Improved Masterwork (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 1-10-08
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Improved Masterwork [General] Prerequisites: Craft 4 ranks.Benefit: Improved Masterwork allows high DC Craft checks to improve weapons and armors with benefits greater than a simple +1 to attack or a reduction in armor check penalty. Some of the abilities are near magical, but all are ultimately mundane. Below is a list of possible effects, each added effect adds to the traditional DC 20 to create masterwork weapons or armor.

Unless stated, the benefits of various masterwork qualities do not stack. That is, you can't have two Lightweights for 50% weight reduction, or the like. You can apply multiple different effects, provided you can make the new DC. Normal: A masterwork weapon only gives +1 to attack, and masterwork armor only gives -1 to armor check penalties.

Table: Improved Masterwork Weapons

Name DC Cost Effect Market Price
Brutal +5 +1 to damage. Does not stack with enchantment bonuses. +480
Lightweight +5 Weapon is 25% lighter. Stacks with mithril. +480
Durable +5 Extra 10 hp and 5 hardness to weapon. +480
Defending +5 +1 Shield Bonus when used defensively, +2 for two handed weapons. +480
Hooked +5 +2 to Disarm checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Buster +5 +2 to Sunder checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Counterweight +5 +2 to Trip checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Concealable +5 +2 to Sleight of Hand checks to hide weapon, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Charging +5 +1 to attack bonus from charging. +480
Gripped +5 +2 against Disarm checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Sturdy +5 +2 against Sunder checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base weapon. +480
Twinned +5 When wielding a particular weapon chosen at creation (say an improved masterwork knife paired with a longsword), the improved masterworked weapon's attack penalty is 1 less when used in two weapon fighting (no less than 0 penalty). +480
Favored +15 Choose a favored enemy as per a Ranger, and gain a +1 to attack and damage against that enemy, stacks with Ranger's favored enemy. +900
Jagged +15 On a natural 20, weapon gets stuck in the enemy and requires a DC 15 Str check to remove (move action). Removal deals critical hit damage again. +900
Raging +15 Deals an extra +2 damage when raging. +900
Mighty Critical +15 Deal an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit. +900

Table: Improved Masterwork Ammunition

Name DC Cost Effect Market Price
Brutal +5 +1 to damage. Does not stack with enchantment bonuses. +480
Lightweight +5 Ammunition is 25% lighter and travels 25% further (Example: Lightweight arrows fired from a short bow have range increments of 75 instead of 60). Weight reduction stacks with mithril. Range increase stacks with anything that would increase range. +480
Durable +5 Extra 10 hp and 5 hardness to ammunition. Ammunition that hits it's target has only a 50% chance of being destroyed or rendered useless rather than always being destroyed. +480
Aerodynamic +5 Ammunition travels 75% further (Example: Aerodynamic arrows fired from a short bow have range increments of 105 instead of 60). Range increase stacks with anything that would increase range. +480
Favored +15 Choose a favored enemy as per a Ranger, and gain a +1 to attack and damage against that enemy, stacks with Ranger's favored enemy. +900
Mighty Critical +15 Deal an extra 1d6 damage on a critical hit. +900

Table: Improved Masterwork Armors

Name DC Cost Effect Market Price
Comfortable +5 You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. Heavy armor given this effect requires a DC 20 Fort save or become fatigued. +480
Free Movement +5 Reduce the armor check penalty by 1 again. +480
Lightweight +5 Armor is 25% lighter. Stacks with mithril. +480
Quiet +5 +1 to Move Silently checks. +480
Camo +5 +1 to Hide checks. +480
Footsteady +5 +2 against Trip checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Lesser Crash +5 Ignore the first 10 ft. of fall damage. +480
Poor Grip +5 +2 against Grapple checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Pusher +5 +2 to Bull Rush checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Riders +5 +1 to Ride checks. +480
Stylish +5 +1 to social skill checks while wearing this armor. +480
Swimmers +5 +1 to Swim checks. +480
Unstoppable +5 +2 to Overrun checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Roadblock +5 +2 against Overrun checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Unmoving +5 +2 against Bull Rush checks, stacks with any inherent bonus from base armor. +480
Buffering +15 Gain DR 1/-. Stacks with adamantine qualities. +900
Crash +15 Ignore the first 30 ft. of fall damage. +900
Dodging +15 When using the Dodge feat, the dodge bonus is +2 instead of +1. +900
Protective +15 AC bonus raises by +1. +900

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Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteCraft 4 ranks. +
Rated BySulacu +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryAble to add additional non-magical benefits to weapons upon creation. +
TitleImproved Masterwork +
TypeGeneral +