voice carries an added dimension, allowing him to force enemies to trip and fall over themselves in their haste to follow his commands which ring to their core. At this level, Look Out! is no longer a Mind-Affecting effect, and the Trapsmith may move a creature up to 15'.

Poison Immunity (Ex): Between all the traps that he's failed to dodge and the poisons that he's worked to apply to his own traps, the trapsmith has developed an immunity to all poisons.

Mettle (Ex): Not only fireballs and boulders may act as a detriment to the trapsmith's ability to navigate a dungeon successfully, but also magical traps plague him. Thus, a trapsmith learns his way around such traps and effects, foiling their creators at every turn. He gains the ability to take no damage or detrimental effects whatsoever on a successful Fortitude or Will save against an ability or effect.

At fourth level this ability improves, and if a trapsmith would normally incur a lesser effect on a successful save normally from a damaging ability, he instead takes this lesser effect on a failed Fortitude or Will save against an effect.

Void Being (Su): The trapsmith has crossed so many traps and magical sensors undetected that the movements have become natural--he does not even need to think about it. After reaching 3rd level, a trapsmith is protected from all devices, powers, and spells that reveal location. This ability protects against information gathering by divination spells or effects that reveal location. The ability even foils limited wish, miracle, and wish when they are used to gain information about the trapsmith’s location (however, Metafaculty can pierce this protective barrier). In the case of scrying that scans an area a trapsmith is in, the effect works, but the trapsmith simply isn’t detected. Remote viewing or scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at a trapsmith do not work. Furthermore, magical sensors and traps, such as Explosive Runes, Glyph of Warding, or Symbol of Pain do not register, threaten, or harm the Trapsmith unless triggered by another creature.

Campaign Information

Playing a Trapsmith

Combat: Trapsmiths can often be found near the thick of things, as second-liners who support their more martial comrades with a host of traps, moving enemies into disadvantageous positions or their comrades out of harm's way. They might also stand at the front of a group, serving as scouts and trapspringers through their vast knowledge on how traps work.

Advancement: Just about any character from any class that has the skills necessary to enter this class can do so, though most often it is entered by scouts and rogues who wish to emphasize their trapping skills in combat.

Resources: Most adventuring companies carry a trapsmith or two to rat out enemy traps, though many military organizations employ them as well for ambushes and the like. Many organizations are willing to bring on trapsmiths as a reserve or wildcard should any battles break out, and many trapsmiths do little but tinker in their downtime.

Trapsmiths in the World

—Franlim, Goblin Raider

To put food on the table, many trapsmiths can be found as wilderness trappers, laying in wait for animals that they can bring down for fur or resources. Trapsmiths like nothing more than to tinker endlessly with mechanisms and various objects, constantly thinking of new ways to create deadly traps that can bring down great beasts at a moment's warning.

NPC Reactions: Most commonfolk are ambivalent to trapsmiths, seeing their work as nothing special beyond what most trappers do in the wild. Some, however, see a portion of the trapsmith's power, and are astounded at the display of light, sound, and deadliness that accompanies a trapsmith's trade. These either remain in awe of the trapsmith, or their emotions quickly turn to hate and the trapsmith might be run out of town.

Trapsmith Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Local) can research trapsmiths to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Local)
DC Result
13 There are many trappers in the world, plying their trade in various ways. Some of them though are known as "trapsmiths", and build exceptional traps.
19 Trapsmiths excel at traps, and can craft ones that are usable not just in ambushes, but in the very midst of combat. Their power can rival the spells of some of the most powerful mages in the world.
23 Trapsmiths seem to find material for their traps regardless of where they are--it's really quite amazing what they can build traps out of.
29 Characters who achieve this level of knowledge can find out information about specific individuals or organizations related to trapsmiths.

Trapsmiths in the Game

Trapsmiths are often battlefield controllers and damage dealers, threatening to deal sizable amounts of damage if an enemy moves the wrong way. They can also be used to neutralize enemies with their status effects, allowing them a measure of utility when controlling their foes.

Adaptation: Trapsmiths don't necessarily have to create mundane mechanical traps; instead, they can be runes and glyphs that glow with an arcane light and written on slabs of stone which can then be thrown towards enemies, going off in strange and mystifying colors and shapes as the forces held within are unleashed.

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Ghostwheel's Homebrew (310 Articles)
3.5 Classes Berserker, Cosplayer, Daywalker Paragon, Iaijutsu Master, Magus Portalus, Marshal, Rage Mage, Reaper, Sharpshooter, Spellthief, Pathfinder Variant, Thaumaturge, Toxinblade, Trapsmith, Variant, Xenophile
3.5 Feats Access Divine Power, Access Divine Spells, Accomplished, Accurate Opportunist, Acolyte of the Skin, Adaptable Technique, Adjusted Accuracy, Aegis of Health, Tome, Arcane Champion, Assassinate, Augmented Thaumaturge, Barreling Charge, Bladeblast, Blood of Stone, Bolster Technique, Careful Movement, Charismatic Prodigy, Cleave, Grimoire, Close Miss, Combat Reflexes, Greater, Combat Reflexes, Grimoire, Combat Reflexes, Improved, Compensate for Size, Copy Technique, Cross-Style Training, Dabbler, Danger Intuition, Dash, Death From Afar, Defensive Roll, Defensive Strike, Deft Opportunist, Diehard, Grimoire, Distracting Barrage, Divine Stalker, Dragoon Charge, Endurance, Grimoire, Euphoric Blade, Expose Weakness, Extended Psychic Strike, Focused Energy, Fortune's Friend, Furious Blow, Gatecrasher, Gatling Spell, Goad, Greater Spellthief, Greater Spring Attack, Gripping Vise, Heavy Build, Heedful Charge, Hidden Manifestation, Hostile Mind, Improved Charge, Improved Mage Knight, Improved On Your Knees, Improved Wild Talent, Incredible Focus, Intervene, Intimidating Brute, Iron Tide, Know-It-All, Last to Fall, Living Weapon, Mage Knight, Magekiller, Tome, Mana Engine, Master Blaster, Master Creature Killer, Master of Concoctions, Metamana Fuel, Mystic Arts Synthesis, Mystic Theurge, On Your Knees, Overwhelming Blow, Penetrating Strike, Phantom Health, Pounce, Power Attack, Grimoire, Power Charge, Precise Marksman, Primal Enchanter, Psyblade, Purple Dragon Knight, Quick Reconnoiter, Ranged Feint, Ranged Flanking, Ranged Threat, Renewed Zealousness, Shadow Pounce, Sharpshooter, Shielded in Life, Short Haft, Skill Trick Mastery, Spell Cascade, Spell Parry, Spell Reflection, Spellcutting Strike, Spellthief, Spiritual Weapon... further results
3.5 Traits Ambidextrous, Avenger, Exceptional Luck, Hulking Brute, Mixed Blood, Opportunist, Preacher, Psychic Potential, Radical Upbringing, Raised by Wolves, Sight Without Sight, Skilled, Trapspringer, Unnatural Aura, Unorthodox Tutelage, Versatile, Void Born
3.5 ACFs Barrage Sharpshooter, Grimoire Fighter, Grimoire Paladin, Grimoire Ranger, Grimoire Rogue, Grimoire Soulknife, Grimoire Tenken, Grimoire Totemist, Psychic Soulknife, Trapspringer Bard, Trapspringer Sharpshooter, Wildmagic Thaumaturge
3.5 Variant Rules Alignments by Color, Alternative Iterative Attacks, Background-Based Skills, Balanced Skills, Balanced Wealth, Broken Shields, Capped Modifiers and DCs, Condensed Skills, Custom Weapon Creation, Dual Preparation Casting, E20, Expanded Movement Options, Failure is not the End, Grace Points, Healing Surges, Lengthened Spellcasting, Limited Spell Levels, Magical Focus Implements, Masterwork Variant, Monstrous Player Characters, New Level-Dependent Benefits, Original Race Rebuilding, Prepared Spontaneous Casting, Recharging Magic, Recharging Power Points, Refillable Potions, Rituals, Scaling Item DCs, Simplified Experience, Simplified Races, Simplified Skills, Simplified Social Interaction, Simplified Special Attacks, Stacking Ability Modifiers, Standardized Bonus Types, Taking Stock, The Edge, Turn Undead, Variant Reach, Vow of Poverty, Wounds
3.5 Optimized Builds Arcane Warrior, Basic Blaster Wilder, Basic Combat Rogue Guide, Bladesinger, Clever Critfighter, Dragoon, Eternal Blade of the Revenant, Feral Shifter, Glaive of the Dungeon Crasher, Glaive of the Hellfire Warlock, Grapplemancer, Healing Personified, Hero of Time, Knightly Charger, Low Level Nova, Machine Gun Assassin, Mindspider Infiltrator, Mobile Blender, Mobile Glaive, Nightcrawling Shadowpouncer, Psionic Monk, Righteous Rager, Sacred Fist of the Silver Flame, Shower of Arrows, Sublime Singer, Ubermount, Whirling Eater of Souls
Guide to Roles in the Party (3.5), Talk
Allowed AlignmentsLawful Good +, Lawful Neutral +, Lawful Evil +, Neutral Good +, Neutral +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorGhostwheel +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionModerate +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Help Wanted ReasonNeed a sample encounter and NPC +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length5 +
Minimum Level5 +
Rated ByAarnott +, Aeturo + and Balmz +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionGood +
SkillAppraise +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Craft +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Open Lock +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Spot +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Rope +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryA master trapmaker, the trapsmith excels in using tactical traps in combat to damage and impede his foes. +
TitleTrapsmith, Variant +
Will Save ProgressionPoor +