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Latest revision as of 02:42, 8 May 2019

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Low Balance Feats[edit]

"Lol Media"GeneralUse the power of teh internets, or whatever passes for it in your setting, to make yourself appear more knowledgeable than you really are.Ability to cast spells, manifest powers, or access to some sort of public information medium.
10-Foot Pole ProficiencyFighterWield a 10-foot pole as a weapon.None
Ability MasteryGeneralGain a minor bonus to skills and ability checks for a chosen ability.0 or positive ability modifier for the chosen ability score
Acquire SkillGeneralYou gain a class skill.None
Adamantine TraceryWarforgedYour warforged slam attack becomes adamantine.Warforged
Adaptive ShiftFighterYou expend a readied maneuvers to ready another.Initiator Level 1st
Advanced HealGeneralAccess advanced healing with the Heal skill.Heal 4 ranks
Agony CaressFiendYour touch is TorturousCharacter level 3
Alignment AlterationGeneralYou can count your alignment as another alignment one step away on one axis.None
Ammunition RecovererGeneralGet your ammunition back that misses.Base Attack Bonus +1
Angled ArrowFighterYou can use a bow when prone.None
Animal WhispererGeneralYou listen to animals and can empathize better.Handle Animal 4 ranks or Wild Empathy
AnklebiterGeneralThis feat needs a summary.Reach 0 ft. (i.e. Tiny or smaller)
AntiquarianGeneralAppraise and identify objects, as well as recall old lore.Int 15
Applied EngineeringRacialYou can use your academic knowledge as an applied skill.Fossor, Intelligence 13 or more, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 1 rank or more
Armorforged BodyWarforgedTake any armor and bind it to your warforged body, and get some bonuses to enhancing it.Warforged
Art of StealthGeneralYou use your Charisma instead of your Dexterity for stealth.CHA 13+
Artificial MeldshaperMonstrousUse Wisdom instead of Constitution to shape soulmeldsCon -, Int 3, Construct Type
Aspect of the CicadaHivemasterTime to make some noise and shed some skinAspect of the Vermin class feature
Augmented Alchemy-CEItem CreationImprove on your base alchemical and poison-making skills.Int 13, Craft Alchemy 4 or Craft Poison 4
Aura of DecaySpelltouchedEverything around you withers away.Must have been subjected to desecrate.
Automail AdaptationGeneralYou have adapted to your automail grafts, no longer taking penalties from it and benefiting from the strength of the machine.Constitution 15, Must have received at least one automail graft
Balanced BladeFighterWhile you are wielding a single one-handed weapon two-handed, you count as having your off-hand free for all intent and purposeBAB +1 or DEX 13
Battle LootingFighterYou like to fight with the weapons of your fallen enemies.Quick Draw
BergentrückungFighterNot all legendary heroes dies, some sleep until the day they are needed again.Character Level 11th
Blessed RefreshmentGeneral1/day drink a holy water and treat it as a potion of cure light wounds.None
Blood TrackerGeneralYou know how to track wounded animals and beasts.Track
Blood TransfusionGeneralYou may heal others with your blood.Staunch class ability
Body LinguistGeneralCommunicate without speaking, but only vague ideas and concepts.Bluff 4 ranks or Perform 4 ranks
Bond of MurderGeneralYou have a telepathic bond with anyone you've killed or who has killed you.None
Brick BreakFighterYou are an expert at shattering inanimate objects into pieces.Improved Unarmed Strike
Brute Force ProgrammingGeneralUse Strength for programming instead... it just takes you a long time.1 rank in Program.
Buckler BashFighterYou can perform shield bash with bucklers.Must be proficient with bucklers.
Cadaver TransformationUndeadAs a move action you can transform yourself into what appears to be a decayed corpse.Corporeal Undead
Caffeine BoostGeneralYou can use caffeine to resist sleep deprivation better than most.None
Caltrop TosserFighterExpertly toss caltrops to cover more area, and pick them back up faster.Dexterity 13
Cantrip Grand MasterGeneralYou gain all 0th level spells as spells known and can spontaneously cast them if you're a prepared caster.Cantrip Master
Cantrip MasterGeneralYou gain all 0th level spells as part of your class spell list.0th level spellcasting
Careful ObservationGeneralUse your Intelligence modifier on perception-based checks.Int 13
Casting ConservationGeneralArcane spell failure causes you to only lose actions, not spells.None
Casual StealthGeneralYou can fade into the crowd, allowing you to use stealth without concealment in certain situation.Disguise 1 Ranks, Hide and Move Silently 4 Ranks
CatfallGeneralYou can survive falls from a large distance.Base Reflex Save +2, Dex 13
Cerulean EnduranceIncarnumDelay death by 3 hit points for every point of invested essentia.Con 15, Azure Toughness
ChameleonXenothericYou can blend in with your surroundings by adapting your body to the colors and textures around you.None
Charismatic TruespeakGeneralUse Charisma instead of Intelligence for truespeak.Truespeak 4 Ranks
Charlotte's TongueGeneralSpeak with a kind of vermin.None
Clarity Through ViolenceGeneralWhen confused, all results are "attack".None
Clarity of RageProwess, FuryWhen blinding rage pushes you forward, you still tend to end up right where you wanted to be.Rage class feature
Clear the WayGeneralYour allies may count the space you occupy as unoccupied. You may even share the same space as them.Escape Artist 2 ranks.
Clothing Beam CannonMonkYou can create clothing at will... for... some reason.None
Clumsy DodgeGeneralYou're so clumsy that you accidentally dodge out of the way when caught unaware.Dexterity 9 or lower.
Combat Equivalency DegreeFighterYour HD counts as your BAB, but only for the purpose of pre-requisites.None
Combat PerformanceGeneralYou can fight and perform at the same time.Bardic Music or Bardic Performance
Commoner AuthorityGeneralCommoners are initially helpful toward you.Cha 13
CommunicatorGeneralYou can communicate in short sentences with any creature of at least Int 3.Speak Language 2 ranks
Conniving ManipulatorGeneralYou may use your Intelligence and bluff check and gain a bonus on 'evil' lies.Bluff 1 Ranks
Copy MachineItem CreationWhen you make something many times in a row, you get exceedingly good at it.Craft (any) 4 ranks
Copyright FormFighterNo one else may assume your form.1 level in a PC class
Cover WeaknessGeneralIncrease an ability score by +1, to a maximum of a score of 11.An ability score less than 11.
Crafter's AssistantItem CreationAs long as your teacher is there you can duplicate their work.Craft (any) 4 ranks
Crafting InternItem CreationYou can take item creation feats earlier, and lower the cost on certain things.None
Create LanguageGeneralYou create a new language and can teach it to others.Speak Language 8 ranks, Decipher Script 4 ranks
Creative BondMetamagicYour creation spells are bonded to you, allowing you to keep track of, summon, or deny access to your creations.None
Cruising AltitudeGeneralWhen you fly overland at an altitude of 5000 ft or more, you can go really fast.Fly speed
Cyan SpecializationFighter, IncarnumAdd 1+ invested essentia to damage roll with chosen weaponCon 13, Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus (or Cyan Focus) with selected weapon, Fighter level 4th
Dance EverywhereGeneralWhen you go places, you dance.1 rank Perform Dance
Daring StepGeneralAs a swift action you may move to an adjacent square. This provoke an attack of opportunity.None
Dark MasqueradeGeneralYou radiate an aura of good and do not detect as evil.Aura of Evil
DeaconGeneralYou gain bonuses associated with your faith.Knowledge (Religion) 4 Ranks
Dedicated SteedFighter, MulticlassMulticlassing paladins and other classes which provide special mounts, they can now have their other classes now count to determining the power of the mount.Special mount
Defensive PrecisionFighterReduce the penalties taken while fighting defensively.None
Deformity, ShudderingDeformity, VileYour random spasms are probably the result of nerve damage.Willing DeformityBoVD
Desert DwellerGeneralYou are protected against intense heat.1st level Only
Device KnowledgeGeneralYou know your way with all things mechanical.None
Devoted ArrowGeneralWhen using devoted spirit, you can heal people with ranged attacks.Precise Shot, Must be able to initiate Devoted Spirit that heal yourself or allies (such as Crusader's Strike or the Martial Spirit stance).
DexterousGeneralYou have figured out how to use tools and weapons despite the lack of specialized tool using hands or appendages.Inhuman form, or otherwise lacking tool-using hands or appendages.
Diligent Martial StudyFighterRemove the limitation on the Martial Study feat.Martial Study (3 times), BAB +15, Martial Lore 4 ranks
Disguise PreparationGeneralYour disguises work better with assistance.6 ranks Disguise
Dismiss CastingGeneralAny spell you cast can be dismissed, and you can dismiss as a move action.None
Distracting ButtGeneralYour butt is distracting. Others have problems flanking you.Dexterity or Charisma 13+
Divetongue CastingGeneralThose who speak Divetongue can vocalize, but not cast, underwater. This feat allows Divetongue to be the vocal components for spells, and thus permit underwater casting.Ability to speak Divetongue, (Primary Casting Score) 13
Dork of Unrelated InterestGeneralYou know a lot of stuff, sadly most of it is practically useless.None
Double FinesseFighterYou can weapon finesse double weapons.None
Dramatic PerformanceGeneralYou have special effects.Perform 2 ranks
Ectoplasmic ApparelSpelltouchedYou can create clothes when you use a disguise ability.Must have been exposed to a disguise self spell.
Eldritch BloodGeneralThe power of warlocks boils within your blood and soul, giving stronger than normal magic powers.Warlock level 1st
Elven TranceGeneralYou've learned how to trance like the elves.Ability to sleep
Exotic Weapon WielderFighterYou may wield exotic weapon you are not proficient with as their closest martial or simple weapon equivalent.Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons.
Expert CrawlerGeneralYou can move and fight better while prone.None
Extra Focused WeaponsFighter, MonkYou apply your intense training with one weapon to an additional weapon.Base Attack Bonus +3, Int 10, Proficiency with selected weapon(s), Weapon Focus with any other weapon
Extra HexHexYou may use your hexblade's curse an two extra times per day.Hexblade's Curse class feature
Extradimensional Space MasterGeneralYou are capable of using extradimensional space very efficiiently.Knowledge (The Plane) 4 Ranks
Extreme Body ModsGeneralYou can take Deformity feats. Counts as Willing Deformity.None
Face of StoneGeneralUse intimidate in place of bluff for the purpose of concealing intent.Intimidate 4 ranks
Far Range ShotFighterGain +1 attack and damage on ranged attacks 30 ft away and further.None
Fast DrawFighterYou can draw weapons slightly faster.Bab +1
Feathered GlideSpelltouchedYour mastery of feather fall allow you to glide with ease, like Mario.Exposure to a feather fall spell.
Finishing BlowFighterYou're very good at landing the finishing blow.None
FlammabilityGeneralIf you deal fire damage, creatures risk catching on fire.None
Flanking FeintGeneralYou gain your flanking bonus on feint attempt.Dex 13+
FlexibleGeneralYou are very flexible, like literally, you can bend your spine in impossible angle and lick your elbows.Dex 13+
FlyweightGeneralYou don't have the eye of the tiger, but you do have the eye of... something.STR or CON 13, one or more levels in a class which grants Medium or Poor BAB progression
Focused AutohypnosisGeneralYou gain a +2 bonus on autohypnosis check and may use your Int or Con instead of Wis when making them.Autohypnosis 4 Ranks
Focused Weapon DefenseFighterYou gain extra AC against a specific type of weapon.None
Fortunate FateGeneralWhenever you receive a luck bonus increase it by 1 point.None
Free Psionic FocusPsionicAlways have 1 extra power point you can only use to obtain psionic focus.None
Freehand BowFighterYou can change the handedness of your bow as a free action outside of your turn.Martial Proficiency (Shortbow or Longbow)
Full Power Super SaiyanRacialYou have acclimated yourself to the strains of your Super Saiyan transformation , and have made it as tho it were your natural form. In doing so you have learned to conserve your energy.Unlocked Super Saiyan transformation, Remaining in the Super Saiyan transformation for one whole week continuously, while eating sleeping, playing, fighting, etc., 12th level Saiyan Warrior
Full of SurprisesRacialYou are full of surprises; your spell-like abilities are more versatile.Plushie subtype
GeologistGeneralBecome a real rocks analyzerKnowledge (Nature) 1 rank
Glow in the DarkGeneralYou glow in the dark.None
Glowing SpellMetamagicYour spells glow, and leave glowing residue behind.At least one [Light] spell known
Grapple DefenseFighterUse your character level as your BAB for opposing grapple checks.None
Great SavesGeneralYou get a +1 bonus to all saving throws.None
Greater FeintFighterFeint as a swift action.BAB +8, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint
Ground BreakerGeneralCreate difficult terrain where you drop.None
Growing BloodlineGeneralYou spontaneously develop features other think of as innate.None
Grunt of ExertionFighterYou can put a bit more effort into athletic pursuits if you don't mind sounding like a dying orc.None
HandymanGeneralYou never take penalties for not having the right tools on hand.None
HardyGeneralYou are harder to injure with non lethal damageToughness
Hated FoeGeneralGain a +1 attack and +1 dodge to AC against one creature type.None
Heavy Weight OptimizationGeneralYou halves the weight of heavy items for the purpose of your carrying capacity.Strength 13
Heightened PotionGeneralIncreased caster level of consumed potionsNone
Hidden WingSpelltouchedYou can hide your wings, it's like they weren't even there.Must have wings, exposed to an alter self spell.
Horde ControllerGeneralYou are capable of controlling large amount of very weak minions.Caster level 5th, must be able to cast animate dead.
Hovering TranceSpelltouchedHover lightly off the ground if you fall unconscious or when sleeping.Exposure to a levitate spell, Autohypnosis 4 ranks
I Need HealingGeneralRequest healing to give your heal-capable allies an edge at doing so.None
Imitate PerformanceGeneralYou can imitate the performance of another creature.Perform (Any) 2 ranks
Improved Blood ComponentGeneralWhen infused with your blood, your magic is far more powerful.Constitution 18, Blood component class ability
Improved Buckler UseFighterYou do not take the -1 penalty for using a weapon in your off-hand with a buckler.None
Improved Knowledge OverlapGeneralYou have an extraordinary ability to understand things in terms of other things you know.INT 19, Knowledge (Any Two) 8 ranks, Knowledge Overlap
Improvised Weapon ProficiencyFighterYou know how to use improvised weaponsNone
Incarnum BreathIncarnumImprove the area of effect of your breath weapon with essentiaCon 13, Breath weapon
Indigo ShiftingIncarnum, ShifterAdd essentia to number of shifting per day and duration.Shifter, Con 13, One other Shifter feat.
Indigo TouchIncarnumAdd twice invest essentia to damage dealt by your charnel touchCon 13 or Undead Meldshaper, Charnel Touch
Instant ReloadGeneralYou're capable of reloading in the same amount of time it takes you to blink.One Thunder Bolt stance, one Thunder Bolt strike.
InsuranceGeneralAll your sweet loot is insured.Profession Barrister 4 ranks or Knowledge Local 4 ranks
Intellectual GripGeneralYou draw your mental energy from your intellect rather than personality.Must be able to initiate at least 2 Mental Grip maneuvers.
Inverted SenescenceGeneralYour aging has been corrupted by aberrant biology, causing your body to grow more monstrous as you age, while your mind degrades into that of a beast.1st level only
Iris EdgeIncarnumAdd invested essentia to damage dealt with warmage spellCon 13, Warmage Edge
Iron LiverGeneralTo you there is no such thing as "Getting Drunk"Con 15
Just A CorpseUndeadPretend you're a normal corpse.Undead Type, Disguise 4 ranks
Just A HenchmanAntiYou can carry things, despite being weak.Str 9 or lower
Just A LinguistAntiBe unintelligent and talkativeInt 9 or lower, must be capable of speaking languages, 1st level only
Just A MeatshieldAntiTake punches, gain HPDex 9 or lower, BAB +1, 1st level only
Just A MessengerAntiUse someone elses wordsCha 9 or lower
Just AcknowledgeableAntiGain better untrained knowledge checks, re-roll certain other checks, using lower.Cha 9 or lower
Just IceAntiSmite evil with your cold dumb greatness.Int 9 or lower, Good alignment
Kiai TurquoiseIncarnumAdd invested essentia to the number of time per day you can use your Kiai Smite.Con 13, Kiai SmiteCW
Knowledge FocusGeneralYou gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks.None
Knowledge OverlapGeneralYour studies in one area sometimes teach you things in other fields.INT 17, Knowledge (Any) 8 ranks, Educated
Lapis HealingIncarnumAdd twice invested essentia to bonus healing grant by healing hand.Con 13, Healing Hands.
LibrarianGeneralYou gain a bonus to various library-related skills.Profession (librarian) 1 rank
Light SleeperGeneralYou are aware about your surroundings even when asleep, and resist sleep effects.Your race must sleep
Light Weight OptimizationGeneralYou halves the weight of items with an individual weight of 2 pounds or less.None
Lighter Than AirSpelltouchedYou float naturally, but its not under your control.Must have been affected by a levitate spell, 1st level only.
Limb TosserGeneralYou can throw your body parts at the enemy. Rockketu paunch!Regeneration or Fall to Pieces, Throw AnythingCW
LinguistGeneralLearn three languages.None
Lone ExperiencesGeneralYou gain more XP if you make a quest alone.1st level only
Lycan HeritageGeneralYou have the blood of those affected by the moon. You are naturally resistant to magic which alter your form.Shapechanger subtype
Magic of the Stars CanvasGeneralThe stars guides you to the way of conceive magic.Non-Evil alignment, Caster 5th level
Magical ManeuversGeneralYou may count your supernatural maneuvers as arcane spells.Able to cast 1st level arcane spells and able to initiate a supernatural maneuver.
Maintain Minor TransfigurationSpelltouchedMaintain helpful Transmutations for longer, but weakened.Exposure to any [Transmutation] spell with a non-permanent or instantaneous effect.
Manducate ToughnessGeneralYou are tough to swallowConstitution 11 or toughness
Mark of PerfectionExaltedYour body changes to resemble a celestial being, a sign of your connection to holy spirits and beings.None
Martial DabblerFighterYou count your full HD to your initiator level instead of 1/2.Martial Knowledge 4 ranks or BAB +1
Massage TherapyGeneralRelax muscles, release tension, help ease fatigue, limber up.1 rank Perform (Massage) or Profession (Masseuse)
Master of the SeaFighterYou are great at fighting the creatures of the sea.None
Medical KnowledgeGeneralSpeeds up the Heal skill.Heal 4 ranks
Melee ShooterFighterYou gain a +2 bonus on attack roll when attacking an adjacent opponent with a ranged weapon.Close Quarter FirePrecise Shot
Mental AltarxGeneralMental ability score penalties have a capped minimum.None
Midnight BlastIncarnumAdd twice invested essentia to damage roll on Eldritch Blast damage.Con 13, Eldritch Blast 1d6.
Minimal PowerMetapsionicYour power is cheaper, maybe even free, but it won't grow at all.None
Minor BreathGeneralYour breath weapon deals minimal damage, but can be used at will.Breath Weapon that deals hp damage
Mirror BreakerGeneralYou break mirrors just by looking at them.None
Monastic FocusMulticlass, MonkAnother class advances stunning fist as if monk. Counts as Monastic Training for pre-reqs.Stunning Fist
Monk Weapon StyleGeneralTreat a weapon you are proficient with as a special monk weapon.None
Monstrous HandGeneralYour species doesn't really have "hands", but now you can use whatever counts as limbs for hands!Creature without hands which can manipulate, 1st level only or Dex 13
MoonshinerGeneralYou can make powerful alcoholic drinks with minimal tools.Craft (Mechanic or Metalworking) 1 Ranks, Survival 4 Ranks
Moral OutlawMulticlassIncarnate and Rogue level stack Incarnum radiance and Trap sense. Gain new class skill for Incarnate and Rogue level.Incarnum radiance, Sneak Attack +1d6.
Muscle MemoryMonstrousYour body can move on its own when you're otherwise unable.Con 15 or Regeneration or Undead type
Musical HeirloomGeneralYou have a musical instrument that resonates with you and you treat perform as a class skill.1st level only
Musically GiftedGeneralYou gain a little bardic talent.Cha 13, Perform 4 ranks
Naturally UnarmedFighterYou can count your natural weapons as unarmed strikes.Any natural weapon
Nonhumanoid Armor CrafterGeneralCraft armor for nonhumanoid creatures at only +50% instead of double cost.1 rank Craft (armor)
Northern WandererGeneralYou are protected against the cold, always know where north is and can predict the weather.Survival 3 ranks
Obtain the Worst FamiliarGeneralYou obtain a familiar, I swear it's not just a regular animal in a wizard hat this time. Honest.Caster level 1st
Obtain the Worst Familiar LegionGeneralYou have too many familiars. And they're all the worst.Obtain the Worst Familiar
Outsider SpecialistGeneralYou gain bonuses on knowledge checks with a specific type of outsiders and when interacting with them.Knowledge (the planes) 1 Ranks
Piercing CaltropsGeneralYour caltrops pierce defenses.Craft (Weaponsmithing) 4 Ranks
Piercing ClimberGeneralYou can use some piercing weapons to climb.Climb 4 Ranks
Pompadour of LegendGeneralYou have a massive, magnificent pompadour.Cha 13
Potent MemoryGeneralYou can dig into memory better than any others.Int 15
Power AnimalGeneralIncrease your Handle Animal skill. This feat is the prerequisite for some other feats involving an animal companion.Must have an animal companion, familiar, or special mount.
Prone FiringFighterYou are able to fire prone with no problems.None
PuffnessGeneralGain a +3 bonus on Fortitude saves after a failure and one other benefit.None
PushbotGeneralYou push and carry heavy loads faster than normal.Str 13
Pushover FollowersGeneralYour followers are pushovers.Leadership
Quick ClimberGeneralYou are able to climb quickly with a climber's kit.Climb 2 Ranks
Quick RecoveryGeneralYou heal faster from non lethal damageNone
QuickfallGeneralFall faster.None
Racial Save FocusRacialAdjust which saves are your good and poor saves for your racial HD.1 racial HD
Racial Skill FocusGeneralPut effort into what skills you're naturally good at.Any racial skill bonus.
Rational ConversationGeneralGood judgement and rational thinking allows you to add Wisdom to social checks.Wisdom 11+
Refreshing BathGeneralYou learned the secret of taking restorative bathes.Survival 2 rank
Residual GrowthSpelltouchedGrow a little taller. Get Soft Ability Damage Reduction (Strength) 1.None
Rich ParentGeneralYou have rich parents, which grant you a bonus on Charisma-based skill checks.Must have at least one very influential or wealthy parent
RobustnessFighterYou have some spare hp in reserve in case of emergencies.None
Scaling FamiliarGeneralYour familiar is based on your character level instead of your class level.Must have the summon familiar class feature.
Self ExsanguinationGeneralAdd even more blood to your spells!Improved Blood Component (3.5e Feat)
Sensitive CorpseUndeadYou can feel again!Undead Type
Shapechanger's CohesionMonstrousFall asleep, become goo.Shapechanger Subtype
Shapechanger's FitRacialYou can don or remove armor very easily and fit in about any armor.Shapechanger Subtype
Shoot DefensivelyFighterYou can take a -4 penalty to attack with a ranged weapon attack to not provoke.Bab +1 or Int 13+
Shored WeaknessGeneralIncrease your two weakest ability scores.Two abilities scores less than 13.
Show of PowerFighter, MonkYou show off your power level. This might trouble your opponents.None
Signet Ring ChannelingSpelltouchedYou've learned well the lessons required to keep yourself presentable and keep from having unfortunate accidents.Exposure to prestidigitation and love ward
Simply ExoticFighterTreat a Simple or Martial weapon as an Exotic weapon. Great for meeting requirements for classes or feats.None
Singular Poison ImmunityGeneralGain immunity to a single poison.None
SkeletongueGeneralYou are able to speak, be understood and hear skeletons.Must have a skeletal system
Skill Specialization FocusGeneralGain a +1 bonus to a skill and a +3 bonus to a specialized area of that skill.None
Skill SynergizerGeneralGain an extra +1 bonus on skill synergies.None
Skill Tool OptimizationGeneralGain an additional +1 bonus on skills from your tools.None
Skull StudyGeneralYou are uniquely learned about skulls and skull-related facts.Knowledge (Nature) or Heal 4 Ranks
SkydiverGeneralYou can't stop your fall, but you can control where you land.None
Sleep Standing UpGeneralYou are scary when asleep, because no one can tell when you are. Sleep standing up and with eyes open.Must be able to sleep.
Slow LevitationPsionicWhile psionically focused you can slowly hover around.None
Slow MetabolismGeneralYou need less food than most, and can enter a state of hibernation if you need to wait a while.Con 13 and Survival 4 ranks
Sparkle SparkleSpelltouchedYou release sparkly fairy dust. It's dazzling!Exposure to glitterdust.
Spellbreaking BlowFighterYour blows hit so hard that they don't merely disrupt spells, they cause them to backfire.Power AttackStrong Grip
Spicy BoiGeneralYou are difficult to swallow, so most things avoid eating you.None
Spiritual HealthGeneralYou add your mental stat bonus to your hit points.INT 13, WIS 13 or CHA 13
SquireGeneralYou get a weak cohort who can be your unseen seen servant.Character level 5th
Staunch GripFighterHold your weapons while stunned or unconscious and another minor benefit.None
Sublime PsychicPsionicYou've been trained in the exotic discipline of the Mental Grip.Swordsage 3rd or Warblade or Crusader 6th, Autohypnosis 3 ranks or Skill Focus (Autohypnosis).
Sunlight AdaptationGeneralYou no longer suffer from light sensitivity and light blindness is greatly reduced.Light Sensitivity or Light Blindness
Swift SwimmerGeneralYou can use Dexterity instead of Strength on swim check and can swim faster than others.Swim 4 Ranks
Swift TreatmentGeneralTreat wounds quicklyHeal 4 ranks
Tail DefenseRacialOnce bitten, twice shy, this Saiyan wont be letting you grab his tail again!Saiyan race, must have been subject to tail paralization at least once
Take a Deep BreathGeneralYou can calm yourself and hold your breath for long.None
Talking FamiliarGeneralYour familiar is able to talk to any creatures.Familiar class feature
Telepathy StackerPsionicIf you have multiple sources of telepathy, they stack instead of overlap.Telepathy
Teleport on your FeetGeneralYou can teleport on or off your feet.Must be able to cast or use a [Teleportation] ability.
Time SightGeneralYou can see ages.Mender's Eyes (poisons/diseases) class feature.
Tinge of MagicGeneralYou can cast a single cantrip as a spell-like ability 1/day. It's not much, but it does give you a caster level.Any mental ability score of 11 or higher
Tip ToeGeneralMove slower, sneak better.4 ranks in Move Silently
Tough MuscleGeneralAdd your Strength modifier to your maximum hp.Str 13, Con 13
Unaging MysticGeneralIf you do not cast spells or manifest powers you do not age.Must be able to cast 3rd level spell or manifest 3rd level power
Unarmed Mind BladePsionicWhen you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into a faintly glowing aura that augments your unarmed strikes with the abilities of your mind blade.Ability to generate a mind blade, shape mind blade class feature.
Undead SkillUndeadYou gain Skill Focus in a Skill you had when alive.None
Universal ExpertGeneralApply ranks in a specified skill like Craft or Perform, and have it apply to any check of that sort.8 ranks in any skills with subcategories (such as Craft or Perform)
Unnatural AuraGeneralYou have something unnatural about you which cause animals to dislike your presence.None
Urban TravelerGeneralYou know how to get yourself free room and board in towns you visit.Knowledge (local) 4 ranks or Diplomacy 4 ranks or Gather Information 4 ranks., 1 level in a PC class
Versatile PerformerGeneralYour ranks in perform may now apply to up to three different types of performances, with synergy bonuses if you can use multiple of them.Perform (Any) 4 Ranks
Virtuoso TailorGeneralYour unique clothing creations combine different styles.4 ranks in Craft (Tailor) or similar skill
Void AdaptionGeneralYou can function normally in the Void.Dexterity 13, Tumble 4 ranks.
Waking DeathGeneralEven when you are dead, you remain aware and able to speak.None
WallcrasherFighterYou can demolish walls in your way.Strength 13+
Warforged FrameGeneralYou count as a warforged when beneficial.Construct type
Weapon DiscipliningFighterMake a weapon you have Weapon Focus in a discipline weapon for initiators.Weapon Focus
Weaponize ToolFighterYou can fight with tool like if they were weapons.Craft (Any) 4 Ranks, Handyman
Weight TrainingGeneralCalculate your carrying capacity using not just your Strength.None
Well ArmedFighterSelect a weapon you are proficient with, any weapon specific feats and class abilities you possess now apply to this weapon as well.You are just as good with a sword as with an axe, although your spearwork can use some work.
Well FedGeneralYou always have enough food for one person per day.Craft Cooking 4 ranks or Profession (any food preparation job) 4 ranks or Survival 4 ranks
Witch VanishGeneralWhen you teleport, you leave behind vermin.Any teleportation ability.

Low Balance Epic Feats[edit]

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