SRD:Creatures by Type

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Revision as of 21:27, 26 January 2011 by Ganteka Future (talk | contribs) (formatting)
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Creatures by Type
Aberration Type

Animal Type

Construct Type

Dragon Type

Elemental Type

Air Subtype
Earth Subtype
Fire Subtype
Water Subtype

Fey Type

Giant Type

Humanoid Type

Goblinoid Subtype
Reptilian Subtype

Magical Beast Type

Monstrous Humanoid Type

Ooze Type

Outsider Type

Angel Subtype
Archon Subtype
Native Subtype

Plant Type

Undead Type

Vermin Type

Creatures by Subtype
Angel Subtype

Aquatic Subtype

Archon Subtype

Augmented Subtype

Chaotic Subtype

Cold Subtype

Earth Subtype

Evil Subtype

Extraplanar Subtype

Fire Subtype

Good Subtype

Incorporeal Subtype

Lawful Subtype

Native Subtype

Psionic Subtype

Reptilian Subtype

Shapechanger Subtype

Swarm Subtype

Water Subtype



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