Category:Wondrous Item
This category contains all wondrous items on the wiki, for every edition that supports such a piece of equipment.
Pages in category "Wondrous Item"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,052 total.
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- A'dam (3.5e Equipment)
- Absolutely Safe Canopy (3.5e Equipment)
- AC Scouter (3.5e Equipment)
- Acacite Heartstone Amulet (3.5e Equipment)
- Accessory of Human Disguise (3.5e Equipment)
- Ace Feathered Crest (3.5e Equipment)
- Aged Drakescales Mantle (3.5e Equipment)
- Air Hike Boots (3.5e Equipment)
- Alchemical Quiver (3.5e Equipment)
- Alchemy Stone (3.5e Equipment)
- Alethiometer (3.5e Equipment)
- Alien Atomizer (3.5e Equipment)
- All-Around Mirror (3.5e Equipment)
- Amaurea Quiver (3.5e Equipment)
- Amazing Deed (3.5e Equipment)
- Amazonian Strength Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Amber Prosthesis (3.5e Equipment)
- Amber Vial (3.5e Equipment)
- Amberstone (3.5e Equipment)
- Amefyst Rod (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Armor Skin (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Corpses (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Devilbane (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Dark (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Greater (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Least (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Lesser (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Elemental Summons (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Amulet of Epic Natural Armor
- SRD:Amulet of Health
- Amulet of Immortality (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Amulet of Inescapable Location
- Amulet of Mediocre Health (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Mental Faculty (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of Merform (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Amulet of Mighty Fists
- SRD:Amulet of Natural Armor
- SRD:Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location
- Amulet of Souls (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of the Eye (3.5e Equipment)
- Amulet of the Merciful Lord (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Amulet of the Planes
- Amulet of Words (3.5e Equipment)
- Analysis Helm (3.5e Equipment)
- Angreal (3.5e Equipment)
- Anima Channeling Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Animated Manipulators (3.5e Equipment)
- Ankh of He (3.5e Equipment)
- Ankh of the Faith (3.5e Equipment)
- Anklet of the Coyote (3.5e Equipment)
- Anti-Magic Orb (3.5e Equipment)
- AnyMug (3.5e Equipment)
- Apocrypha Engine (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Apparatus of the Crab
- Apparatus of the Lobster (3.5e Equipment)
- Apprentice Tailor's Mender (3.5e Equipment)
- Approximate Variable Duplicate Capsule (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Animal Carrier (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Bag of Conjuration (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Cestus (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Peacekeeper (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Recorder (3.5e Equipment)
- Arcane Spellgem (3.5e Equipment)
- Archdeacon's Robes (3.5e Equipment)
- Armament of the Force Mage (3.5e Equipment)
- Armbands of the Creator (3.5e Equipment)
- Artificer Battery Pack (3.5e Equipment)
- Artimancer's Coat (3.5e Equipment)
- Artisan Hammer (3.5e Equipment)
- As The Frost (3.5e Equipment)
- Assassin's Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Astral Escape Vest (3.5e Equipment)
- Atmosphere Helmet (3.5e Equipment)
- Autoscribe (3.5e Equipment)
- Backcar (3.5e Equipment)
- Baculus (3.5e Equipment)
- Badge of Accuracy (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bag of Devouring
- SRD:Bag of Holding
- Bag of Magic Spikes (3.5e Equipment)
- Bag of Minions (3.5e Equipment)
- Bag of Rats (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bag of Tricks
- Bag of Tricks and Treats (3.5e Equipment)
- Banana Slippers (3.5e Equipment)
- Banner of Fierce Corsair (3.5e Equipment)
- Banner of the Sea Dog (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bead of Force
- Beaked Mask (3.5e Equipment)
- Beam Sabre (3.5e Equipment)
- Bearskin Mantle (3.5e Equipment)
- Beast Claws (3.5e Equipment)
- Beautician's Baton (3.5e Equipment)
- Bed of Dream Travel (3.5e Equipment)
- Beggar's Bedazzler (3.5e Equipment)
- Beginner's Quickspell Bracers (3.5e Equipment)
- Bell of Tranquility (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Belt of Dwarvenkind
- SRD:Belt of Epic Strength
- SRD:Belt of Giant Strength
- Belt of Great Prowess (3.5e Equipment)
- Belt of Inspiration (3.5e Equipment)
- Belt of Mediocre Strength (3.5e Equipment)
- Belt of Octopus Tentacles (3.5e Equipment)
- Belt of Temporal Summoning (3.5e Equipment)
- Belt of Yeeting (3.5e Equipment)
- Bird of Determined Lift (3.5e Equipment)
- Black Baroness's Amulet (3.5e Equipment)
- Black Nimbus Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Black Testament (3.5e Equipment)
- Blackfeather Mantle (3.5e Equipment)
- Blackflare Helm (3.5e Equipment)
- Blackstone Golem Forge (3.5e Equipment)
- Bladegrass Coat (3.5e Equipment)
- Blank Wand (3.5e Equipment)
- Blasphemous Hat (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Blessed Book
- Blessed Medallion (3.5e Equipment)
- Blessed Palms (3.5e Equipment)
- Blight Crystal (3.5e Equipment)
- Blindfold of Ignorance (3.5e Equipment)
- Blood Condensing Gourd (3.5e Equipment)
- Blood Contract Pen (3.5e Equipment)
- Blood Idol (3.5e Equipment)
- Bloodstone (3.5e Equipment)
- Bloody Fang Mask (3.5e Equipment)
- Bloody Mercy Crystal (3.5e Equipment)
- Bloody Trophy Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Blue Bloodstone (3.5e Equipment)
- Blue Ice Thermos (3.5e Equipment)
- Boar Tusk Necklace (3.5e Equipment)
- Bomb Bag (3.5e Equipment)
- Bomber's Belt (3.5e Equipment)
- Bone Chime (3.5e Equipment)
- Book Cover, Card (3.5e Equipment)
- Book Cover, Cliffnotes (3.5e Equipment)
- Book Cover, Deceptive (3.5e Equipment)
- Book Cover, Hardened (3.5e Equipment)
- Book Cover, Teleporting (3.5e Equipment)
- Book of Knowledge (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Boots of Dancing
- Boots of Dwarvenkind (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Boots of Elvenkind
- Boots of Flawless Recovery (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of Floating (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Boots of Levitation
- Boots of Mountainous Roots (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Boots of Speed
- SRD:Boots of Striding and Springing
- SRD:Boots of Swiftness
- SRD:Boots of Teleportation
- Boots of the Charging Crab (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of the Steed Strider (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of the Summoned Hulk (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of the Swift Step (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of the Tireless Crusader (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of the Tireless Runner (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Boots of the Winterlands
- Boots of the Wolf (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of Twisting and Turning (3.5e Equipment)
- Boots of Wallrunning (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bottle of Air
- Bottomless Quiver (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
- Bowl of the Winds (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bracelet of Friends
- Bracelets of Incredible Power (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bracers of Armor
- Bracers of Backstabbing (3.5e Equipment)
- Bracers of Backstabbing, Greater (3.5e Equipment)
- Bracers of Backstabbing, Lesser (3.5e Equipment)
- Bracers of Deadly Aim (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Bracers of Defenselessness
- SRD:Bracers of Epic Armor
- SRD:Bracers of Epic Health
- SRD:Bracers of Relentless Might
- Bracers of the Brutal Thrower (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
- SRD:Brooch of Shielding
- SRD:Broom of Animated Attack
- SRD:Broom of Flying
- Broom of Flying, Variant (3.5e Equipment)
- Bubbloon Boots (3.5e Equipment)
- Bucket of Bethesda (3.5e Equipment)
- Bunny Hood (3.5e Equipment)
- Burrowing Visor (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Cabinet of Feasting
- SRD:Candle of Invocation
- SRD:Candle of Truth
- Candle of Truth, Variant (3.5e Equipment)
- Cane of Teleportation (3.5e Equipment)
- Cap of the Street Fighter (3.5e Equipment)
- Cape of the Dark Overlord (3.5e Equipment)
- SRD:Cape of the Mountebank
- Cape of the Star Knight (3.5e Equipment)
- Captchalogue Card (3.5e Equipment)
- Cardboard Box (3.5e Equipment)