Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Rating Boxes
When you come across an article that you like or that was helpful to you or that you enjoyed playing, or if you just find something wrong with an article or have some constructive criticism that you would like to give to the author, you can rate the article on its discussion page. After 4 ratings have been given to a page it gains a community rating on the main article box where others can see quickly at a glance the quality of the article. Doing this allows other users to both find good content and avoid questionable content.
When setting up your own user space, as you rate articles you may want to be able to display a list of what articles you have given a rating to on your user page. The following compilation is a list that is meant to act as a guide to some of the different codes that you can use to display your ratings to others.
[hide]Default List View[edit]
This is the main default way to display your ratings. It's simple, organized, and easy to read.
Ratings by Leziad
{{My Ratings|Leziad}}
Boardered List View[edit]
This is the same as the Default List View except that it has a table put around it to give it a visual break from one category to the next.
Ratings by Ghostwheel
'''Ratings by Ghostwheel''' {|class="zebra d20" style="text-align:left;" width="100%" |- ! Favored !! Liked !! Neutral !! Disliked !! Opposed |- | valign=top | {{SMW UL Query|[[Favored::Ghostwheel]]}} | valign=top | {{SMW UL Query|[[Liked::Ghostwheel]]}} | valign=top | {{SMW UL Query|[[Neutral::Ghostwheel]]}} | valign=top | {{SMW UL Query|[[Disliked::Ghostwheel]]}} | valign=top | {{SMW UL Query|[[Opposed::Ghostwheel]]}} |}
Single Color List View[edit]
This again is like the Default List View except that this time it has a single colored table to display them if you prefer that, and doesn't create the header line across the top that the default one does. This instead becomes the header for the table.
{| class="zebra d20" style="text-align:left;" !{{My Ratings|Franken Kesey}} |}
This display utilizes the typical NavBox code to create a list moving horizontally instead of vertically to display your rated pages. This one looks very nice for people who have a smaller list of rated articles, but will quickly become cluttered and hard to read for people who have larger numbers of ratings.
Ratings by The-Marksmanv | ||
Favored | A Player's Guide to Roles in the Party, Avalanche Knight, Blood of Stone, Boss, Eijilund Plushie, Expert Staff Fighter, Gate Knight, Great Wise Owl, Grey Vampire, Lustling, Multiclass Progression, Ninja, Psychic Agent, Reckless Offense, Variant, Revised Fear Effects, Soulblade, Soulfist, Spider Sense, Spymaster, True Immunity, White Magus | |
Liked | Adversary of Faith, Biological Regeneration, Blue Mage, Classes by Ability Score, Euphoric Blade, Familarbound Caster, Hothead, Hulk Muscle, Improvised Initiative, Ki Blade, Nerubian, Partial Incorporeality, Phantom Limb, Skull Master, Spray Shot, Werebear | |
Neutral | Acquire Mind Blade, Adjusted Accuracy, Bender of Energy, Catfall, Know thy Enemy | |
Disliked | Feat Purchasing, Morality Test, White Mage | |
Opposed | Fantasy Pregnancy, Forever Forgotten | |
Talk page |
{{NavBox |Title= Ratings by [[User:The-Marksman|The-Marksman]] |NavBoxLink=User:The-Marksman/NavBox |Subtitle=Marksman's Ratings |CollapseHidden=hidden |HeaderWidth=4% |Group1=Favored |List1={{#ask: [[Favored::The-Marksman]] |format=list}} |Group2=Liked |List2={{#ask: [[Liked::The-Marksman]] |format=list}} |Group3=Neutral |List3={{#ask: [[Neutral::The-Marksman]] |format=list}} |Group4=Disliked |List4={{#ask: [[Disliked::The-Marksman]] |format=list}} |Group5=Opposed |List5={{#ask: [[Opposed::The-Marksman]] |format=list}} |Quotes=[[User_talk:The-Marksman|Talk page]] }}
This one is the same as the previous Navbox layout except the descriptive piece at the end such as (3.5e Class) or (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) is removed to leave just the name of the article that was rated.
Ratings by Foxwarriorv | ||
Favored | Animal Magnetism, Arctic Fox, Balanced Metamagic, Balanced Wealth, Biohazard Rod, Broken, Dash, Dream Eater Asabikeshiinh, Drown, Enchanted Pouch, Foresight, Heavy Thing, Hysterical Contagion, Lobster, Mana-Based Spellcasting, Pan Tzu, Scholar of Iniquity, Proximity to Cat, Rushes, Sedah’s Counterspell of Superfluous Detail, Tome of Prowess, Waypoint Style Teleportation, Worst Direction Sense | |
Liked | 100 Far Realm Occurrences, AC Scouter, Adept Flyer, Adjusted Accuracy, Alchemical Air, Arcane Thief, Architecture, Arrow to the Knee, Ashe's Transformative Counterspell, Asterfete's Return Scrying, Asterfete's Scry Trace, Awesome Blow, Baluška, Battle Sling, Better Counterspelling, Bind Thrall, Blizzard, Blood of Stone, Bloodcryst, Bonesplinter, Bonetitan Frame, Brain Drain, Brand Heretic, Broken Shields, Brutal Sneak Attack, Brutal Thrower, Caress the One, the Never-Fading, Cas' Commando, Cat Burglar, Chained Weapon, Channel, Close Miss, Color Spray, Combat Reflexes, Grimoire, Combat Reflexes, Improved, Compelling Script, Copy Technique, Coward's Reprieve, Crimson Ascension, Curse Fruit Tree, Custom Weapon Creation, Cystic Magic, Dais of Protection, Dancing Blossom Stance, Death's Door, Deft Opportunist, Diehard, Grimoire, Dihiryn, Dimensional Transference, Diode of Force, Dopple Arms, Dragoon, Variant, Dreg Knight, Drop Dead, Duct Tape of Air Dominion, Durumgiru, Eijilund Plushie, Ekbom's Imaginary Insects, Electric Mage, Elush's Explosive Exsanguination, Empower Royal Kiss, Endurance, Grimoire, Energy Bomb, Entmoot, Eternal Mindspring of the Psionic Mind, Evil Within, Eye-Catching Toast, Failure is not the End, Flash Step, Flaying Wind, Flock of White Ravens, Fool Me Once, Forceful Yank, Frog Touch, Gemcraft, Gentleman Explorer, Gestalt Style Multiclassing, Grand Piano, Grimoire Necromancer, Half-Orq, Harpoon Gun, Heartless Mage, Hurtling Charge, Hydraulic Plate, ICBD, Impendo Tradition, Improved Wild Talent, Incognito Undead, Infinite Spell, Inherent Initiator, Initiate of the Black Tower, Insidious Suggestion, Intervene, Iron Tide, Ishara's Enticing Directive, Ishara's Inactivity Incantation, Jade Archer, Jet Fighter, Jetski Boots, Jitterbug... further results | |
Neutral | Act Fast, Agile Thrower, Always Angry, Angra, Appraise, Asperger's Syndrome, Aura of Doom, Big McLargeHuge, Biological Regeneration, Blizzard Bolt, Blossom of Razors, Bully Vendetta, Catfall, Cattine, Chain Attack, Charismatic Prodigy, Cleave, Grimoire, Color Spray, Eiji, Combat Reflexes, Greater, Combat School, Common Magic, Con Man, Conduit of the Lower Planes, Copypasta, Cthulhoid, Dancing Snowflake Serenity, Dark Symmetry, Death's Grain, Deep Breath, Deino, Dire, Driftdisc, Drunken Master, Tome, Dying is Serious, Dynamic Potential, Einhander, Ekbom's Egotistical Episode, Element-Binding Craft, Elush's Epiphyseal Erosion, Enraged, Fast Reaction, Focus Spell, Forever Forgotten, Foxbane Virus, Freeze Ray, Galaxy Stop, Gambler's Hand Stance, Gigas Sword, Glowcap Mushrooms, Gutwrench, Halfling, Variant, Hidden Manifestation, Hide In The Sun, I Know a Guy, Improved Whip Proficiency, Instantaneous Prediction, Jalzab, Jester, Just A Linguist, Kamehameha Wave, Greater, Karmatic Rebuke, Korok, Last to Fall, Long Shot, Lucky Horseshoe, Mage Knight, Magician, Maintenance, Malevolent Temptress, Manu, Me First!, Melody of Healing, Mind Scrub, Nagamaki, Necropolitan, Noo, Obscure Murder, Orgacraft, Paranoia, Pata, Planarblood Elf, Pluck from the Abyss, Power Word Pain Variant, Precise Marksman, Prepared Scribe, Product of Legacy, Proper Punctuation, Quasi-gestalt, Ranger, Retooled, Ravaged By Juiblex, Recall Past Life, Recharging Magic, Reform the Line, Replacing XP Cost with Essence Point Cost, Restorer, Rithaniel's Extraplanar Homestead, Rithaniel's Revert, Rituals, Robot Girl, Rylvain... further results | |
Disliked | Accelerate Spell, Adamant Focus, Amulet of Mental Faculty, Animal Affinity, Ape Warrior, Arcane Monk, Armor Focus, Armoured Combat, Aspatia, Ball and Chain, Beskar, Bounded Infinity, Caver, Chimera, Cold Blooded Killer, Command, Congealing Consumption, Cosmic Damage Type, Crackerjack, Crool, Dai Tsuchi, Dashkin, Distracting Barrage, Divine Stalker, Dungeon Master, Eagle's Splendor, Greater, Elemental Champion, Enduring Willpower, Energy Drain, FT02 Pistol, Fantasy Genetics, Feat Purchasing, Frozen Stillness, Gatling Spell, Goal-Based Level Gain, Greater Armor Focus, Gunslinger, HellFire Destroyer, Hit Die Adjustment, Ideasmith/Grim Harvester, Inspiriting Litany, Jack of All Trades, Just A Henchman, Just A Messenger, Just Acknowledgeable, Just Ice, Koopa, Light Steps, Maiden of the Crow, Manasa, Mending Waters Style, Pep Talk, Peregrine, Pounce, Pressure, Primal Armor, Pseudonaught, Psionic Concentration, Quasinaught, Rapier Wit, Rod's Boon, Schrödinger's Cat, Scoundrel's Luck, Shadow Master's Hatred, Shadowspawn, Shellder, Shikelf, Soulshield, Spells Like Powers, Spiritual Channeling, Spring Attack, Grimoire, Staff of Balance, Stopping Power, Strength of Conviction, Strength of Will, Suppress Chi, The Black Game, Three Times’ the Harm, True Immunity, Turning Strike, Ultima, Unworthy, Uses Variant, Veles Serpent, We Chappy Few, Weezing, White Mage, Zeno's Lemma | |
Opposed | Battle Juggernaut, Bone, Crescendo, Cryomancer, Dark Brand, Dragoon's Leap, Extra Level, Genre Savvy, Hybrid Elite Warrior, Ideasmith/Spellblade, Life Animal, Light Brigantine Armor, Molon Labe!, Obtain Sphere, Raging Hulk, Refined Soul, Spellinvoking Warlock, The Entheomancer, Thermalsight, Threat, Wrappings of the Ages | |
Talk page |
{{NavBox |Title= Ratings by [[User:Foxwarrior|Foxwarrior]] |NavBoxLink=User:Foxwarrior/NavBox |Subtitle=Foxwarrior's Ratings |CollapseHidden=hidden |HeaderWidth=4% |Group1=Favored |List1={{SMW List Query|[[Favored::Foxwarrior]]}} |Group2=Liked |List2={{SMW List Query|[[Liked::Foxwarrior]]}} |Group3=Neutral |List3={{SMW List Query|[[Neutral::Foxwarrior]]}} |Group4=Disliked |List4={{SMW List Query|[[Disliked::Foxwarrior]]}} |Group5=Opposed |List5={{SMW List Query|[[Opposed::Foxwarrior]]}} |Quotes=[[User_talk:Foxwarrior|Talk page]] }}
This last one combines the Navbox layout with the Default List View from the beginning. This like the next to last one is visually interesting for people with very small lists of rated articles, but this will become incredibly long and hard to follow faster than any of the previous versions.
Ratings by Zhenra-Khalv | ||
Favored |
| |
Liked |
| |
Neutral | ||
Disliked | ||
Opposed | ||
Talk page |
{{NavBox |Title= Ratings by [[User:Zhenra-Khal|Zhenra-Khal]] |NavBoxLink=User:Zhenra-Khal/NavBox |Subtitle=Zhenra-Khal's Ratings |CollapseHidden=hidden |HeaderWidth=4% |Group1=Favored |List1={{SMW UL Query|[[Favored::Zhenra-Khal]]}} |Group2=Liked |List2={{SMW UL Query|[[Liked::Zhenra-Khal]]}} |Group3=Neutral |List3={{SMW UL Query|[[Neutral::Zhenra-Khal]]}} |Group4=Disliked |List4={{SMW UL Query|[[Disliked::Zhenra-Khal]]}} |Group5=Opposed |List5={{SMW UL Query|[[Opposed::Zhenra-Khal]]}} |Quotes=[[User_talk:Zhenra-Khal|Talk page]] }}
Alphabetized List View[edit]
This one alphabetizes your ratings based on ranking which is more ideal for people who have an very large number of ratings like Eiji-kun, as the first list can get a little ridiculously long after a little while. This breaks it up and makes longer lists somewhat easier to read.
Favored Articles[edit]
- AC Scouter
- Adjusted Accuracy
- Alchemical Mastery
- Alter Gender
- Altered Frequency Spell
- An Eternal Curse Upon Thee
- Analytic Mind
- Android Paragon
- Animal Magnetism
- Annihilate Mind Barriers
- Arcane Archer Fix
- Arcane Combat Fighter
- Arctic Fox
- Armorless Warforged
- Avicularia
- Axolite
- Axolota
- Barrel Armor
- Bastard Estoc
- Bceilieod
- Beeforged
- Beer Pudding
- Bell Golem
- Better Disease Implementation
- Binding Contract
- Binding Dart
- Black Box
- Blacksun Midnight Blade
- Bladed Nunchaku
- Blademind
- Bolt of Indra
- Bomblet
- Bond of the Stone Rat
- Bonewheel
- Bonfire's Rest
- Boogie Fever
- Bore
- Bracelets of Incredible Power
- Brutal Thrower
- Buff Body
- Butt
- Butt Spammer
- Cash Cow
- Cenobite of Want
- Cerberus Puppy
- Channel
- Chariot
- Chorister
- Clumsy Build
- Colt Python, Variant
- Computer Wizard
- Construct Gadgeteer
- Contracting
- Copyright Form
- Core Evolution
- Corkscrew Fall
- Corpse Paint
- Corpse Patrol
- Corunian
- Crate
- Crayons of Danger
- Create More Water
- Crown of Tentacles
- Curse Fruit Tree
- Curse of Ineptitude
- Cursed in Sin
- Cyborg
- Daemon, Mail
- Dark Crafting
- Data Mine
- Dead
- Dead King's Dance
- Death's Door
- Decanter of Endless Kittens
- Deceptive Strength
- Deflect Blow
- Demonologist
- Deriding Comment
- Desperation
- Deva Proselyte
- Dibonation
- Dire Rabbit
- Disguise in Plain Sight
- Diver Plate
- Dual Providence
- F.U.E.L.
- False Priest
- Fear Itself
- Feeling of Invincibility
- Ffumble Chart
- Figgy Pudding
- Flabberghast
- Flatland's Abstraction
- Flowering Blossom Monk
- Fortunate Fumble
- Genetic Engineering
- Gentleman Explorer
- Gigas Flail
- Gigas Spear
- Gnawing Maggots
- Goblin, Hobnoblin
- Gorgonzola's Gaze
- Grand Scythe
- Great Swamp Caster
- Great Swamp Mage
- Greater Pact Augmentation
- Greathammer
- Grounding Armor Spikes
- Growlithe
- Hair Dryer
- Hairbeasts
- Haywire Wand
- Healing Whip
- Heavy Thing
- Hellbanero Spider
- Host of Nightmare
- Hover
- Idylean Monitor
- Improved Pact Augmentation
- Improved Whip Proficiency
- Incantation Caster
- Inconveniently Horse
- Interspatial Ring
- Invisible Caltrops
- Ipsophagia
- Iron Grip
- Kagi-Nawa
- Ki Double
- Kiden's Harassing Spirit
- Kiden's Polymorph Peons
- Kitharee
- Kitten of Endless Decanters
- Knight-Errant's Armor
- Kold-Assist
- Laser Pointer
- Legacy
- Level Adjustment Dice
- Levitate, Hostile
- Lifedrain Blast
- Lightforce Shaper
- Lightning Fury
- Llamabird
- Lobster
- Locomotive Breath
- Long Fall Boots
- Lord Eiji's Sky Castle
- Machinist Fighter
- Mage Armor, Swift
- Maggot Storm
- Magic Option
- Maneuver Finesse
- Mantis Shrimp Spear
- Mark of the Shadowstalker
- Mask of Becoming
- Massive Musical
- Master of Masks
- Masterwork Body
- Medium
- Memorize
- Mental Mirror
- Merciful Crystal
- Mighty Arms
- Mind Puncture
- Mindbreak
- Minimum Skill Points
- Mirage
- Mirror of Determinist Horror
- Moonlight Blade Style
- Motskalla's Quantum-Entanglement Delicatessen Box
- Mystic Facsimile
- Oni Battleclub
- Onion Armor
- Ooze Encasement
- Option
- Orb Ponderer
- Orichalcum
- Overmind
- Overwhelming Resonance
- OwlJerryBear
- Pillowpuff
- Piñata
- Plaguewood
- Play 'Possum
- Pneumatic-Powered Fist
- Power Focus
- Power Pun Bad
- Power of Lag
- Practiced Initiator
- Practiced Sneak Attack
- Primeval Dragons
- Proteus MX-440 Modular Exo-Suit
- Proximity to Cat
- Psionic Energy Surge
- Psionic Meditation, Variant
- Pygmy Sarcophagus
- Ram
- Ranged Flanking
- Ranged Threat
- Reactive Parry
- Reactive Riposte
- Red Shirt
- Refrigerator
- Regenerative Cells
- Reinforced Plating
- Retroactive Skill Points
- Reverse Cure
- Rin-Hun
- Ripgore
- Rouge
- Rushes
- Sage Buzzard
- Saiyan
- Scholar of the Old Lore
- Self-Taught
- Shapecloth
- Sheeple
- Shimshon's Shmasher
- Siege Shot
- Skellington
- Skull Master
- Slasher Movie Character
- Smuggler's Pouch
- Span's EverReady Outhouse
- Speak Your Mind
- Speckled Tearstone Ring
- Spell Jammer
- Spell's-Eye View
- Sportwarrior
- Stabilizing Gauntlets
- Staff of Evocation
- Starvation
- Steam Elemental
- Steambolt Minigun
- Stifle
- Stone Mask
- Stranger in the Night
- Strong Throw
- Stygian Ice
- Style Shtick
- Sublime Practice
- Sunder Magic
- Superior Familiar
- Superior Pact Augmentation
- Sure Strike
- Surfing Cleave
- Swashbuckler, Codex
- Swear Jar
- Sword of Feast
- Sword of Judgment
- Tachyon Bolt
- Tattletale
- Technoplush
- Temporal Denial
- The Shadow
- The Vision
- Three-Faced Ring
- Throw Potion
- Throwing Lightning
- Tome of Correspondence
- Transmogrification
- Vacu-Boy U-980 Autonomous Vacuum Cleaner
- Versatile Defensive Stance
- Vestige Becomer
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
- Vigil Protector
- Vratimsgot
- Waaagh!
- Wand of Shanking
- Ward
- Weapon Fineness
- Weapon Proficiencies That Work
- Whirling Cleave
- Witch's Broom
- With Sunglasses
- Worldly Monk
- Wrathful Spell
Liked Articles[edit]
- Abyssal Sight
- Aeroversatile
- Agile Brawler
- Aging Overhaul
- Aim through Clouds
- Alchemical Torch
- Alignment Aura Dowsing
- Allegiance to Patron
- Ancestral Weapon
- Animate Body Pillow
- Antennae
- Apexes
- Arcane Replication
- Archer Fish
- Art of the Hunt
- Aura Seal
- Baast's Nimble Grace
- Bad Analogy
- Baleful Transformation
- Bar Name Chart
- Bastard Sword, Locke Variant
- Battle Binder
- Battle Looting
- Battlefield Surgeon
- Battling Caster
- Beginner's Quickspell Bracers
- Beguiling Influence, Revised
- Better Counterspelling
- Big Eyes
- Black Hole
- Black Knight
- Black Swan's Bravado
- Bladehammer
- Blizzard
- Blowfly
- Bone-Crush
- Brain Thrust
- Broad Practice
- Brutal Disarm
- Bullfrog
- Burning Zeal
- Casting Conservation
- Cavalry Saber
- Chain Attack
- Chakram
- Chaos Engineer
- Chicken
- Class Proficiency
- Clawed Gauntlet
- Clear the Way
- Cloak of the Abyss
- Color Spray
- Combat Acrobat
- Combat Reflexes, Grimoire
- Communicator
- Compensate for Size
- Contract Seal
- Copy Technique
- Corpselight Assassin
- Coulombra
- Crab Spider
- Cramping Doom
- Create Hypercube
- Crescent Scythe
- Cross the Bridge
- Crouching Dragon Stance
- Crushing Overrun
- Cyan Focus
- Cyan Specialization
- Dagger of the Serpent
- Dai Tsuchi
- Daring Step
- Dark Arcana
- Dark Elocution
- Darksider
- Death Hunter
- Deathball
- Deformity, Bulky
- Deformity, Face Variant
- Deformity, Withered
- Deft Swing
- Delay Demise
- Deliverance
- Diehard, Tome
- Dimensional Chains
- Disciple of The Living Shadow
- Distracting Barrage
- Doisyl
- Draconic Heritage
- Dragoon, Variant
- Dramatic Performance
- Dreg Knight
- Dubious Fortune
- Dueling Shield
- Dyfen's Mind Extraction
- Fall Trip Boots
- Falling Stars
- Far Fist
- Fear Leads To Anger
- Feat Purchasing
- Fencing
- Field of Blades
- Fighter Ship
- Final Judgment
- Fire Beetle
- Flame Phoenix
- Focused Weapon Defense
- Fool Me Once
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Forged Sky
- Foul Frost
- Fragile Lifeforce
- Freeze Blood
- Fungal Sword
- Gasheklah
- Gaussian Property of Distribution
- Giantkin
- Glass Lurks in Water
- Goblin Bomb Maker
- Great Ability Variant
- Greater Globe of Invulnerability
- Greater Lava Golem
- Greenade
- Grog of Substantial Whimsy
- Gunpowder Golem
- Gyarados
- Half-Nymph
- Hammerlord
- Hardness of Stone
- Harpoon Gun
- Hatchet
- Heal, Greater
- Heavy Build
- Heighten Senses
- Hellfire Vibroblade
- Hellkin
- Helpful Lick
- High Warlock
- Hindsight
- Hot-Blooded
- Hothead
- Hoverskates
- Humandrill
- Hybrid Vigor
- Imitate Performance
- Imitate Spellcasting
- Impossible Dodger
- Impressive Reach
- Improved Wave Strike
- Infinite Stunning Fist
- Inherently Skilled
- Intense Training
- Intervene
- Into the Darkness
- Ishara's Fiery Transfiguration
- Leaden Monstrosity
- Lich Paragon
- Life Arcana
- Lifelink
- Lingering Magic
- Lizardfolk Paragon
- Lizardfolk Variant
- Lobsterman
- Long Arc Shot
- Lucerne
- Luck of the Monkey
- Madam Crow
- Mahûd
- Main Gauche
- Maleficent Curse
- Maralchion
- Martial Artist Outfit
- Martial Defense
- Martial Opportunist
- Masked Binder
- Master Blaster
- Master of Concoctions
- Mental Block
- Mental Rush
- Mental Shove
- Mercurial Sprint
- Metal
- Mindwipe
- Momentum
- Monastic Adept
- Monkey Staff Style
- More Fear Stages
- Pan-Da
- Pathfinder
- Pazuzu Splits the Skies
- Petrify Wood
- Pheonix Vicar
- Piercing Eyes
- Poor Divine Connection
- Powerful Build
- Prepared Scribe
- Psianimate Biology
- Psionic Concentration
- Psychic Crush, Variant
- Pushover Followers
- Pyromaniac
- Ravaged By Fraz-Urb'luu
- Rebirth from Stone
- Reckless Offense, Balmz
- Reflective Resistance
- Refreshing Bath
- Refrigerate
- Rejuvenate
- Reprogram
- Resourceful
- Ring of Fateful Escape
- Ring of the Bold and the Coward
- Rod of Nerdkind
- Rogue Astral Construct
- Runic Ward
- Sacrificial Sac
- Safir
- Sandshuffle Step
- Sasha's Sunny Day
- Savage Berserker
- Savage Pounce
- Scentsight
- Secret Identity
- Self-Donning
- Self-Indulgent
- Shadowkin
- Shattering Strike
- Shikomizue
- Shored Weakness
- Sidestep
- Sigil of Judgment
- Sinister Laugh
- Skill Before Grit
- Slippery Contortionist
- Smiting Lightning
- Snake Reverse Molts
- Solipsistic Sanity
- Sorodei
- Soul Fingers
- Spatha
- Spear-Thrower Greatbow
- Spell Focus
- Spell Maximizing
- Spellinvoking Warlock
- Spicy Food Fanatic
- Spiritual Skirmisher
- Split Cannon
- Spontaneous Metamagic
- Squirrel
- Startling Opportunist
- Steady Stance
- Steel Horse-Infused
- Stolen Powers
- Sugar Water
- Summon Monster
- Summoning Orb
- Suncaster
- Suspendium
- Sweater of Comfort
- Swift Hunter
- Swift Outlaw
- Sword of Light
- Tactical Deflect Projectiles
- Take a Deep Breath
- Takedown Control
- Taking it Easy
- Talk Like a Pirate
- Tattoo Kit
- Taunt
- Tea House Brawler
- Telekinetic Razor
- Thunderbolt and Lightning, Very, Very Frightening
- Toxic
- Toxic Combustion
- Tranquilizer
- Tricky Invoking
- True Immunity
- True Love's Kiss
- Turtle Monk
- Tyranny of Movement
Neutral Articles[edit]
- A Feast Unknown
- Adam's Apple Agony
- Aetherion Shaper
- Amulet of Mental Faculty
- Arcane Recorder
- Archaeopteryx
- Armor Focus
- Ascetic Performer
- Azer
- Babau Skin
- Ball Lightning
- Bane of Balance
- Blare Blast
- Blinding Speed, Balmz
- Blossom of Inevitable Demise
- Blossom of Righteous Fire
- Born of Thunders
- Brightmind Halfling
- Dai-Kyu
- Death From Afar
- Dire Blademaster's Form
- Dismemberment
- Dodge, Balmz
- Double Sword
- Draconiel
- Dragon, Libram
- Dwarven Barbarian
- Eldritch Blast Specialist
- Electric Creature
- Enduring
- Enduring Willpower
- Enhanced Reality Headset
- Evasive Combatant
- Eye of the Obyrith
- Face of the Obyrith
- Fairy Godmother
- Feet of the Nalfeshnee
- Fightin’ Shade
- Final Rest
- Float Like a Butterfly
- Frozen Stillness
- Safeguard
- Scent
- Schrödinger's Cat
- See the Strike that is to Be
- Seize the Moment
- Short Scythe
- Stone of Concentration
- Suncursed Hunter
- Sure Critical
Disliked Articles[edit]
- Advancing Beast
- Alethiometer
- All-Seeing Eyes, Balmz
- Army of Demons
- Assault Rifle
- Awareness
- Azore's Invisible Ink
- Bar-lgura Arm
- Blind Fighter
- Blood
- Blood Frenzied
- Bloodseeking Spell
- Blunderbuss, MS Variant
- Body Assemblage
- Boots of the Swift Step
- Bureaucrat
Opposed Articles[edit]
- Balor Blood
- Baryonyx
- Beam of Radiance, Greater
- Beggar's Bedazzler
- Beskar
- Bloodsteel
- Body As Hammer
- Body Sprouter
- Boss
- Boss Monster
- Demon Heart
- Desolate, Greater
- Djinn
- DraconicMan/Bionic Commando
- DraconicMan/Bionic Speedster
- DraconicMan/Cat god
- DraconicMan/Catastrophe
- DraconicMan/Cattra
- DraconicMan/Counterspell
- DraconicMan/Echo
- DraconicMan/Fabled Witch
- DraconicMan/Teleport
- Garrottes
- Ghostthered/Neuromancer
- Golem-Knight of Mechanus
- Gorgon Blood
- Great Cleave
- Greater Sneak Attack
- Gutwrench
- Lasgun
- Last Rites
- Limited Phantasmal Entelechy
- Luigifan18/Edge of Seventeen
- Luigifan18/Everlasting Dream
- Luigifan18/Mephiles the Dark
- Luigifan18/Mogeko
- Luigifan18/Mogeko Snatcher
- Luigifan18/Somewhere Over The Rainbow
- Luigifan18/Super Smash Assault
- Luigifan18/Super Smash Blast
- Retribution Strike
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Chaos
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Limbo
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Order
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Shadow
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Twilight
- Rithaniel/Denizen of Valiancy
- Robot Girl
- Sasha's Searing Light
- Setting Sun Suplex
- Shield of Elements
- Shikelf
- Silver Tongue/Fumble Chart
- Surge Fighter
- Teh Storm/Superior Critical
- The Wonky Turnip/Rour De Vrow
- Timplate/Abyssal Decent
- Timplate/Atlantean
- Timplate/Elemental Avatar
- Timplate/Half-Pixie
- Torn From Within
- Tower Shield
{{Rated Articles|Eiji-kun}}