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Leziad's Homebrew (4527 Articles) [Collapse]
Classes and Prestige Classes Abyssal Alchemist, Adversarialist, Akuma Samurai, Android Paragon, Animorph, Antmaster, Arcane Lord, Arcane Thief, Archmage, Variant, Archmagus, Battle Barmaid, Battle Robot, Beastblooded, Black Healer, Blackfire Zealot, Blade Invoker, Blade of the Heavens, Blighted Soul, Blood Magus, Bluewraith Revenant Paragon, Body Snatcher, Bohemian Drifter, Bone Rider, Rebuilt, Brilliant Mind, Bushi, Cenobite of Want, Chaos Engineer, Charmed, Clayshaper, Coastal Sphinx Paragon, Codex Barbarian, Codex Ranger, Codex Roboticist, Codex Swordsage, Codex Witch, Cogblessed Maker, Collector of Legendary Blades, Construct Gadgeteer, Contemplative Meditant, Crow Assassin, Daggerspell Mage, Rebuild, Deacon, Demonbinder, Demonologist, Depraved Cultist, Derp, Desert Initiate, Desert Thief, Devilchild Incarnate, Dirgesinger, Variant, Disciple of Athe, Disciple of the Undying Cold, Divine Trickster, Doppelbose Paragon, Doppledasein Paragon, Draculus Nocturnus, Dragon Marshal, Dragon Paladin, Dread Impaler, Dreaming Summoner, Drifter, Elastic Wonder, Ensorcelled Duelist, Esoteric Investigator, Esoteric Maker, Eternal Guardian, Eternal Incarnate, Exalted Saint, Fell Scholar, Fellblood Scion, Fellion Paragon, Feyblooded, Field Medic, Firebrand, Fortune Spinner, Ganceann Paragon, Gearblade, Ghostlight Exorcist, Godseer, Godslayer, Golem Fist, Gravelord, Hairbinder, Variant, Hammerlord, Haunted Doll Collector, Hellkin Paragon, Hellmaster, Hexknight, Holographer, Host of Possessions, Idol Priest, Immortalist, Imperial Knight, Incantator, Instantaneous Fabricator, Jubilant Dazzler, Karmic Healer, Kinesics Combatant, Knight Specter, Leziad/Holomaester... further results
Races and Templates Aliko, Anurian, Apexes, Atargaian, Axolite, Beast-Possessed, Biohazard, Bloodcursed Lycanthrope, Bluewraith Revenant, Boukh, Celest, Century Child, Cleotheran, Coastal Sphinx, Colossus-born, Corunian, DAEMON Corrupter, DaJinni, Dajiblex, Dark Pact-Bound, Dark Puppeteer, Dedicated Lover, Doisyl, Doppelbose, Doppelkreuzung, Draconic Hellkite, Draculus, Dragon Hybrid, Dwarf Faerie, Entromorph, Fellion, Freyinsar, Frostlich, Furijah, Ganceann, Geist, Gene-modded, Goule, Half-Lunarian, Harpy, Mitahnese, Harpy, White-Tailed, Hearth Giant, Hellkin, Hellspawn, Herculean Creature, Homunmagnus, Human, Corrupted, Human, Cyborg, Human, Kanatian, Human, Mitahnese, Human, Prehistoric, Human, Verflucht, Hyperconscious, Idylean Young God, Immaterial, Iskaari, Jinx, Kakai, Karanoan, Karivik, Krytoplasm Mutant, Lerulean, Lesser Medusa, Living Abomination, Love Lich, Mahaari, Malefic Corpse, Marion, Marune, Medusine, Mimic, Nightsprite, Novaen, Perfect Hybrid, Perpetual, Phaseshifter, Pygga, Replicant, Robotic Doppelganger, Sandman, Science Lich, Sentient, Sol-duhvaan, Sorodei, Sourcelinked, Spirit Thief, Synthetic Soul, Syntoid, Tendunava, True Immortal, Tyrantborn, Unfettered Psionic, Valkyrie, Vampire, Nocturnus, Vampire, Thinblood, Wergerth, Witchblessed, Woodling, Xilliadine
Character Options 541 Special, A Shard of Eternity, Aberrant Summoning, Ability Focus, Variant, Absorb Energy, Abundant Magic, Abundant Spell-like Ability, Academic Sorcery, Academy Graduate, Access Domain, Access Primal Utterance, Acclimated to Cold, Acclimated to Heat, Achilles's Heel, Acquire Domain, Acquire Mind Blade, Acquire Telepathy, Adamantine Resilience, Adamantine Skin, Adaptive Dodge, Adaptive Eyesight, Adaptive Shift, Addled Mind, Adept Hexer, Adept Mindreader, Adept Rocketeer, Adjacent Marksman, Adorable, Advanced Heal, Advanced Swordsmanship, Advancing Wall, Adventuring Barbarian, Adventuring Caster, Adviser Familiar, Aegis of Athena, Afraid of the Dark, Agile Knifemaster Style, Agile Shield Style, Agile Strike, Agile Thrower, Air Dash, Airhead, Alchemical Blade, Alchemical Transmuter, Alien Infiltrator, All or Nothing, All-Around Sight, Alpha Sniper, Altered State, Alternate Crusader Recovery, Alternative Scoundrel Recovery, Always Angry, Amanachian Spell, Ambushing Warlock, Amputated Arm, Ancestral Armory, Ancestral Heirloom, Ancestral Style, Ancient Beastblood, Ancient Beastlord, Ancient Grudge, Ancient Sorcerer, Androgynous, Angled Dimensional Attack, Anima Ripple, Animal Attraction, Animal Friend, Animal Hatred, Animal Tongue, Animalistic Transformation, Animating Touch, Annihilating Spell, Anthropomorphic Companion, Anticavalier, Antisocial, Antitheist, Anxiety, Aquaphobia, Arachnophobia, Arbalester, Arbalester Rogue, Arcane Archer, Arcane Archer Fix, Arcane Bolt, Arcane Collector, Arcane Combat Fighter, Arcane Dabbler, Arcane Inquisitor, Arcane Phantom, Arcane Swordsage, Arcane Traditionalist, Arcane Wanderer, Arcanist Ranger, Arcanopath, Archaeologist, Archeotech Collector, Arm Block, Armed Grip, Armor Ablation, Armor Agility... further results
Class Ability Components Abominable Form, Absolute Zero, Accelerate Time, Accelerated Impact, Accursed Drive, Ace Dogfighting, Air Scythe, Alchemy, Alien Invasion, All is Dust, Alter Memory, Psionic, Alter Physiognomy, An Eternal Curse Upon Thee, Ancestral Armory, Aneis's Blood Cone, Aneis's Blood Revolt, Animate Blessed Dead, Animate Objects, Variant, Annihilate Mind Barriers, Anthropomorphize Animal, Anti-Technology Field, Arachnomania, Arboreal Imprisonment, Arcane, Arcane Mallet, Arcane Replication, Arctic Wall, Ascended Form, Asteroid Impact, Atomic Blaster, Atomize Item, Attack of the Clones, Aura Blast, Aura Pressure, Aura Pulse, Avalanche Advance, Awakened Seal, Baleful Polyray, Baleful Reduce Person, Battle Taunt, Beast King's Onslaught, Beast's Roar, Beastly Throw, Bicycle Kick, Binding Contract, Black Powder Flashbang, Black Thorns, Blacksun Arrow Blessing, Blacksun Midnight Blade, Blazestorm, Blind Faith, Blinding Flash, Blood Runs Cold, Blue Fire, Blue Flare, Blue Ripple Drive, Body Switch, Bolt of Azter, Bolt of Bones, Bone Chariot, Bone Hand, Bone Spear, Boneguard Strike, Bonelord Strike, Boomjump, Boreal, Boulder Jaunt, Bounding Dance, Brain Fry, Brain Invasion, Brain Overload, Brain-Freeze, Brainwash, Brainwash Wave, Brand of Sacrifice, Brawling Beast Stance, Brooke's Lupine Transformation, Burning Ripple Crossguard, Burning Sunlight Greatblade, Burning Sunrise Assault, Burst of Decay, Bypass Vectors, Call of the Boneyard, Call the Shadow Wilds, Cancel Momentum, Candy Beam, Cardiac Recovery, Cataclysm, Cellular Regeneration, Cerebral Invasion, Chain Solar Bolt, Channeled Fireball, Chaos Blaze, Clone Dash Strike, Clone Pincer Strike, Clone Throw, Cold Touch, Color Spray, Comet Flight, Complete Hypnotism... further results
Monsters Archeonipal, Ayklay, Bonedrake, Borchakian Tillhound, Butt, Caller of the Depth, Charnel Skinwalker, Chiyokoid, Cyberzombie Demon, Cyclopean Yokai, Daemonic Circuit, Deepbiter, Demiurgic Being, Devouring One, Dodoguaan, Dodoguaan, Awakened, Dracoid Follower, Erebian Bear, Erzilibrot the Dim, Everlasting, Kenzon the Messenger, Evil In the Pot, False Priest, Flame Phoenix, Frost Worm, Variant, Gakku Spirit, Ghostfire, Giant Cockatoo, Giant Elven Tit, Great Fairy, Great Wise Owl, Hardlight Golem, Haunted Clown, Haunting Bluewraith, Headless Maiden, Hellfire Scarecrow, Hellish Legionnaire, Hellnahk, Hooligan-19 Automated Laser League Football Player, Idylean Monitor, Immortal Flesh, Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun, Kaladraugr, Karōshin, Kitharee, Klon Homunculus, Leaden Monstrosity, Lifebane Scarecrow, Living Dead, Maneater Gargoyle, Megalorex, Memory Wraith, Mindeater Reindeer, Mindreindeer, Miniature Clone, Morviscus, N-19 Combat Robot, Noh-15 Assassin, Ozzarbor, Periplanean Preacher, Phoenix Crane, Phynasm, Hungering Horror, Rat Fairy, Riding Dynos, Rin-Hun, Rygar, Scarecrow Automaton, Scorpion Armsman, Scorpion Dervish, Sekhine Vampire, Shark Ogre, Shiba Oni, Soulreaper, Super Hamster, Tanuki, Thrudstone Golem, Vampire Queen, Vampire, Chococula, Vampire, Immortal, Vampire, Youthdrainer, Werewolf, Lesser
Equipment Ability Shield, Absolute, Accessory of Human Disguise, Aeon Nix, Aged Drakescales, Aged Drakescales Mantle, Alabaster Cherubim Ring, Alchemical Cannon, Alchemical Catalyst, Alchemical Compact Blunderbuss, Alchemical Morphing Pills, Alchemical Space, Alchemist's Belt, Alchemist's Crossbow, Alien Atomizer, Aligned Crystal Ring, Alloy Steel, Amulet of Corpses, Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Dark, Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Greater, Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Least, Amulet of Eldritch Mastery, Lesser, Amulet of Immortality, Ancient Ceramic, Ankh of He, Ankh of the Faith, Anthropomorphic, Apocalyptic Blade, Arbalest, Arc Lightning Gun, Arcane Sword-Staff, Archdeacon's Robes, Archdemon's Ember, Armor of Indora, Ashen Coat, Aspergillum, Assassin Needles, Assassin's Belt, Assault Carbine, Astrometal, Attunement Staff, Autolock Pistol, Autolock Rifle, Badge of Accuracy, Baleful Critical, Ballistic Chestplate, Ballistic Fist, Bamboo Breastplate, Band of Graft Disguise, Banner of Fierce Corsair, Banner of the Sea Dog, Bannerlord Cape, Baseball Bat, Battle Anchor, Battle Banner, Battle Pole, Battle Racket, Battle Scepter, Battle Suit, Bear Trap Fist, Bearskin Mantle, Beastblood Serum, Beastsilk, Belt of Inspiration, Belt of Yeeting, Berserker Blade, Biosynth Eyes, Black Diamond Blade, Black Embers, Black Mithral, Black Powder Shot, Black Ring of Immortality, Black Testament, Blackchurch Pike, Blackfeather Mantle, Blackflame, Blackflame Greatsword, Blacksteel, Blackstone Golem Forge, Blade Dashing, Blade of Phys, Bladed Bident, Bladed Flail, Blazing, Blowstick, Blowtorch, Blue Bloodstone, Blue Ice Thermos, Blue Ring, Blunderbuss, Variant, Blunt Blade, Boltspark Armor, Bomb Bag, Bomb Launcher, Bomber's Belt, Bonecage Greatsword, Bonecrusher, Boomerang Bow, Boots of Flawless Recovery, Bottled Ghost... further results
Other Abomination, Adaptive Regeneration, At Bay, Broken, Channel, Clumsy, Craft, Rebuilt, Damned, Everlasting, Hazed, Heal, Rebuilt, Hyperjump, Hypnotized, Immunity Hardness, Impact Zone, Jumpscare, Mindbreak, Partial Incorporeality, Rapid Healing, Seduce to Deceive, Ward, Youthdrain, Zombified