[hide]About me[edit]
I call myself Ideasmith (or ideasmith) on this and other gaming sites. I started playing and GMing D&D in the mid-1970s (at which time house rules were inevitable) and have been homebrewing ever since. I have a large collection of RPG books, about half or which are 3.5-compatible, and surprisingly little of which was published by WotC.
My Homebrew Posting Assumptions[edit]
My homebrew postings assume that the core books are in use, including all races, classes, skills, feats, equipment, etc., this being what gamers have the most practice correcting from. I also assume other books are in use, but don't make assumptions about which books. When use of a homebrew I post requires more than the core books and itself, I include a link thereto.
Also, I try to keep my homebrew "catgirl-safe."
My contributions[edit]
Scroll of Generations[edit]
A collection of rules to help with long time-skips between adventures.
- Time and Experience (3.5e_Variant_Rule) Slowing down constant adventuring syndrome.
- Effects of Aging, Revised (3.5e_Variant_Rule) Makes aging less wonky and more customizable. Also repurposes Unearthed Arcana flaws and gives longer lived kindreds more skills.
- Event_List_ Want NPC’s to be able to join the party? Don’t want to risk a DMPC?
- Trading-In_Player_Characters_ Want NPC’s to be able to join the party? Don’t want to risk a DNPC?
- Fantasy Pregnancy (3.5e_Variant_Rule) A set of rules for determining pregnancy and its results
- Fantasy Genetics If the player characters are starting families, the parent’s ability scores should influence, but not determine, the scores of any children.
- Baby (3.5e_Template) A creature who has recently been born and is not yet old enough for the child template.
- Child (3.5e_Template) A creature who is no longer a baby, but has not reached adulthood.
- Lesser Stork Call (3.5e_Spell)
- Stork Call (3.5e_Spell)
- Greater Stork Call (3.5e_Spell)
The Unfledged[edit]
- Unfledged (3.5e Class) Sometimes, a group of adventurers included a character who seems to have no business being on an adventure. Such characters often develop abilities they didn’t know they had.
- Apprentice (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) You gain some of the spellcasting ability of your dormant talent, with some chance of backfire.
- Rookie (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) You gain some of the combat ability of your dormant talent.
- Tyro (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) You gain some of the skill of your dormant talent.
- Promising Student (3.5e Feat) A sufficiently gifted teacher can foster your unlocked potential.
Other Base Classes[edit]
- Spellbinder A spontaneous arcane caster with lots of spells known.
- Crackerjack A PC version of the expert class.
- Weaponmaster A weaponmaster, as the name implies, is very good with a weapon, and possibly more than one. Their combat training tends to be more specific than that of the fighter.
- Moondancer Graceful shapeshifter.
Other Spells[edit]
- Empower Royal Kiss Give aristocrat the ability to break an enchantment with a kiss.
- Frog Touch Reshape weak or weakened creature into harmless animal.
- Rebirth from Stone Gives new life to petrified creature.
- Discern Birthdays Reveals birthdays.
- Path to Redemption Provides instructions for target’s atonement.
- Withering Glare Briefly ages target.
- Faerie Glow A weaker version of Faerie Fire.
- Ride the Nightmare Caster teleports randomly while asleep.
- Pronounce Doom Words and gaze kill one subject.
- Rebuild the Body and Mind Restores ability score drain.
- Fight or Flight Target has a fight or flight response and is panicked and/or enraged.
- Locate Interdimensional Connections Senses direction towards interdimensional connection(s) to another plane.
- Dimension Shift Close-range noncombat teleport
- Lesser Dispel Magic As dispel magic but +0 on check and fewer options.
- Lesser Teleport As teleport, but with greater failure chance, longer casting time, and increased components.
- Dust to Dust Destroys corpse, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust.
- Terrify Into Submission Frighten weak or weakened creature into trusting you.
- Compelling Script Affected writing is obeyed by all who read it.
- Orientation AKnowing where one’s destination is, and helping others know where their destinations are.
- Taboo You can’t do that.
- Infestation Diseases and the creatures that spread them.
- Crops Sowing and reaping.
Other Stuff[edit]
- Feywing (3.5e_Race) Tiny, flying, highly magical kindred
- Combat Rhythm (3.5e_Variant_Rule) Encouraging pauses in combat.
- Ignoring Opponents (3.5e_Variant_Rule) A dangerous way to ignore that flanking penalty.
- Combat Fatigue (3.5e_Variant_Rule) Giving hit point loss above 0 a bit of meaning.
- Relapses (3.5e_Variant_Rule) It should be possible for dying from wounds to take days, even if tended.
- Alignment Without Alignment (3.5e Variant Rule) A system for dealing with stuff that would be ‘orphaned’ by dropping alignment.
- Replacing XP Cost with Essence Point Cost (3.5e_Variant_Rule) XP costs paid from an unrelated pool of points.
- Goal-Based_Level_Gain_(3.5e_Variant_Rule) XP costs paid from an unrelated pool of points.
- Broom (3.5e Equipment) An appropriate weapon for spellcasters.
My favorite pages[edit]
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