3.5e Magic Weapon Enhancements
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Magical Weapon Enhancements[edit]
Name | Cost | Summary |
Ability Blow | +1 | An ability blow weapon is tied to a certain ability score. Damage from the weapon goes off the selected ability score, rather than Strength (or whatever ability score is normally used). |
Ability Striking | +1 | An ability striking weapon is tied to a certain ability score. Attacks with the weapon go off the selected ability score, rather than Strength (or whatever ability score is normally used). |
Ability Trickster | +1 | Combat tricks and special DCs for weapon abilities can be based off the chosen ability score. |
Absolute | +4 | The damage of an absolute weapon cannot be prevented. |
Acrid Rime | +5 | An Acrid Rime weapon is a made of a supercool acid kept within a magical containment field overlaid upon the original weapon. |
Adaptive | +5 | This weapon enhancement allows you to use part of your true potential when wielding it. |
Aeon Nix | +1 | An enhancement which protect the item it is applied to from corrosion and the wear of ages. |
Alchemical Catalyst | +1 | The alchemical catalyst enhancement increase the potency of damaging alchemical item applied on the enhanced weapon. |
Alchemical Retardant | +1 | A weapon that can put alchemical components applied to it on hold for a time. |
Alchemical Storage | +1 | Alchemical storage weapons can store up to three alchemical items at a time, and release them on an opponent as a free action on hit. |
Anarchic, Revised | +2 | An anarchic weapon possess innate power which is baneful to lawful creatures and constructs. |
Anthropomorphic | +2,000 GP | A strange prestige enhancement which turn your weapon into an humanoid form. |
Antifreeze | 500 gp | An antifreeze weapon, armor, or shield has double its hardness against the effects of cold damage and protects its wielder from extreme cold damage when used. |
Aperture | +5 | |
Arcing | +2 | An arcing weapon has the characteristics of a shock weapon, but the energy arcs to additional targets on a successful critical hit. |
Armor Busting | +1 | Armor busting items are bludgeoning weapons designed specifically to break through heavy armor. |
Aspergillum | +1 | A rare enhancement popular with which turn a mace head into an aspergillum, a device capable of sprinkling holy water. |
Attitude Adjuster | +1 bonus, +2 bonus, +3 bonus, +4 bonus | Some weapons make people a lot more willing to talk things out than fight. A boon to Enchanters and party faces everywhere, it didn't take a genius to have the idea to create an enchantment specifically for this. |
Autoloading | +1 | An autoloading automatically cocks a gun, pulled back a crossbow string, or otherwise prepares a weapon for firing on its own. |
Autorepair | 6000 gp | Autorepair weapons and armor recover hit points with time, and can even be restored if destroyed or sundered. |
Axiomatic, Lesser | +1 | A low powered version of the Axiomatic enchantment, it too is imbued with the power of the law. |
Axiomatic, Revised | +2 | An axiomatic weapon possess innate power which is baneful to chaotic creatures and fey. |
Balance | +2 | A balance weapon possess innate power which is baneful to all creatures of the alignment extremes. |
Baleform | +2 | A well-scored hit channels a weak form of baleful polymorph into the target. |
Baleful Critical | +2 | A baleful critical weapon deal an immense amount of damage on a natural 20 |
Baleful Intent | +2 bonus | The unrepentant evil of this weapon penetrates the defenses of good. |
Black Mark | +1 | Black Mark weapons apply a curse which may be discharged as an immediate action. |
Blackflame | +2 | This enhancement deal extra fire damage with synergy when wielded by users who can use hexblade's curse |
Blade Dashing | +3 | This enhancement allows you to make bladed dash with the enhanced weapon. |
Blade of Disaster | +5 | A weapon of disaster is a jet black planar rift condensed within the edge of a piercing or slashing melee weapon, disintegrating its foe with a concentrated attack. |
Blast Loading | +1 | Blast Loading weapons can be reloaded as an attack action, throwing the expended weapon as a grenade and having it reform in your hands. |
Blazing | +1 | A blazing weapon make flaming weapon even stronger. |
Bloodbath | +2 | Your weapon becomes sharper than ever, cutting everything it touches with great ease. |
Bloodbite | +1 | A bloodbite weapon draws a sample of blood and flesh, and grants the weapon and its wielders properties similar to the target. |
Bloodhound | +1 | When a bloodhound weapon wounds a creature, you may track their position for up to 24 hours or until they return to full hp. |
Bloodrazor | +1 | As a move action the user can inflict up to 10 points of damage to themselves (ignoring damage reduction and temporary hit points), and in turn gain a +1 profane bonus to damage for every 2 points of damage taken. |
Bloodthirsty | +1 | A bloodthirsty weapon becomes more powerful the more it is used in battle. |
Branding | 50 gp | A branding weapon turns the wounds of its blows into permanent magical markings. |
Breaching | +2 | Breaching weapons break down shields and barriers with ease, as well as cutting through unnatural vigor. |
Breath of Long Winter | +2 | A weapon enhanced with this enhancement changes its cold attack depending on if it is active or not. |
Brilliant Energy, Variant | +4 | The business end of your weapon transforms into solid light, passing through armor and striking at the creature's life essence directly. |
Burning Roar | +3 | A burning roar weapon functions as a flaming and flaming burst weapon, but also allows its wielder to call forth a rush of fire. |
Burst Affinity | +2,000 GP, +1 or +2 | A burst affinity equipment resonate with the elemental burst and thundering enhancement for extra powers |
Burst Weapon | +2 | A burst weapon enables its wielder to strike their foes with superhuman force. |
Bystander | +2 | Weaponize peace to avoid interference from other enemies. |
Catalyst | +1 | Catalyst weapons make the corrosive or acidic burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Caustic Frost | +1 | Caustic Frost weapons make the cold/acid weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Cauterize | +1, +2 or +3 bonus | A weapon enchantment designed to reduce healing. |
Changeling Variant | +2000 gp | A variant of the Changeling enhancement from the Magic Item Compendium, designed to fit any kind of weapon. |
Chatterbox | +2 | Chatterbox weapons have been granted the power of speech, and to make recordings. |
Compact Build | +4,000 GP | This enhancement turn bulky bows, crossbows and firearms into compact version of themselves which is more easily handled. |
Compensating | +1 | A compensating weapon reduces the penalty you take on your attack rolls from any source. |
Compound Strength | Varies | This enhancement can only be placed on the composite longbow, composite shortbow and ranged weapons with similiar properties. |
Compression | +1,000 | A compression item can well compress itself into a small item such as a ring or a belt. |
Compression Matrix | +1 | A compression matrix armor you to store your entire inventory in a single item. |
Conductive | +1 | Conductive weapons make the shocking or shocking burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Constricting | +1 | A constricting weapon slowly crush the life out of creature grappled with it. |
Contracting | +1 | With this enhancement, you can gain the benefit of a smaller type of weapon (Ex. One-Handed, Light). |
Coolant | 500 gp | A coolant weapon, armor, or shield has double its hardness against the effects of heat damage and protect its wielder from extreme heat damage when used. |
Crimson Radiance | +1 or +2 | A Crimson Radiance weapon feed on the lifeforce of the creature it strike to reinvigorate the user. |
Crusading | +1 | This special enhancement grant the wielder the ability to smite evil or extra uses of it as well as other bonuses for paladins. |
Cryo | +1 | A cryo weapon make frost weapon even stronger. |
Curative | +2 | Curative weapons deal an extra 2d6 damage against creatures which are harmed by positive energy, and can be used to heal yourself and others 1/day. |
Cutting | +1 | A cutting weapon deals 1d6 extra slashing damage, and you can choose to convert all your weapon damage into slashing damage as a free action. |
Damocles | +4 | Damocles weapons mark a target, striking them with the weapon every round they remain in range. |
Dancing, Variant | +2, +1 | A variant of the dancing enhancement that actually lets you use it to full effect. |
Darkblessed | +1 | This enhancement is usually bestowed upon the weapons of thieves and assassin, allowing the use of sneak attack and other form of precision damage even in the darkest of darkness. |
Data | +5 | A data weapon is made of digital energy, dealing more damage to some construct and has several abilities. |
Deathstrike | +2 | Deathstrike weapons deal +2 damage against living creatures, and can store the essence of death for a major attack. |
Defiant | +2 | An enchantment that evens the odds. |
Delayed | +2 | Placed on projectile weapons and ammo, delayed weapons can be delayed for up to 5 rounds before they continue their flight path. |
Demon Weapon, Least | 1,300gp | This is the weakest of all demon weapons, with a lesser demon essence bound into it. |
Demon Weapon, Lesser | 3,000gp | A slightly stronger demon weapon, containing a lesser demonic essence. |
Dervish Wind | +3 | A dervish wind weapon can be loosed and take a life on it own. |
Devouring | +5 | A mighty voracity for souls from the Great Below is given to the weapon, dealing remarkably permanent damage and boasting heavy penetration. |
Disguised Weapon | +1,500 | This weapon looks like an ordinary household object when not in use. |
Dismemberment | +2 bonus | Removing arms and legs with a single swing. |
Dispelling | +2 | This weapon removes spell effects as per the greater dispel magic spell. |
Disrupting Flame | +2 | Weapons enhanced with this ability have an undead-banishing flame, and it can cause corpses felled by it to explode with divine flame. It flames change color in the presence of undead. |
Dominion | +1 | A Dominion weapon weaken the will of any creature it strike, making any control over them longer lasting and easier to take hold. |
Drilling | +2 | The point of your weapon starts rotating when hitting your enemies. |
Duplicating | +1 | A duplicating weapon is just that, when wielded it can create a copy of itself |
Earthen | +1 | This enhancement surrounds the weapon in a covering of earth that hardens objects, makes the wielder more stable, aids strikes, and knocks down opponents. |
Earthen Burst | +2 | This enhancement is a stronger version of the earthen enhancement. |
Earthshaker | +4 | A earthshaker weapon is a devastating enhancement that allow it user to do a high amount of damage and cause tremors. |
Earthshaker, Lesser | +2 | Similar to the earthshaker enhancement, but less destructive. |
Elastic | +1 | An elastic weapon gives the weapon reach, or allows reach weapons to strike in close combat. |
Elsebane | +1 | An elsebane weapon embodies a strange sort of xenophobia — if the target isn't the right enemy, it will make them into it. |
Enduring | +3 | This enhancement may only be applied to ammunition. Ammunition with this quality never breaks due to being fired, even if it hits. |
Energy Attunement | +1 | An energy weapon deals either acid, cold, electric or fire damage (chosen by the crafter). |
Energy Brand | +1 | An energy brand weapon is assigned to a particular type of energy (acid, cold, electric, or fire). Half the weapon's physical damage becomes the appropriate energy damage (round down for energy damage). |
Energy Forged | +2 | Energy forged weapons deal entirely energy damage, but no longer add any ability modifiers to damage. |
Energy Rocket | +2 | With a mighty swing your weapon flies up, opponent in tow, and explodes into a surge of energy. |
Energy Trail | +2 | Energy trail weapons can only be placed on projectile weapons and ammunition. It deals energy damage, and releases a trail of energy in its wake. |
Energy Wave | +2 (+1 with Burst) | Energy wave weapons enable an elementally aligned weapon to release a shockwave of elemental energy. It can only be added to a weapon that possesses a enhancement that adds bonus energy damage (such as Flaming). |
Entropic | +1 Bonus | This weapon deals additional Entropy damage with each hit. |
Essence Edge | +1 Bonus | This weapon deals additional Essence damage with each hit. |
Everbright | +2 | Your weapon shines with radiant light, dealing damage and releasing blinding pulses. |
Executioner | +5 | A weapon with Executioner is hilariously effective at slaughtering people in underhanded ways. |
Expanding | +1 | With this enhancement, you can gain the benefit of a larger type of weapon (Ex. One-Handed, Two-Handed). |
Exploding | +2 | A strike with your weapon results in a fiery explosion! Be careful when using it in melee! |
Exploding Energy | +1 | A flaming, frost, shocking, or corrosive weapon whose activation produces a massive explosion! |
Extending Chain | +2,000 GP | The weapon's chain can be extended or retracted at-will as a free action, allowing it to be used as a whip. |
Eye of Death | +5 | An extremely strong enhancement that allow your weapon to disintegrate the fools who oppose you. |
Failsafe | +1 | Upon rolling a natural 1 when using a failsafe weapon, you can choose to ignore the effects of a natural 1 (typically an automatic miss, or worse in some games). |
Farshot | +2 | A farshot weapon grows in power the father it travels past its ideal range. |
Flame of the Brass Bull | +2 | A weapon enhanced with this enhancement changes its fire attack depending on if it is active or not. |
Flaying | +3 | Flaying weapons deal damage to natural armor, and tear up soft skin even worse. |
Flechette Storm | +1 | Upon contact with its target, the original projectile splits into a hail of smaller projectiles that spreads into a cone behind the original target. |
Floating | +1 | A weapon or shield with this enhancement will float in your space until sheathed or gripped. |
Focus | 4000 gp | Focus weapons can be used to perform somatic components, and enhance weapon-like spells channeled through it. |
Focused | +1 | Weapon-wielders rarely have a fair shake on DCs tied to mental scores. This fixes that problem. |
Foe Render | +1 bonus | The rapacity of this weapon renders your foes defenseless. |
Forceblade | +3 | Force Weapons deal force damage instead of the normal slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage of the weapon, bypassing damage reduction, and being effected by any energy resistance to force, though such resistance is rare. |
Forest | +2 | Forest weapons carry the power of nature, coating targets in vines and bramble and summoning trees. |
Freezing | +1 | A freezing weapon deal 1d6 additional cold damage and can cause a burst of unfathomable cold, partially freezing your foes solid. |
Freezing Whirl | +3 | A freezing whirl weapon functions as a frost and icy burst weapon, but also allows its wielder to call forth a burst of cold. |
Gazer | +2 | Your weapon is covered in unsettling eyes that expand your vision, and punish those that do not (or cannot) meet its gaze. |
Goblinfriend | 1000 gp | Goblinfriend weapons glow like a torch when there is a goblinoid within 120 feet. |
Graceful | +2 | A Graceful weapon allows its user to apply her CHA modifier to damage. |
Gravitic | +5 | This powerful enhancement allows the weapon to manipulate gravity, becoming lighter in the wielder's hand and heavier during strikes. |
Greater Energy Brand | +2 (+1 synergy) | A greater energy brand weapon is assigned to a particular type of energy (acid, cold, electric, or fire). All of the weapon's physical damage becomes the appropriate energy damage. |
Greater Shockwave | +3 (synergy) or +5 | A greater shockwave weapon acts like a shockwave weapon, but to a wide area of effect. A pulse of energy is released on a horizontal plane, cutting all in its path. |
Greater Spell Storing | +5 | This acts as a Spell Storing weapon, but can store up to 9th level spells. |
Gunarms | +2 | Weapons with the gunarm enhancement send shocks down their stabbing, slashing, and smashing parts for additional damage. It can also be used as a ranged weapon in a pinch. |
Heating | +1 | This enhancement causes the target to heat up with every strike, inflicting damage over time. |
High Frequency | +3 | Your blade is vibrating rapidly on a molecular level. It sunders molecules apart, cutting through almost any substance with ease. |
High Tension | +1 | A high tension weapon allow you to an ability score to damage roll with a ranged weapon |
Hindering | +1 | slow a creature as the slow spell for 1 round |
Holy, Lesser | +1 | A low powered version of the Holy enchantment, it too is imbued with holy power. |
Holy, Revised | +2 | A holy weapon possess innate power which is baneful to evil creatures and undead. |
Holyflame | +2 | This weapon enhancement make a weapon burn with a holy flame which deal great damage against evil outsider. |
Hovering | +2 | An interesting variant of the dancing enhancement, a hovering weapon hovers in your space. |
Hyper | +1 | Weapons and shields that are bigger on the inside than they are on the out. |
Hyperdimensional | +3 | An hyperdimensional weapon can strike through dimension. |
Hypersharp | +8 | An hypersharp weapon is so sharp it actually embodies the concept of sharpness |
Idealistic | +2 | The bane of neutrality, an idealistic weapon serves the alignment extremes, damaging the nihilists and undecided. |
Igniting | +1 | This enhancement allow the wielder to ignite their weapon temporarily to deal extra fire damage. |
Illusory Strikes | +1 | An illusory strikes weapon create a fake duplicate of the weapon whenever the wielder attacks, the illusory duplicates are able to strike down illusory images. |
Imagined | +4 | The weapon becomes a psychic construct, working off your mental abilities and passing through objects as if it were illusory. |
Improved Spell Storing | +3 | This acts as a Spell Storing weapon, but can store up to 6th level spells. |
Impure Thoughts | +1 | A powerful enhancement which add mind control capacity to intelligent weapons. |
Infernal Wound | +2 | An infernal wound weapon deals wounds which fester, reducing maximum hp. |
Infinite | +1 | A useable "infinite ammunition" enhancement. |
Infinite Ammunition | 500 gp | Returning ammunition that is infinitely reusable. |
Injecting | +2 | Injecting weapons are perfect for injecting all kinds of poisons, and for drawing blood as well. |
Injuring | +1 | Imbued with a killing intent, an injuring weapon can release a burst of damage all at once. |
Insightful | +2 | An Insightful weapon allows its user to apply his INT modifier to damage. |
Instant Recall | +2 (+1 with Returning or Teleporting) | An instant recall weapon acts like a Returning or Teleporting weapon, but teleports to the user so the weapon can be used again. |
Instrument | 750 gp plus cost of instrument | Instrument weapons are both normal weapons and a musical instrument, suitable to be played with your Perform checks. |
Insulated | 500 gp | An insulated weapon, armor, or shield has double its hardness against the effects of electrical damage and is treated as non-magnetic and non-metallic for the purposes of spells and other effects (but not against rust). |
Intelligent | +2 | A sentient item that gives simpler benefits without nasty drawbacks. |
Ionized | +1 bonus | Ionize your weapon, gain electricity damage and more efficiency on your electricity spells. |
Jeweled | +1 | Add a crystal slot to your weapon and make it a real sparkling jewel. |
Killing | +8 | A killing weapon kills creatures with a single blow. |
Killing Intent | +5 | A weapon with killing intent harms none but those it wishes to injure, passing through walls and creatures alike to hit its target. |
Kindling | 2000 gp | An enhancement that allows the owner of the weapon to rest peacefully. |
Knockback | +2 | Knockback weapons allow you to make a free bull rush on an attack. |
Levigate | +5 | |
Lifedrinker | +2 | A lifedrinking weapon allow it wielder to feast on the life of creatures it kills. |
Lifeshot | 3000 gp | By consuming your own life force, you create and reload the ammo in your weapon. |
Lifesteal | +1 bonus | This enchantment gives your weapon a percentage chance to heal the wielder upon harming a foe. |
Light Mine | +1 | A light mine weapon is able to produce extremely dangerous magical mine when it strike against the ground. |
Lightning Blast | +4 | Your weapon strikes deal extra lightning damage, and on a critical will arc to nearby enemies. |
Lightning Rod | +3 | As an immediate action when you or an ally within reach would suffer electrical damage, you can reduce the damage by half and electrify your weapon. |
Lightning Slice | +3 | A lightning slice weapon functions as a shock and shocking burst weapon, but also allows its wielder to hurl a bolt of lightning a short distance. |
Lingering | +2 | Lingering attacks leave a cloud of phantom damage which continue to deal damage to those which remain in the area. |
Logarithmic | 10,000 gp | The range of a weapon with this property changes to 'logarithmic'. |
Ludicrous Gibs | +1 | When you kill something, you really kill something. Destroy bodies, and sicken those splashed by the gore. |
Luminous | 100 gp | A luminous item may be commanded to shed light as a continual flame. |
Luminous Edge | +3 | A powerful enhancement which essentially turn any weapon it is applied to into a energy chainsaw. |
Magma | +2 | Magma weapons deal +1d6 fire damage on every strike, and leave blobs of molten rock in its wake. |
Manyspell Storing, Greater | +1 | A greater manyspell storing weapon functions as a manyspell storing weapon, except that it can store up to 10 levels of spells. |
Massive Critical | Varies (see chart) | Massive Critical weapons increase the critical multiplier of the weapon by one step. |
Mastery | +1 | A mastery weapon increases the save DCs on your combat maneuvers and options. |
Material Composite | +1 plus appropriate material cost | A piece of armor, shield or weapon enhanced with material composite effectively gains benefits as if it were made from an additional material. |
Medusa | +4 | Medusa weapons petrify creatures on a critical hit or with a standard action cone attack. It can also petrify those slain by the weapon, or unpetrify creatures. |
Metallic Beam | +1 | Transform briefly your weapon in a ray of metallic energy. |
Mimetic | +1 | The wielder of a mimetic weapon may will the weapon to take the shape of any type of weapon he desires as a swift action. |
Mind Rending | +1 | A mind rending weapon use the power of illusion to add extra pain and damage to those it strike. |
Mindblade Inducer | Varied | A boon to soulknives who can channel their mindblade into the weapon. |
Mirrored | +20% | Two weapons that act as one. |
Momentum | +2 bonus | Faster and faster you strike, making it harder for an opponent to dodge. |
Moonlight | +1 | A moonlight weapon deals mild magical damage, however its true power is revealed while under the light of the moon. |
Morphic | +3,000 GP | A morphic weapon is able to alter it shape to that of a similar weapon. |
Occult | +3 | An Occult weapon draw it powers from strange unseen forces and is only particularly useful in the hand of an enlightened user. |
Omnisharp | +5 | An Omnisharp is extremely sharp, so sharp it can get through pretty much everything. |
Onslaught | +1 | This special enhancement grants the wielder the ability to smite good or extra uses of it as well as other bonuses for fallen paladins. |
Opportunity | +1 | An opportunity weapon grants additional attacks of opportunity, as long as you make them with this weapon. |
Option | +1 | This enhancement creates a magical ball around the wielder that shoots magic missiles when an attack is made. |
Overcharge | +1 | An overcharge weapon can be charged up for an extra powerful attack based on how long you have held back. |
Overcoming | +1 | After one hit, an overcoming weapon knows your enemy's defenses and ignores them on the next hit. |
Overheat | +1 | Overheat weapons make the flaming or flaming burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Painful | +2 | A painful weapon cause a sore painful wound and can be used for taking out foes non-lethally. |
Paired | +4000 gp plus surcharge | A paired weapon is placed on a set of two weapons. These items are now bonded to each other, granting benefits and identical enhancements. |
Palefire | +2 | An enhancement that allows to infuse ghostflame in your weapon. |
Paramount Velocity | +1 bonus | The speed of this weapon renders your foes defenseless. |
Patriotic | +1 | A patriotic weapon bolster the morale of the wielder and make her more loyal to her nation. |
Pearly Power | +1 | This enhancement used a pearl's natural magical potential and unleash it, making it a much more efficient weapon. |
Phantom | +5 | A phantom weapon strike through objects and armor as well as incorporeal opponents, it also trap the souls of those slain with it. |
Phantom Growth | +1 | |
Phantom Range | +2 | A phantom range weapon has a lot more reach that it appears to be, leaving most people extremely surprised. |
Pigeonholing | +3 | If you treat someone like they're an extremist, they can become one. |
Plasma | +5 | A plasma weapon is a made of superheated matter kept within a magical magnetic containment field. |
Plasmatic Glow | +1 | Plasmatic Glow weapons make the fire/lightning weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Poisebreaker | +2 | A weapon with this effect makes the enemy falter at each strike. |
Power Storing, Greater | +3 (+2 with Power Storing) | Increases the amount of power points that can be stored in a weapon. |
Powerful | +1 | This weapon counts as one size larger for the purpose of how much damage it deals. |
Powerful, Tome | +2 | This is a revised version of the Powerful enhancement. it is meant to be used on weapons for big monsters to grow to the user's needs. |
Priestess's Racket | 9,650 GP | A battle racket which enhances holy water launched from it. |
Prismatic Glow | +3 | This weapon glow with intense prismatic energy which burn, melt and electrocute those struck by it. |
Psionic Conduit | +1 | A psionic Conduit weapon channels touch powers through your melee weapon. |
Psychoenergetic | +2 | A weapon enhanced with psychokinesis to deal energy damage which can be changed |
Pure Elemental | +1 | A pure elemental weapon takes whatever energy type the weapon deals and has it bypass elemental resistance and immunity. |
Quantum Shot | +3 | If you miss your target, you will surely hit something near him. |
Rare Energy Brand | +2 | An advanced form of the energy brand weapon enhancement, which applies to rare energy types like sonic, force, and pure magic. |
Raw Forged | +1 | Raw forged weapons deal bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that scales but no longer add any ability modifiers to damage. |
Razor | +1 | Razor weapons are extremely sharp, and cause profuse bleeding on a hit. |
Razor Edge | +1 | The razor edge may only be applied to a slashing weapon; it adds +20 damage on each successful attack. |
Razor-Blade | +1 | A razor-blade weapon has it edge magically enhanced to be extremely sharp, however it quickly dull and must be maintained. |
Rebound | +1 | It's the Returning enhancement, but not pants-on-head stupid. |
Recoil | +1 | Weapons with the recoil enhancement can bull rush opponents away as a standard action, and also can knock you back as well. |
Resonant | +2 | An extremely rare enhancement,the resonant enhancement add extra damage based on the wielder's lowest ability score. |
Resonant Beam | +2 | The Resonant Beam enhancement allow the wielder to fire a powerful beam from the weapon as an attack action, the beam require a ranged touch attack, it range and power depend on the health of the wielder. |
Revenge | +1 | Weapons with the revenge enhancement allow you to strike back with fury against those who have harmed you. |
Righteous | +2 | A righteous weapon is especially good at smiting and allow you to grant some creature protections from you attacks. |
Righteous Fervor | +2 bonus | The unfailing purity of this weapon penetrates the defenses of evil. |
Rustic | +2 | A rustic weapon greatly enhance an otherwise mundane and simple weapon. |
Sa'angreal Weapon | 100000 gp | This weapon happens to also allow access to truly ridiculous amounts of firepower. |
Sacred Light | +2 | The Sacred Light enhancement allow a weapon to fire a line of damaging holy light. |
Sacrificial Ignition | +2 | When you injure yourself with a sacrificial ignition weapon, it obtains a great weapon buff that covers it in burning blood. |
Sacrificial Transformation | +1 | When you injure yourself with a sacrificial transformation weapon, it obtains a great weapon buff that transforms the weapon into its true form. |
Sandman | +1 | A sandman weapon forces a Will save against sleep on a natural 20. |
Sapping | +1 | A sapping weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus as a penalty to saving throws for those he attacks successfully. |
Scatterbeam | +1 | A scatterbeam weapon fires lasers out of it. Its most effective in the hands of someone with a high base attack bonus. |
Scissor | +1 | Placed on a pair of weapons, this allows the weapon to deal extra damage when both hit at once, or to combine into a pair of scissor-like blades. |
Secure | 2000 gp, 8000 (punitive), or 62,000 gp (unlimited punitive) | Secure items deny their use to all but specific users. Advanced secure items can even deal punitive measures to ensure compliance. |
Shatterforce | +1, +2 or +3 bonus | Shatterforce weapons can make critical hits on command, at the risk of breaking the weapon. Fortunately the weapon can be repaired, and its breaking power can apply to fragile substances at will. |
Shatterstrike | +1 | When you strike a critical hit you can hit with even greater force, at the cost of your weapon temporarily. |
Shining Bolt of Heaven | +2 | A weapon enhanced with this enhancement changes its electric attack depending on if it is active or not. |
Shockwave | +2 | A shockwave weapon is capable to applying melee damage at range by releasing shockwaves of energy, blade beams, and other projectiles. |
Siege | +1 | Siege weapons can only be put on ranged weapons and ammunition. It counts as a siege weapon, bypassing effects such as wind wall and not having damage reduced against objects. |
Signature Kill | +500 gp | Weapon using the signature kill enhancement leave a specific mark on the corpse of any creature it killed. |
Silent | +1 | A silent weapon suppresses the sound not only of the weapon, but those struck by the weapon. |
Slaying | +4 bonus | A slaying weapon can deal a terrible killing blow to weakened opponents. It is the lesser version of killing. |
Smashing | +1 | A smashing weapon deals 1d6 extra bludgeoning damage, and you can choose to convert all your weapon damage into bludgeoning damage as a free action. |
Sniper Mode | +2 | An enhancement favored by assassin, turning any ranged weapon into a powerful long ranged sniper. |
Snowflake | +2 | As a swift action, the wielder may flourish her snowflake weapon, covering it in ice which resemble the arm of a snowflake. In this form the weapon 's reach increase by 5 feet and it deal an additional +2d6 cold damage on every successful hit. Dismissing the buff is a free action. |
Soak | +1 | This enhancement surrounds the weapon in a sheathe of water that snuffs flames, passes through water easily, aids strikes, and knocks down opponents. |
Soaking Burst | +2 | This enhancement is a stronger version of the soak enhancement. |
Solar Fire | +2 | A powerful divine enhancement that allow the wielder to drastically heat up their weapon to cause a large amount of damage. |
Soporific | +1 | A soporific weapon deals nonlethal damage and put those struck to sleep, |
Spectral Beam | +3 | When attacking with a spectral beam weapon, a beam of blue light extends from the weapon which extends to a cone |
Spell Draining | +3 | Whenever a spell draining weapon hits a spellcaster, it leeches some of that spellcaster's power. |
Spell Empowering | +2 | A spell empowering weapon has all of the benefits of a spell storing weapon. In addition, it automatically empowers any spell stored in it. |
Spell Extending | +1 | A spell extending weapon has all of the benefits of a spell storing weapon. In addition, it automatically extends any spell stored in it. |
Spell Heightening, Greater | +1 | A weapon with this enhancement has all of the benefits of a least spell heightening weapon, except that it heightens any spell in it by 4 levels. |
Spell Heightening, Improved | +1 | A weapon with this enhancement has all of the benefits of a least spell heightening weapon, except that it heightens any spell in it by 3 levels. |
Spell Heightening, Least | +1 | A least spell heightening weapon has all of the benefits of a spell storing weapon. In addition, it automatically heightens any spell stored in it by 1 spell level, to a maximum of 9th level. |
Spell Heightening, Lesser | +1 | A weapon with this enhancement has all of the benefits of a least spell heightening weapon, except that it heightens any spell in it by 2 levels. |
Spell Maximizing | +3 | A spell maximizing weapon has all of the benefits of a spell storing weapon. In addition, it automatically maximizes any spell stored in it. |
Spell Power Enhancements | Varies | Spell Power enhancements increase the effectiveness of an Implement bonus when casting certain spells. |
Spellcatching | +1 | spellcatching weapon functions as a spell storing weapon and can catch spells targeted on the wielder. |
Spellcatching, Greater | +1 | A greater spellcatching weapon functions as a spellcatching weapon, except that the catching ability may be used thrice per day. |
Spellcutting | +1 | Attacks deal spellstrained level on contact |
Spellslashing | +3 | Attacks deal multiple spellstrained level on contact |
Spellslashing Burst | +2 | Attacks afflict spellstrained level on criticals |
Spelltouch | +1 | A spelltouch weapon allows you to channel touch spells through your weapon. |
Spiritlinked | +2 | A spiritlinked weapon is specifically linked to a single user, granting her special benefits. |
Splinterwound | +1 | Placed on projectile weapons or their ammunition, splinterwound shots deal persistent damage over time as shrapnel is left in the wounds. |
Splitleaf | +3 | This enhancement duplicates your attacks in slightly different positions, allowing you to clear swathes of enemies. |
Splitting, Rebuilt | +2 bonus | The splitting enhancement allows the enhanced weapon to create multiple projectiles, which may be used for concentrated fire or striking multiple opponents. |
Spray of the Vileplume | +2 | A weapon enhanced with this enhancement changes its acid attack depending on if it is active or not. |
Spreadfire | +2 | Spreadfire weapons makes an attack roll against all creatures in a 10 ft radius circle, and becomes an area of effect. |
Springing | +2 | While wielding a springing weapon you can move both before and after the attack. |
Stabbing | +1 | A stabbing weapon deals 1d6 extra piercing damage, and you can choose to convert all your weapon damage into piercing damage as a free action. |
Star Render | +3 | With each swing of the weapon, you tear holes in space in time that explode outward as they grow unstable. |
Stardust | +1 | This weapon expel dangerous shining sparkles, which burns and damage things around them. |
Steelwood | 1500 gp | For some reason the ironwood spell isn't permanent. Then someone figured out how to do it. |
Stormbringer | +3 | Weapons with this enhancement hold the power of the storm within, charging up a tempest about it and even launching shockwaves of wind. |
Stormcall | +2 | Stormcall weapons call down lightning down upon the area where they have struck. |
Striking Precision | +2 | This weapon enhancement allow the wielder to use her agility in addition to her normal strength when striking with her weapon. |
Sublime Bane | +1 bonus | This weapon deals extra damage against initiators. |
Sunder Absorption | +X | A sunder absorption weapon can absorb the magical qualities of any weapon it sunders. |
Supercavitating | 2,000 gp | Supercavitating weapons and ammunition work underwater just as they would on land. |
Supercooled | +1 | Supercooled weapons make the frost or freezing burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Sure Critical | +5 | Every successful attacks made with a sure critical weapon is a critical threat at the cost of the weapon critical multiplier. |
Swapmetal | 5000 gp | Swapmetal armors, shields, or weapons can switch a normal item to adamantine, silver, or other materials... provided you've spent the funds for the material itself. |
Swarmbane | +1 | Swarms have always been a problem for character who use weapons. Not any more. |
Swarming | +2 | Your enemy is baffled that your encounter is disturbed by pesky pests. |
Swarmstoring | +1 | This arrow is great and all, but what if we put bees inside it? And thus the worse thing ever was born, ammunition which released swarms. |
TRON Light | 50 gp | TRON light adds stylish lines of soft, glowing, colorful light to armor or weapons when willed. |
Tempered | 1000 gp | A tempered weapon is granted additional resilience with greater hardness and additional hit points. |
Tetra | +1 | A tetra weapon is imbued with four energies which empower the weapon with burning fire, freezing cold, disintegrating acid, and shocking lightning. It deals 1 point of fire, 1 point of cold, 1 point of acid, and 1 point of electrical damage. |
Thunderbolt | +2 | On impact a blast of lightning and a sonic blastwave shake your opponent. |
Toxic | +1 | A toxic weapon deal bonus damage but is nefarious for you. |
U-Turn | +1 | Your ranged projectiles defy physics in order to hit their target. |
Unbending Axiom | +2 bonus | The rigid law of this weapon penetrates the defenses of chaos. |
Uncanny | +3 | An uncanny weapon is a mysterious weapon with unusual nonmagical properties. |
Unfettered Anarchy | +2 bonus | The chaos of this weapon penetrates the defenses of law. |
Unholy, Lesser | +1 | A low powered version of the Unholy enchantment, it too is imbued with unholy power. |
Unholy, Revised | +2 | A unholy weapon is bane to good creatures and humanoids. |
Unlimited Ammo | +2 | This enhancement grant a weapon the ability to create it own ammunition. |
Unseen | +3 | An unseen weapon uses partial invisibility to catch opponents off-guards. |
Vibrating | +1 | Vibrating weapons make the screaming or screaming burst weapon enhancements grow with power with every strike. |
Virtual Sizing | 2,500 gp | "So you're six feet tall and trying to adventure with a 40-foot sword. How's that working out for you?" |
Vorpal, Alternative | +5 | A vorpal weapon is able to easily slay opponents in one-hit, especially if they are weak. |
Vorpal, GT Variant | +4 bonus | Removing arms and legs with a single swing. |
Vorpal, Surgo Variant | +5 | A vorpal variant that you might want to actually use; enhances criticals and bypasses immunity. |
Vorpal, Variant | +4 | This variant of the classic head-severing vorpal ability functions as a keen weapon and is actually worth the cost you incur. |
Vulnerable | +1 | A vulnerable weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus as a penalty to AC for those he attacks successfully. |
Wargod | +2 | A weapon blessed by a God of War, while intended for their servants they are useful for mortals as well. |
Wavecut | +3 | |
Wicked | +2 | A wicked weapon is especially good at smiting and deal wounds that are difficult to heal. |
Wiffing | +1 | A wiffing weapon can hurt you, even if it misses. |
Wilhelm | 10 gp | When you kill someone, they die with a dramatic scream. |
Windblessed | +1 | A weapon granted wind powers, allowing it to perform several special abilities. |
Windy | +1 | This enhancement surrounds the weapon in a sheathe of air that disperses fogs, passes through wind effects easily, aids strikes, and knocks down opponents. |
Windy Burst | +2 | This enhancement is a stronger version of the windy enhancement. |
Wobbly | 100 gp | This projectile wobbles and curves towards its target, making its origin impossible to backtrack. |
Wrecker | +1, +2 or +3 bonus | A weapon enchantment designed for eating Shields. |
Magical Weapon Prestige Enhancements[edit]
A piece of equipment may have only a single prestige enhancements placed upon it but may have other enhancements as normal.
Name | Cost | Summary |
Answerer | 8000 gp | Force your threatened foes to tell the truth and command the winds. |
Anthropomorphic | +2,000 GP | A strange prestige enhancement which turn your weapon into an humanoid form. |
Bonerender | 8,000 gp | Weapons with this enhancement are enemy to skeletal and exoskeletal creatures everywhere. It can also temporarily gel internal skeletons. |
Buoyant | 1500 gp | A buoyant item always floats in liquids when not held or wielded. |
Chorus | 4000 gp | Your weapon has a voice, and you may speak through it or have it repeat what you teach it. |
Corrosion Nix | 500 gp | The protected object resists all rust and acid damage. |
Daemonhost | 12,000 gp | You conjure and bind a fiend into your blade, giving it an evil intellect, unholy power, and the ability to call it for a single moment. |
Endless Extension | 8,000 gp | Weapons with this enhancement can extend their length to absurd amounts, striking targets at fantastic distances. |
Homefinding | 1000 gp | A homefinding weapon, with a command, points the way home when held aloft. |
Hungry Ghost | 7500 gp | Your weapon is vampiric and steals the souls of lesser creatures. |
Lifesaving | 4000 gp | A lifesaving weapon will intercept a single blow for you. |
Lifeseek | 7500 gp | Your weapon or shield detects the presence of life, and you can track those who you possess a fragment of. |
Mirrored | +20% | Two weapons that act as one. |
Oilslicked | 4000 gp | Your armor allows you to slide quickly, escape grapples, and reduce armor check penalty. However you become flammable. |
Perfumed | +2500 gp | A Perfumed item is heavily aromatic with a pleasant scent. |
Priosma | 2000 gp | Rainbow light follows each swing and it cleaves through dirt easily. |
Retracting | +1,500 GP | This enhancement allows the weapon to shrink in length, reducing it reach. |
Soothe Bell | 2700 gp | Once activated, your weapon, armor, or shield calms animals and vermins around you that can hear your mystic chime. |
Soulsight | 3000 gp | Able to be applied to almost any item, this enhancement lets you see the recently deceased and haunted places. |
Stoneset | 6,000 gp | This prestige enhancement allow the wielder to set her weapon in a surface, where it become immovable. |
Tatooed | 2500 gp | A hidden in plain sight weapon. |
Winged | 1500 gp | A winged item hovers in the air if dropped. |
Weapon Crystals[edit]
Weapon crystals were introduced in the Magic Item Compendium. They can be attached to masterwork or magic weapons to grant them additional properties.
Name | Cost | Summary |
Blight Crystal | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 8,000 gp (Greater) | This crystal is feared by Plants and rightly so, ripping away foliage and causing dangerous wounds. |
Bloody Mercy Crystal | 200 gold | This weapon crystal nonlethal damage, but gives the illusion of dealing lethal wounds. |
Critical Crystal | 2,000 gp (Least), 8,000 gp (Lesser), 18,000 gp (Greater) | Weapon gains increased critical probability and may make critical hits to creatures normally immune. |
Crystal of Foefinding | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 10,000 gp (Greater) | A weapon crystal (first presented in Magic Item Compendium), this item allows weapon-users to effectively use ranged weapons without too much training. |
Crystal of Magic Persistence | 2,000 gp (Least), 8,000 gp (Lesser), 32,000 gp (Greater) | A gear shape brown crystal capable to protect your item from magic dispelling and from antimagic effects. |
Crystal of Proficiency | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 8,000 gp (Greater) | This crystal makes a martial weapon seem easier to use as if the wielder was trained with it. |
Crystal of Swarmdeath | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 8,000 gp (Greater) | A weapon crystal (first presented in Magic Item Compendium), this item allows weapon-users to effectively combat swarms. |
Crystal of Venom | 2,000 gp (Least), 8,000 gp (Lesser), 18,000 gp (Greater) | Weapon deals poison damage and holds poisons for longer. |
Expanded Crystal of Energy Assault | 1200 gp (Least), 6000 gp (Lesser), 12,000 gp (Greater) | A greater selection for the Crystal of Energy Assault found in the Magic Item Compendium. |
Gauntlet of Darkness | 9000 gp | A unique black crystal gauntlet that functions more like a weapon augment crystal. |
Gauntlet of Light | 9000 gp | A unique white crystal gauntlet that functions more like a weapon augment crystal. |
Merciful Crystal | 100 gold | This weapon crystal functions similar to the Merciful weapon property however it deals no extra damage. |
Murderous Crystal | 100 gold | This weapon crystal turns non-lethal weapons into lethal ones. |
Reaving Crystal | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 10,000 gp (Greater) | Immunities can be problematic. Use this crystal to strip enemies of those immunities. |
Stabilizing Crystal | 1,000 gp (Least), 3,000 gp (Lesser), 6,000 gp (Greater) | If Oozes weren't Mindless, they would fear this augment crystal. |
Sureshot Crystal | 600 gp (Least), 2,500 gp (Lesser), 5,000 gp (Greater) | This tiny opal is shot through with circular streaks, looking like a bulls-eye if viewed at the right angle.
This crystal functions only when affixed to ranged or thrown weapons. |
Trueform Crystal | 2,000 gp (Least), 8,000 gp (Lesser), 16,000 gp (Greater) | Return those shifty shapeshifters to their rightful shape, or protect yourself from being transformed. This crystal can be fitted to a weapon or armor, with different results. |
Wallbreaker Crystal | 1,000 gp (Least), 4,000 gp (Lesser), 8,000 gp (Greater) | In the arms race to make oneself immune to things, there is always someone else trying their hardest to make sure things stay vulnerable. |
Witchslayer Crystal | 3,000 gp (Least), 8,000 gp (Lesser), 20,000 gp (Greater) | This crystal is the bane of spellcasters, stripping buffs from pesky enemies. |
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