Talk:Combat Shovel (3.5e Equipment)

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RatedFavor.png RiverOffers favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
I can't help but think of Zander from Buffy and the Shovel Talk.

See this shovel, if you hurt her you will not see it coming but I will beat you to death with it, use its edge to chop up your body and the dig a hole to hide the pieces.

I know there's multiple examples of items and classes doing this, and burrow speeds are crazy fast, but for just a mundane shovel to clear a 5' cube of dirt in 12 seconds, I'm gonna pick on the Combat Shovel. In 12 seconds with the aid of a hafted spoon you can clear over 2000 kg of packed earth. Assuming you have a random level 1 NPC using this item, they probably get 2 scoops worth of dirt, so over 1000 kg per scoop. No doubt you build the muscles to do this by lugging around a shovel that weighs as much as a sledgehammer. For most mere mortals digging a grave (which has a little less volume than a 5' cube) is a physically demanding several hour affair.

I love the notion of statting up a combat shovel, but the instant displacement of thousands of pounds of dirt seems a bit silly. -- ErikOfWiki (talk) 17 September 2023

Think about a fossor with the Digger feat using a combat shovel! --The bluez in the dungeon (talk) 12:09, 18 September 2023 (UTC)
I've used this particular weapon on a character as their primary weapon (in a game DMed by the author) and my best recommendation is to ignore the hole-digging in 2 rounds part. --Ganteka Future (talk) 17:38, 18 September 2023 (UTC)