Shadow Adept (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Author: Havvy (talk)
Date Created: June 12th, 2010
Status: Second Draft
Editing: Fluff
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|Length=10 |Minimum Level=6 |Base Attack Bonus Progression=Moderate |Fortitude Save Progression=Poor |Reflex Save Progression=Good |Will Save Progression=Good |Class Ability=Invocations |Class Ability Progression=Partial }}

Shadow Adept

Darkness is eternal and I am now one with the darkness, does that make me eternal? Let's find out
—Dravael Sihn, Human shadow adept

The average warlock claims its power from devils or fey, but every once in a while a warlock will get its power from a literally dark source, the plane of shadows. Some of these warlocks learn to tap into their source and have it consume their entire body, becoming one with a shadow.

Becoming a Shadow Adept

Warlocks who made a deal with creatures of shadow to obtain their power may through further dealings, turn into a creature of shadow itself. Each level in this prestige class represents a furthering of the pact until full realization of the pact at tenth level. Epic levels represent the Shadow Adepts ability to will the pact to be stronger than the original intent.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Knowledge (the planes) 8 ranks
Invocating: Eldritch Blast 3d6 plus one of Beshadowed Blast, Dark Discorporation, Dark One's Own Luck, Darkness, Enervating Shadow, Hungry Darkness, Path of Shadows, or See the Unseen
Special: Ability to see through magical darkness through either Devil's Sight or a similar ability.

Table: The Shadow Adept

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Deflection Bonus Invocating
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Shadow Drift, Control Light, Darkvision 120ft +0 +1 Invocating Class
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Meld into Shadow +1
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Shadow Clone +1 +1 Invocating Class
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Dark Casting +1 +2
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Jump Into Shadows +2 +1 Invocating Class
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Beshadowed Blast Greater +3
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Blackout +3 +1 Invocating Class
8th +6/1 +2 +6 +6 Dark Casting +2 +4
9th +6/1 +3 +6 +6 Path of Shadows +4 +1 Invocating Class
10th +7 +3 +7 +7 Shadow Apothesis +5

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level.
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha),

Table: The Epic Shadow Adept
Level Special
11th Improved Control Light, +1 Invocation CL
12th Deflection +6, +1 Invocation CL
13th Bonus Feat, +1 Invocation CL
14th +1 Invocation CL
15th +1 Invocation CL
16th Bonus Feat, Deflection +6, Dark Casting +3, +1 Invocation CL
17th +1 Invocation CL
18th +1 Invocation CL
19th Bonus Feat, +1 Invocation CL
20th +1 Invocation CL

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Shadow Adept.

Invocations (Sp): At each odd level, you gain new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in the warlock class. (This includes eldritch blast.) You do not, however, gain any other benefit a warlock would have gained, including improved damage reduction and fiendish resilience. At epic levels, you do not gain new invocations known, but you do gain an increase in caster level for each level over tenth level.

Deflection Bonus (Ex): At every even level, you gain a +1 bonus to your deflection AC modifier. This does not stack with any other deflection bonus. At epic levels, this deflection bonus goes up every other even level, starting at level 12.

Shadow Drift (Ex): Each level taken in Shadow Adept causes you to drift closer and closer to becoming a shadow. Your hue turns darker, eventually losing all color. Every even level gives you a +1 inherit bonus to hide in places of shadowy illumination or darker and a -1 inherit penalty to disguise checks.

Darkvision (Ex): At first level you gain darkvision to 120 feet. At epic levels, starting at 13th level, your darkvision changes to the maximum range of your Control Light ability.

Control Light (Sp): Decrease light in 100ft radius by 10% per level in this prestige class. Each 25% decrease gives a +1 circumstance bonus to hide checks. This darkness lasts for one minute, and is dismissible. At epic levels, the range changes to 10ft per level in this prestige class.

Meld into Shadow (Ex): At second level, you have become one step closer to become a shadow. As a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you may merge your body into the ground. While in the ground, you are a two-dimensional shadow and may move as if under the effects of Spider Climb. After two rounds, at the end of your turn, you leave shadow form. To leave early, you may use a move action. If you leave shadow form while not on the ground, you instantly start falling or flying (if you can fly).

While you are in shadow form, you may not use a spell-like ability or attack action, lose any invisibility effect, cannot be tracked by the scent ability, or use the jump skill. You are considered to be magically dark (as a 9th level spell), and thus are always visible except to creatures without darkvision in complete darkness.

Shadow Clone (Sp): As a move action, you may create one clone of yourself in an adjacent space. This clone lasts for one round. If you or the clone is attacked, roll a d%. On a 51% or above, the attack hits the clone, causing it to instantly dissipate. This is an illusion effect.

Dark Casting (Su): At fourth level, when you cast an invocation in shadowy illumination or darker, the DC to overcome any special effect is increased by 1. This increases to 2 at eight level. At epic levels, the DC increases by +1 every eight levels starting at sixteenth level.

Jump Into Shadows (Sp): As invisibility, but after each attack option, you have a 50% chance of staying invisible.

Beshadowed Blast Greater (Sp): As Beshadowed Blast, but the blindness lasts for 1d4 rounds. The target may make another saving throw each round to remove the blindness after the first round of blindness.

Blackout (Sp): A shadow adept gains the ability to darken the mind of others to hide the non-living world. This is a mind-affecting ability. Pick one target. That target loses all vision of non-living objects, including the ground. If the target attempts to move, it will only move in place. At the beginning of the target's second and subsequent rounds, the target gets a will save (DC 14 + Cha bonus) to end this effect. During this effect, magical darkness and other forms of concealment do not affect the target's ability to see living creatures, though physical barriers do.

Spellcasters must make a DC 15 concentration check to cast spells because of the disorientation of movement.

Shadow Adepts who are in shadow form cannot be seen by those under this effect.

Creatures under a True Seeing effect are immune to this ability. If the creature gains the True Seeing effect while under the effect of Blackout, the effect ends immediately.

Path of Shadows (Sp): As the invocation Path of Shadows.

Shadow Apothesis (Ex): Your type changes to Outsider [native]. Your base land speed improves by 20ft while in darkness. You gain the ability to Shadow Stride. To shadow stride, you use a swift action to teleport from one shadowy area you are in to another within 300ft once per minute. All hue has left your body, and you can take 20 on hide checks whenever you may take 10 normally. Furthermore, you may see through magical darkness to a range equal to your darkvision (in case you could not before).

Bonus Feats: The epic Shadow Adept gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Warlock feats) every 3 levels starting at level 13.

Campaign Information

Playing a Shadow Adept

Combat: You fight as a typical warlock, except for the fact you are stronger in darkness than most creatures.

Advancement: Your abilities for the first five levels are extremely specific, as are the abilities granted by this prestige class. It is possible to leave this prestige class early, and go back to normal advancement as a warlock. Further, it is possible to take Hellfire Warlock as long as you and DM agree on a backstory for why you are doing warlock dealings with two different planes. If so, the Hellfire Warlock will advance your damage dealing abilities to be on par with straight warlocks.

Resources: In Faerun, shades will help you. Otherwise, becoming a shadow is a lonely path. Expect to be feared by those who like light.

Shadow Adept Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (the planes) can research Shadow Adepts to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs. Further, give the equivalent Warlock lore result.

Knowledge (the planes) (arcana)
DC Result
11 Some warlocks can become one with shadows. They are known as Shadow Adepts.
16 Shadow adepts are tougher to hit than other creatures, hiding in darkness and melding into it.
21 At higher levels, Shadow Adepts can jump from shadow to shadow and enter the plane of shadow at will.
26 Specific information on an important Shadow Adept in your campaign world.

Shadow Adepts in the Game

Player characters using this class will need to coordinate with other players methods of seeing in darkness. This is an excellent prestige class for creatures with darkvision, as only the darkness invocation creates magical darkness.

NPC warlocks that disdain light and invocate would find this a useful prestige class. They should make full use of their darkness to create surprise attacks.

Adaptation: This could be thematically reflavored, minus the meld into shadows ability for smoke, fire, water, and other types of creatures. If you remove the invocations, and dark casting abilities, and replace them with something more martial, this could also be used as a martial class.

Sample Encounter: The player characters are plane shifted into the elemental plane of shadow. After being lost for quite a considerable time, they approach a dark figure.

EL 10: Fifth level warlock + fifth level Shadow Adept

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Havvy's Homebrew (191 Articles)
Spellstrained1 Arcane Bane, Arcane Theft, Constraining Blast, Mind Numbing Stab, Mindlock Strike, Nullstrain, Quicken Invocation, Ring of Mental Transformation, Spell Drain, Spellcutting, Spellslashing, Spellslashing Burst, Spellstrained, Still Invocation
Character Options Abyssal Heritor Warlock, Act Fast, Arcane Metamagic, Blocked Opportunity, Bonus Power, Colourful Flag, Colourful Flag, Improved, Contagious Aura of Success, Contagious Evasion, Contagious Mettle, Contagious Success, Continued Mind Enhancement, Continued Mind Enhancement, Rogue Balance, Deadly Blast, Disciplined Charge, Disciplined Cleave, Disciplined Trip, Emergency Reinvoke, Energy Substitute Spell-Like Ability, Enhancement Power Attack, Extended Shot, Extra Daily Spell, Extra Dark Invocation, Far Throw, Flurry of Blasts, Fool Me Once, Friends Fate, Heightened Potion, Improved Wingpin, Increased Toxin Pool, Just A Flesh Wound, Keen Enhancement, Loser of The Game, Luminaphobia, Magical Vigor, Mass Manifesting, Mass Spellcasting, Mind Numbing Stab, Narrow Mind, Overcome Deficiency, Phantasmal Summons, Practiced Turner, Purge Vulnerability, Quicken Invocation, Quickened Death Attack, Reprogram, Share Spell Metamagic, Shored Weakness, Short Sleeper, Sociopath, Solipsistic Sanity, Spell Drain, Still Invocation, Strong Throw, Sublime Practice, Throw Potion, Tough Wizard, True Genesis, Unfate, Upgrade, Weapon Enhancement Specialization, Wild Versatility
Invocations Blast of Defeat, Constraining Blast, Corrosive Blast, Critical Blast, Eldritch Eye, Elemental Blast, Evasive Spirit, Ignitable Spirit, Miniature Blast, Precise Blast, Precise Senses, Slipskin, Subdual Strike, Susceptible Strike, Volcanic Resilience
Variants and Terms Basic Magic Strike, Cramped, Cross-Discipline Maneuvers, Die Pool for Ability Scores, Fog, Fragile Weapons, Half-Damage on Hit Roll equal to AC, Ongoing Damage, Pathfinder Oracle Curses as Tome Feats, Precision Resistance, Realistic Weapon Damage, Restricted Aligned Spells, Scaling Maneuvers, Spellstrained, Susceptible, Tome Styles, Truedeath Fog, Uncentered, Weather
Class Ability Components Arcane Bane, Arcane Theft, Beguiling Remark, Beshadowing Strike, Chain Attack, Curse of the Day, Curse of the Night, Dark One's Own Luck, Darkball, Decency, Dive of the Eagle, Fear of The Other, Focus Spell, Gaussian Property of Distribution, Greater Nonlethal Field, Horizon's Push, Hyperbolic Asymptote, Jelly, Jelly Katamari, Mindlock Strike, Nonlethal Field, Partial Shadow, Power Word The Game, Practice Field, Recreation, Refit Limb, Restful, Restructure, Restructure, Greater, Restructure, Lesser, Restructure, Mass Lesser, Restructuring Circle, Revigorize, Revive Construct, Rien's Spontaneous Regression, See The Unseen, Seen but Unseen, Shadow's Trip, Time, Unwary Harassment, Weightless Object, Zeno's Lemma, Zone of Restructuring, Zone of Vigor
Other Abyssalbred, Antistrain, Avicularia, Belt of Temporal Summoning, Boots of the Summoned Hulk, Celestubus, Chemist, Coffee, Crate, Damage Susceptibility, Dire Hypnotoad, Eldritch Blast Specialist, Enchanted Pouch, Fell Contract, Hyper, Hypno, Identity Disc, Klein, Klein Sword, Logarithmic, Nullstrain, Ring of Lesser Warmth, Ring of Mental Transformation, Self-Repair, Shadow Adept, Shadow Pact Warlock, Spellcutting, Spellslashing, Spellslashing Burst, Sublime Bane, Summoning Gloves, Summoning Gloves of Magnificence, Truecenter Crystal, Weightless, Wingpin, Yoshi
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Allowed AlignmentsLawful Evil +, Neutral Evil +, Chaotic Good +, Chaotic Neutral + and Chaotic Evil +
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorHavvy +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Rated ByGhostwheel + and Jota +
RatingRating Pending +
SkillBalance +, Bluff +, Concentration +, Craft +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points2 +
SummaryWarlock slowly transforms into shadow. +
TitleShadow Adept +