Talk:Realistic Weapon Damage (3.5e Variant Rule)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Not as Realistic as You'd Think[edit]
So, a +1 dagger weilded by a first level commoner would deal, on average, 125 damage per hit to a great red wyrm? Who only has the 660 hit points anyway, leaving it dead after 6 or 8 jabs. From a first level commoner. Right...--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 04:57, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- April Fools strikes again (see status, category at the bottom of the page)! - Tarkisflux 05:06, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- We need some way of pointing out "April Fools" in a noticeable box. --Havvy 05:37, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- Also, good luck having a first level commoner hit a great red wymr.
- Not that hard with this variant. Just spam ray of frost! (160 average damage per hit)--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 15:01, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- Also, good luck having a first level commoner hit a great red wymr.
- How is it not realistic? Surely being stabbed repeatedly SHOULD kill. idk about u gaiz, but i'd die. -- Chaos = the initial, formless state of the universe Comma. --TK-Squared 18:14, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- if we are going for brutal reality, use this as a basis- your average 25 year old can survive between 10 and thirty stab wounds from a blade 1 i/2 inches wide, 6-12 inches long (a dagger or khukri), provide semi-immediate medical attention is provided, meaning joe average has between 10 to 120 hit points provided a major organ is not hit (barring criticals), making the average youth about a 7th level character in D&D terms. People are freakishly durable, it's just that we are now in a society that is so safe that we are the first set of humans were knowing someone who died horribly is actually unexpected, thus many of us have a very skewed and inaccurate view of death and dying. Beacuse of this, many of us have such a high expectation of the capabilities of weapons that we literally force shut down our bodies, going into shock. So, while hit points and damage are indeed broken in D&D, depending on how you want them to work you can fix it 1,001 different ways. Unfortunately, this isn't one of them. However, if there is a size divider on the damage taken it can work splendidly, like if you divide the damge taken by your size grapple mod or something.--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 20:32, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- How is it not realistic? Surely being stabbed repeatedly SHOULD kill. idk about u gaiz, but i'd die. -- Chaos = the initial, formless state of the universe Comma. --TK-Squared 18:14, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
Why bother with the multiplication?[edit]
Just have characters stay at their base HP and give bigger dudes more hp. This variant is bad in many ways. Check out Grim-N-Gritty for an ok implementation. --Aarnott 19:06, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
- Tried that already with Staic Hit Points. Not as well recieved as one might think...--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 04:08, 31 August 2011 (UTC)
- That's because Static Hit Points didn't do anything to change how people attacked, among other things. Grim-N-Gritty did. - TG Cid 04:21, 31 August 2011 (UTC)
- And people in GnG still gain HP as they level. Just not as quickly as in normal D&D. --Ghostwheel 18:07, 31 August 2011 (UTC)
- I didn't realize this was April Fools'. That being said, joke articles should be playable imho. This is definitely not. --Aarnott 18:25, 31 August 2011 (UTC)