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SRD:Magical Beast Type

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Magical Beast TypeEdit

Magical beasts are similar to animals but can have Intelligence scores higher than 2. Magical beasts usually have supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but sometimes are merely bizarre in appearance or habits.


A magical beast has the following features.


A magical beast possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).


SRD Monsters with the Magical Beast Type

Creature Entry CR Type and Subtypes Size
Androsphinx 9 Magical Beast Large
Ankheg 3 Magical Beast Large
Aranea 4 Magical Beast [Shapechanger] Medium
Basilisk 5 Magical Beast Medium
Behir 8 Magical Beast Huge
Blink Dog 2 Magical Beast Medium
Brain Mole 1/2 Magical Beast [Psionic] Tiny
Bulette 7 Magical Beast Huge
Celestial Badger 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Celestial Charger 13 Magical Beast Large
Celestial Dog 1/3 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Celestial Giant Fire Beetle 1/3 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Celestial Monkey 1/6 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Tiny
Celestial Owl 1/4 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Tiny
Celestial Porpoise 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Medium
Chimera 7 Magical Beast Large
Cockatrice 3 Magical Beast Small
Criosphinx 7 Magical Beast Large
Darkmantle 1 Magical Beast Small
Digester 6 Magical Beast Medium
Dragonne 7 Magical Beast Large
Eight-Headed Hydra 7, 9 Magical Beast Huge
Eleven-Headed Hydra 10, 12 Magical Beast Huge
Ethereal Marauder 3 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Medium
Fiendish Dire Rat 1/3 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Fiendish Hawk 1/3 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Tiny
Fiendish Monstrous Centipede 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Medium
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Fiendish Monstrous Spider 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Fiendish Octopus 1 Magical Beast [Aquatic, Extraplanar] Small
Fiendish Raven 1/6 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Tiny
Fiendish Snake 1/2 Magical Beast [Extraplanar] Small
Five-Headed Hydra 4, 6 Magical Beast [Fire, Cold] Huge
Flesh Harrower Puppeteer 2 Magical Beast [Psionic] Small
Frost Worm 12 Magical Beast [Cold] Huge
Giant Eagle 3 Magical Beast Large
Giant Owl 3 Magical Beast Large
Girallon 6 Magical Beast Large
Gorgon 8 Magical Beast Large
Gray Glutton 7 Magical Beast Huge
Gray Render 8 Magical Beast Large
Griffon 4 Magical Beast Large
Gynosphinx 8 Magical Beast Large
Hellwasp Swarm 8 Magical Beast [Extraplanar, Evil, Swarm] Diminutive
Hieracosphinx 5 Magical Beast Large
Hippogriff 2 Magical Beast Large
Kraken 12 Magical Beast [Aquatic] Gargantuan
Krenshar 1 Magical Beast Medium
Lamia 6 Magical Beast Large
Lammasu 8 Magical Beast Large
Manticore 5 Magical Beast Large
Nine-Headed Hydra 8, 10 Magical Beast Huge
Owlbear 4 Magical Beast Large
Pegasus 3 Magical Beast Large
Phase Spider 5 Magical Beast Large
Puppeteer 1 Magical Beast [Psionic] Fine
Purple Worm 12 Magical Beast Gargantuan
Remorhaz 7 Magical Beast Huge
Roper 12 Magical Beast Large
Sea Cat 4 Magical Beast Large
Seven-Headed Hydra 6, 8 Magical Beast Huge
Shocker Lizard 2 Magical Beast Small
Six-Headed Hydra 5, 7 Magical Beast [Fire, Cold] Huge
Sphinx Magical Beast
Spider Eater 5 Magical Beast Large
Stirge 1/2 Magical Beast Tiny
Tarrasque 20 Magical Beast Colossal
Ten-Headed Hydra 9, 11 Magical Beast Huge
Twelve-Headed Hydra 11, 13 Magical Beast Huge
Unicorn 3 Magical Beast Large
Winter Wolf 5 Magical Beast [Cold] Large
Worg 2 Magical Beast Medium
Yrthak 9 Magical Beast Huge

SRD Templates that grant the Magical Beast Type

Template Description CR Adjustment
Celestial Creature Celestial creatures dwell on the upper planes, the realms of good, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more regal and more beautiful than their earthly counterparts. as base creature, as base creature +1, as base creature +2
Fiendish Creature Fiendish creatures dwell on the lower planes, the realms of evil, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more fearsome in appearance than their earthly counterparts. as base creature, as base creature +1, as base creature +2
Phrenic Creature Seemingly no different from standard examples of their kind, phrenic creatures harbor mental might. as base creature +1, as base creature +2, as base creature +3

Homebrew Monsters with the Magical Beast Type

Homebrew monsters using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only.


Homebrew Templates that grant the Magical Beast Type

Homebrew templates granting this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only.


Homebrew Races with the Magical Beast Type

Homebrew races using this type appear below. These are not part of the SRD, and are presented for ease of reference only.

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